Drawing tooltip using NGUI

Example of drawing tooltips using NGUI.
Usage instructions:
Add this script to map GameObject, specify prefab and container, and start the scene.
Tooltips of the markers are displayed using NGUI.
/*         INFINITY CODE         */
/*   https://infinity-code.com   */

#if NGUI

using UnityEngine;

namespace InfinityCode.OnlineMapsExamples
    [AddComponentMenu("Infinity Code/Online Maps/Examples (API Usage)/NGUICustomTooltipExample")]
    public class NGUICustomTooltipExample : MonoBehaviour
        public GameObject tooltipPrefab;
        public GameObject container;

        private GameObject tooltip;
        private UIWidget widget;
        private UILabel label;

        // Use this for initialization
	    private void Start ()
            OnlineMapsMarkerBase.OnMarkerDrawTooltip = delegate { };

            OnlineMapsMarkerManager.CreateItem(Vector2.zero, "Hello World");

            OnlineMaps.instance.OnUpdateLate += OnUpdateLate;

        private void OnUpdateLate()
            OnlineMapsMarkerBase tooltipMarker = OnlineMapsTooltipDrawerBase.tooltipMarker;
            if (tooltipMarker != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltipMarker.label))
                if (tooltip == null)
                    tooltip = Instantiate(tooltipPrefab) as GameObject;
                    tooltip.transform.parent = container.transform;
                    tooltip.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
                    widget = tooltip.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
                    label = widget.GetComponentInChildren<UILabel>();

                Vector2 screenPosition = OnlineMapsControlBase.instance.GetScreenPosition(tooltipMarker.position);

                float ratio = (float)widget.root.activeHeight / Screen.height;
                float width = Mathf.Ceil(Screen.width * ratio);

                screenPosition.x = (screenPosition.x / Screen.width - 0.5f) * width;
                screenPosition.y = (screenPosition.y / Screen.height - 0.5f) * widget.root.activeHeight;

                label.text = tooltipMarker.label;

                Vector2 buttonOffset = new Vector2(-widget.width / 2, widget.height);
                widget.SetRect(screenPosition.x + buttonOffset.x, screenPosition.y + buttonOffset.y, widget.width, widget.height);
            else if (tooltip != null)
                tooltip = null;
