Ultimate Editor Enhancer v3.3



[Animator] Improved display of the Clips section.

[Bookmarks] Added the ability to change the order of bookmarks.

[Bookmarks] Scenes now display bookmarks separately.

[Bookmarks] Fixed stopping element resizing when going from rows to grid.

[Distance Tool] Added the ability to select a vertex while holding V.

[Hierarchy Components] Fixed display of elements if GameObject contains Cinemachine Brain component.

[Highlighter] Hierarchy redrawing rules have been changed.

[Inspector Bar] Added an icon to notify about a new version of an asset.

[New] Added the ability to create directories in a project using F7.

[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to create actions (complex interactions in separate classes).

[Quick Access Bar] Added action to open scenes.

[Quick Access Bar] Added action to save scenes.

[Recent Scenes] Added the ability to drag scenes from the window.

[Runtime Save Components] Changed the way of saving components.

[Settings] Added the ability to change the rules for displaying Hierarchy Components.

[Transform in World Space] Added the ability to keep proportions.