Hover on the marker

Example of how to make the event hover on the marker.
Usage instructions:
Add this script to map GameObject and start the scene.
When you hover the marker, in the console will show its label.
/*         INFINITY CODE         */
/*   https://infinity-code.com   */

using UnityEngine;

namespace InfinityCode.OnlineMapsExamples
    /// <summary>
    /// Example of how to make the event hover on the marker.
    /// </summary>
    [AddComponentMenu("Infinity Code/Online Maps/Examples (API Usage)/OnHoverExample")]
    public class OnHoverExample : MonoBehaviour
        /// <summary>
        /// Reference to the map. If not specified, the current instance will be used.
        /// </summary>
        public OnlineMaps map;
        private OnlineMapsMarkerBase hoverMarker;

        private void Start()
            // If the map is not specified, get the current instance.
            if (map == null) map = OnlineMaps.instance;

            // Create a new marker
            OnlineMapsMarker marker = OnlineMapsMarkerManager.CreateItem(new Vector2(), "Marker");

            // Subscribe to marker events
            marker.OnRollOver += OnRollOver;
            marker.OnRollOut += OnRollOut;

            // Reset map position
            map.position = new Vector2();

        private void OnRollOut(OnlineMapsMarkerBase marker)
            // Remove a reference to marker
            hoverMarker = null;

        private void OnRollOver(OnlineMapsMarkerBase marker)
            // Make a reference to marker
            hoverMarker = marker;

        private void Update()
            // If a marker is present log marker label.
            if (hoverMarker != null) Debug.Log(hoverMarker.label);