Online Maps  v3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CIOnlineMapsInteractiveElementInterface for interactive elements
 CIOnlineMapsSavableComponentInterface for a plugin that supports state saving
 COnlineMapsThe main class. With it you can control the map
 COnlineMapsAdjustToScreenAdjusts map size to fit screen
 COnlineMapsAMapSearchAMap Search provides many kinds of querying POI information, including keyword search, peripheral search, polygon search and ID query.
 COnlineMapsAMapSearchResultAMap search response object.
Note: Descriptions of the fields are translated from Chinese using Google Translate and can be translated incorrectly.
If you confused in the description of field, please read the official AMap documentation.
 COnlineMapsArcGISElevationManagerImplements the use of elevation data from ArcGIS
 COnlineMapsArcGISTiledElevationManagerImplements the use of elevation data from ArcGIS base on tiles
 COnlineMapsBingMapsElevationUse the Elevations API to get elevation information for a set of locations, polyline or area on the Earth.
 COnlineMapsBingMapsElevationManagerImplements the use of elevation data from Bing Maps
 COnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResultBing Maps Elevation API response object.
 COnlineMapsBingMapsLocationThis class is used to search for a location by address using Bing Maps Location API.
 COnlineMapsBingMapsLocationResultResult of Bing Maps Location API query
 COnlineMapsBingMapsTiledElevationManagerImplements the use of elevation data from Bing Maps base on tiles
 COnlineMapsBufferThis class is responsible for drawing the map.
Please do not use it if you do not know what you're doing.
Perform all operations with the map through other classes
 COnlineMapsBuildingBaseBase class of buildings
 COnlineMapsBuildingBuiltInBuilt-in buildings generator
 COnlineMapsBuildingMaterialBuilding material
 COnlineMapsBuildingsComponent that controls the buildings
 COnlineMapsBuildingsNodeDataIt contains a dictionary of nodes and way of a building contour
 COnlineMapsCacheClass for caching tiles in memory and the file system
 COnlineMapsCameraOrbitImplements camera rotation around the map
 COnlineMapsControlBaseClass implements the basic functionality control of the map
 COnlineMapsControlBase2DClass implements the basic functionality control of the 2D map
 COnlineMapsControlBase3DClass implements the basic functionality control of the 3D map
 COnlineMapsControlBaseDynamicMeshThe base class that implements the display of the map on the dynamic mesh
 COnlineMapsControlBaseUIThe base class for uGUI controls
 COnlineMapsDMSConverterClass for converting numeric degrees into deg / min / sec, and vice versa
 COnlineMapsDrawingElementClass implements the basic functionality of drawing on the map
 COnlineMapsDrawingElementManagerThis component manages drawing elements
 COnlineMapsDrawingLineClass that draws a line on the map
 COnlineMapsDrawingPolyClass draws a closed polygon on the map
 COnlineMapsDrawingRectClass that draws a rectangle on the map
 COnlineMapsDynamicTextureDynamically creates texture for 2D Controls
 COnlineMapsElevationManagerBase class - singleton for elevation manager
 COnlineMapsElevationManagerBaseBase class for components that implement elevations
 COnlineMapsGenericBaseBase class for generic singleton
 COnlineMapsGeoRectThe class contains the coordinates of the area boundaries
 COnlineMapsGoogleDirectionsThis class is used to search for a route by address or coordinates.
You can create a new instance using OnlineMapsGoogleDirections.Find.
 COnlineMapsGoogleDirectionsResultResult of Google Direction API
 COnlineMapsGoogleElevationThe Elevation API provides elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (which return negative values).
In those cases where Google does not possess exact elevation measurements at the precise location you request, the service will interpolate and return an averaged value using the four nearest locations.
With the Elevation API, you can develop hiking and biking applications, mobile positioning applications, or low resolution surveying applications.
 COnlineMapsGoogleElevationResultResult of Google Maps Elevation query
 COnlineMapsGoogleGeocodingThis class is used to search for a location by address.
 COnlineMapsGoogleGeocodingResultResult of Google Maps Geocode query
 COnlineMapsGooglePlaceDetailsA Place Details request returns more comprehensive information about the indicated place such as its complete address, phone number, user rating and reviews.
Requires Google Maps API key.
 COnlineMapsGooglePlaceDetailsResultResult of Google Maps Place Details query
 COnlineMapsGooglePlacePhotoThe Place Photo service, part of the Google Places API Web Service, is a read-only API that allows you to add high quality photographic content to your application.
The Place Photo service gives you access to the millions of photos stored in the Places and Google+ Local database.
When you get place information using a Place Details request, photo references will be returned for relevant photographic content.
The Nearby Search and Text Search requests also return a single photo reference per place, when relevant.
Using the Photo service you can then access the referenced photos and resize the image to the optimal size for your application
 COnlineMapsGooglePlacesThe Google Places API allows you to query for place information on a variety of categories, such as: establishments, prominent points of interest, geographic locations, and more.
You can search for places either by proximity or a text string.
A Place Search returns a list of places along with summary information about each place.
 COnlineMapsGooglePlacesAutocompleteRetrieves information from Google Maps Place Autocomplete API.
Place Autocomplete service is a web service that returns place predictions.
The request specifies a textual search string and optional geographic bounds.
The service can be used to provide autocomplete functionality for text-based geographic searches, by returning places such as businesses, addresses and points of interest as a user types.
Requires Google Maps API key.
 COnlineMapsGooglePlacesAutocompleteResultResult of Google Maps Place Autocomplete query
 COnlineMapsGooglePlacesResultResult of Google Maps Places query
 COnlineMapsGoogleRoadsThe Google Maps Roads API identifies the roads a vehicle was traveling along and provides additional metadata about those roads, such as speed limits.
 COnlineMapsGPXObjectClass for working with GPX
 COnlineMapsGUITooltipDrawerDraws tooltips using legacy GUI
 COnlineMapsHereRoutingAPIHERE Routing API is a web service API that offers easy and fast routing for several regions in the world.
 COnlineMapsHereRoutingAPIResultResult of HERE Routing API query.
 COnlineMapsInteractiveElementManagerBase class for interactive element managers
 COnlineMapsJPEGDecoderSoftware JPEG decoder.
Is used when there are problems in iOS
 COnlineMapsJSONClass for working with JSON. It is used for parsing of string, serialization and deserialization of object
 COnlineMapsJSONArrayThe wrapper for an array of JSON elements
 COnlineMapsJSONItemThe base class of JSON elements
 COnlineMapsJSONObjectThe wrapper for JSON dictonary
 COnlineMapsJSONValueThe wrapper for JSON value
 COnlineMapsKeyboardInputThe class allows you to change the map location using the keyboard and the joystick
 COnlineMapsKeyManagerStores keys to all supported services and automatically uses them in requests
 COnlineMapsLimitsClass to limit the position and zoom of the map
 COnlineMapsLocationServiceControls map using GPS.
Online Maps Location Service is a wrapper for Unity Location Service.
 COnlineMapsLocationServiceBaseControls map using Location Service (GPS and compass)
 COnlineMapsLocationServiceGenericBaseControls map using Location Service
 COnlineMapsLogMap log manager
 COnlineMapsMapboxElevationManagerImplements the use of elevation data from Mapbox
 COnlineMapsMarker2D marker class
 COnlineMapsMarker2DDrawerImplements the display of 2D markers
 COnlineMapsMarker2DMeshDrawerBase class for drawing markers on a mesh
 COnlineMapsMarker3D3D marker class.
Can be used only when the source display - Texture or Tileset.
 COnlineMapsMarker3DDrawerImplements the display of 3D markers
 COnlineMapsMarker3DInstance3D marker instance class
 COnlineMapsMarker3DManagerThis component manages 3D markers
 COnlineMapsMarkerBaseThe base class for markers
 COnlineMapsMarkerBillboardInstance of Billboard marker
 COnlineMapsMarkerBillboardDrawerImplements drawing billboard markers
 COnlineMapsMarkerBufferDrawerImplements drawing markers in the buffer
 COnlineMapsMarkerDrawerBaseBase class for drawing markers
 COnlineMapsMarkerFlatDrawerImplements the display of flat 2D markers on dynamic mesh control
 COnlineMapsMarkerInstanceBaseBase class for instance of marker. This class is used when for each marker create a separate GameObject
 COnlineMapsMarkerManagerBase class for marker manager components
 COnlineMapsMarkerManagerBaseBase class for markers managers
 COnlineMapsNGUITextureControlClass control the map for the NGUI
 COnlineMapsOpenRouteServiceThis class is used to search for a route by coordinates using Open Route Service.
You can create a new instance using OnlineMapsOpenRouteService.Find.
 COnlineMapsOpenRouteServiceDirectionResultThe resulting object for Open Route Service Directions
 COnlineMapsOpenRouteServiceDirectionsReturns a route between two or more locations using Open Route Service Directions for a selected profile and its settings as JSON.{profile}/post
 COnlineMapsOpenRouteServiceGeocodeReturns a JSON formatted list of objects corresponding to the search input from Open Route Service Geocode.
 COnlineMapsOpenRouteServiceGeocodingResultThe resulting object for Open Route Service Geocoding
 COnlineMapsOSMAPIQueryThis class is used to request to Open Street Map Overpass API.
You can create a new instance using OnlineMapsOSMAPIQuery.Find.
Open Street Map Overpass API documentation:
You can test your queries using:
 COnlineMapsOSMAreaOpen Street Map area element class
 COnlineMapsOSMBaseThe base class of Open Streen Map element
 COnlineMapsOSMNodeOpen Street Map node element class
 COnlineMapsOSMNominatimThis class is used to search OSM data by name and address and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding).
 COnlineMapsOSMNominatimResultResult of Nominatim query
 COnlineMapsOSMRelationOpen Street Map relation element class
 COnlineMapsOSMRelationMemberOpen Street Map relation member class
 COnlineMapsOSMTagOpen Street Map element tag class
 COnlineMapsOSMWayOpen Street Map way element class
 COnlineMapsPanoConnectorPlugin for displaying Google Street View panoramas using uPano
 COnlineMapsPluginAttributeMark a component as a plugin for Online Maps
 COnlineMapsPositionRangeClass limiting the coordinates of the map
 COnlineMapsProjectionThe base class of map projection
 COnlineMapsProjectionSphericalMercatorImplementation of WGS84 Spherical Mercator (Web Mercator)
 COnlineMapsProjectionWGS84Implementation of WGS84 Ellipsoid Mercator
 COnlineMapsProviderProvider of tiles
 COnlineMapsQQSearchClass to work with QQ Search.
 COnlineMapsQQSearchResultQQ Search result object
 COnlineMapsRangeClass of range
 COnlineMapsRasterTileImplements work with raster tiles
 COnlineMapsReflectionHelperHelper class for compatibility of reflection on WSA
 COnlineMapsRWTConnectorReal World Terrain Connector
 COnlineMapsSavableItemItem of the plugin, the state of which can be saved
 COnlineMapsSinglePartElevationManagerImplements elevation managers, which loads elevation data in one piece
 COnlineMapsSpriteRendererControlClass control the map for the SpriteRenderer
 COnlineMapsTextureControlClass control the map for the Texture
 COnlineMapsTextWebServiceThe base class for working with the web services returns text response
 COnlineMapsThreadManagerThis class manages the background threads.
Please do not use it if you do not know what you're doing.
 COnlineMapsTileThis class of buffer tile image.
Please do not use it if you do not know what you're doing.
Perform all operations with the map through other classes
 COnlineMapsTiledElevationManagerImplements elevation managers, which loads elevation data by tiles
 COnlineMapsTileManagerManages map tiles
 COnlineMapsTileSetControlClass control the map for the Tileset. Tileset - a dynamic mesh, created at runtime
 COnlineMapsTooltipDrawerBaseThe base class for implementation of tooltip drawers
 COnlineMapsTrafficProviderProviders of the traffic tiles
 COnlineMapsUIImageControlClass control the map for the uGUI UI Image
 COnlineMapsUIRawImageControlClass control the map for the uGUI UI RawImage
 COnlineMapsUtilsHelper class, which contains all the basic methods
 COnlineMapsVector2dDouble version of Vector2 class
 COnlineMapsVector2iInteger version of Vector2 class
 COnlineMapsVectorTileVector tile. This class is not used in the current version and was created for future versions
 COnlineMapsWebServiceAPIThe base class for working with the web services
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsThe what3words API gives you programmatic access to convert a 3 word address to coordinates (forward geocoding), to convert coordinates to a 3 word address (reverse geocoding), to obtain suggestions based on a full or partial 3 word address (AutoSuggest and StandardBlend), to obtain a geographically bounded section of the 3m x 3m what3words grid and to determine the languages that the API currently supports.
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsFRResultThe resulting object for What 3 Words forward and reverse geocoding
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsGridResultThe resulting object for What 3 Words Grid
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsLanguagesResultThe resulting object for What 3 Words Get Languages
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsResultBaseBase class for result objects of What 3 Words
 COnlineMapsWhat3WordsSBResultThe resulting object for What 3 Words AutoSuggest or StandardBlend
 COnlineMapsWizardControlHelperAttributeDeclares a type of control in the wizard
 COnlineMapsWWWThe wrapper class for WWW.
It allows you to control requests.
To create is recommended to use OnlineMapsUtils.GetWWW
 COnlineMapsWWWBehaviourWrapper for WWW requests in the editor
 COnlineMapsXMLWrapper for XML
 COnlineMapsXMLListWrapper for XmlNodeList
 COnlineMapsZipDecompressorImplements decompression of Zip archives