[Cache] Added file cache support for Unity 2020.2 and higher.
[Core] Improved map display for floating zooms.
[Editor] Location Service editor will now work for classes that inherit OnlineMapsLocationService.
[Elevations] Dramatic performance improvements for Tiled Elevation Manager.
[Examples] Fixed problem that Cache component was marked missing in example scenes.
[Unity] Fixed warnings in Unity 6. (2024.08.27)
[Buildings] Fixed scaling of roofs.
[Controls] Added the ability to change the zoom speed.
[Controls] Added support for touch input if supported.
[Controls] Fixed a rare exception when the cursor position is not a number.
[Core] Added support for the new input system.
[Keyboard Input] Fixed component working when zoom changed without changing position.
[Providers] Fixed an exception when dynamically creating a provider.
[Providers] Added the ability to use Api Key for Nokia Maps.
[Providers] Changed URL of TianDiTu Satellite.
[Webservices] Fixed parsing of Bing Maps Location API result. (2023.11.09)
[Cache] Fixed an exception in Unity 2023.1+. (2023.11.08)
[Unity] Fixed a compilation error in Unity 2023.1+. (2023.09.25)
[API] Added API to intercept building material selections.
[Core] Fixed memory leak when loading tiles from Resources.
[Elevations] Fixed elevation scale when multiple maps with different size in a scene.
[Examples API] Fixed warning in GoogleTilesAPI example.
[Log] Added ability to change font color and size when displayed on UI.
[Touch Forwarder] Fixed map interaction when screen height is less than screen width. (2023.08.01)
[API] Improved API for the most common cases.
[Examples] Demo scene now has Autocomplete support.
[Examples (API usage)] Updated most scripts to remove the use of singletons.
[Examples (API usage)] Added AutoVersionGoogleSatellite, BouncingCircle, ChangeResourcesPath, GoogleTilesAPI, IGNHook, TextureFromRWT examples.
[Inspector] Fixed display of provider and map type when changed via script.
[Unity] Fixed warnings for Unity 2023.1. (2023.05.22)
[Buildings] Fixed the scaling of buildings on float zoom. (2023.05.18)
[Editors] Marker Manager and Marker 3D Manager now have pagination.
[Examples] Added Smooth Change Style example scene.
[Location Service] Added the ability to set the emulated position by clicking on the map.
[Location Service] Added the ability to update the emulated position by dragging the marker. (2023.04.20)
[Buildings] Fixed problem with smooth scaling of buildings.
[Camera Orbit] Fixed the problem of the camera getting under the map with the elevations.
[Controls] Fixed gesture zoom issue on PC with touches support.
[Core] Minor performance optimizations.
[Examples] The navigation example is divided into several scripts.
[Tileset] Fixed moving map when GameObject is rotated. (2022.07.14)
[Adjust To Screen] AdjustToScreen component can now work with RawImageTouchForwarder.
[Camera Orbit] Fixed problem when active camera does not exist.
[Core] Fixed an exception when loading a tile if the map was destroyed in the process.
[Drawing API] Improved polygon center calculation.
[Elevations] Added warnings that ArcGIS Elevations has stopped and will not work.
[Examples] Added Navigation example scene.
[Examples (API Usage)] Updated HereRoutingAPIExample, InertiaExample, SaveMapStateExample, TilesetOverlayExample, uGUICustomTooltipExample.
[Fingers Touch Gestures Connector] Added check that the gesture is not on UI element.
[Key Manager] Added a key for ArcGIS.
[Tileset] Added ability to disable overlay from parent tiles.
[Webservices] Added support for HERE Routing API v8.
[Webservices] Added support for What3Word API v3. (2022.02.10)
[Core] Fixed build on WebGL. (2022.02.06)
[Controls] Fixed an issue with map clicks triggering when clicking on a marker. (2022.01.27)
[Cache] Fixed freezes when preloading tiles from file cache.
[Controls] Added the ability to verify which UI elements should block the map.
[Controls] Fixed moving the 2D map when the cursor is outside the map.
[Controls] Improved targeting for events.
[Core] Fixed bounds check for Zoom Mode - Center.
[Elevations] Fixed an exception when the service returned data of incorrect size.
[Examples] Updated uGUIMarkerDrawer.
[Log] Added the ability to show map, cache and marker events.
[Markers 3D] Fixed creating a marker from an existing GameObject.
[Providers] OSM / BlackAndWhite and DE now use HTTPS.
[Tileset] Fixed screen position out of view frustum issue in HitTest.
[Tileset] Improved map dragging in some cases. (2021.11.16)
[Adjust to Screen] Fixed the problem when the map after adjustment will be larger than the whole map.
[API] Fixed firing of OnElevationRequested and OnElevationUpdated events for ArcGis tiled, Bing Maps tiled and Mapbox elevation managers.
[Core] Now the maximum integer zoom is N, means the maximum floating zoom is N + 0.999.
[Core] Fixed triggering of a long press at the start of a zoom gesture.
[Core] Fixed disposing of a tile when it does not related to the map.
[Inspector] Fixed checking Tileset shader when using Scriptable Render Pipeline.
[Inspector] Fixed exception when you have Online Maps script and don't have Control.
[Plugins] Fixed Raw Image Touch Forwarder when using Canvas Scaler.
[Providers] Fixed work of keys for HERE.
[Third-party] In Pano Connector, the ability to change the radius of the panorama check has been added.
[Third-party] Added instructions for enabling integration with uPano in the inspector.
[Tiles] Token {z} has been added for custom provider.
[Tiles] When using Source - Streaming Assets and Online and clicking the Cache button, the tiles will be saved to StreamingAssets folder.
[Tiles] Fixed caching of tiles when using Controls other than Tileset. (2021.07.09)
[Cache] Fixed the problem that the cache did not trigger the OnAllTilesLoaded event.
[Core] Optimized performance.
[Inspector] Fixed problem with saving version of tiles for Google Maps.
[Interactive Elements] Fixed NullReference exception when adding objects in some cases.
[Log] The log can now display messages on the UI.
[Marker 3D] Fixed the problem that the 3D marker was not displayed in some cases.
[Third-party] Fixed warning when enabling third-party asset integrations.
[Third-party] Easy Touch Connector now supports touch forwarding.
[Third-party] Fixed integration with uContext.
[Tileset] Fixed conversion from world position to coordinates, if zoom has changed in the current frame before.
[Touch Forwarder] Reworked Raw Image Touch Forwarder.
[Traffic] Improved drawing traffic to texture. (2021.04.12)
[Core] Added the ability to block all user interaction.
[Core] Fixed a issue that a zoom gesture could be started on UI element.
[Core] Fixed NullReferenceException in OnlineMapsMarker3DManager when incorrect component order.
[Markers, Markers 3D] Added the ability to enable move of markers while holding CTRL (disabled by default).
[Shaders] Updated TilesetPBR shader.
[Wizard] Fixed url of proxy. (2021.03.11)
[Core] Fixed a memory leak when more than one map at a time.
[Core] Fixed a problem with a map shift when setting non-modified coordinates.
[Examples] Improved DragAndZoomInertia, FindLocationNameExample, ResetCameraRotationExample scripts.
[Drawing API] Shadows for Drawing Elements are disabled.
[Editor] Fixed the problem with saving the texture of the map.
[Markers] The billboard markers are now rotating along the Y axis.
[Other] Added custom icons for the main components.
[Plugins] Improved OnlineMapsRawImageTouchForwarder.
[Render Pipelines] Online Maps now works with the Scriptable Render Pipeline out of the box and does not require the PBR Bridge.
[Shaders] Added TilesetDrawingElementZOffset shader.
[Shaders] Improved TilesetPBRShader shader.
[Tileset] Highly optimized drawing maps elevations.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2017.4 - 2018.3. Now requires Unity 2018.4 or higher.
[Update System] Fixed display of special characters in change log of the built-in update system. (2020.12.14)
[Drawing API] Fixed application freezing at zoom - 23 when using Drawing API.
[Providers] Added National Map and Other / Waze.
[Tileset] Added the ability to set Displayed Elevation Resolution using the inspector. (2020.12.24)
[Cache] The cache no longer stores the reference to the map, and uses the reference to the map from the tile.
[Core] Removed the disposing of the tile manager when the map GameObject is disabled.
[Core] Fixed problem with unloading tiles loaded from Resources.
[Core] Fixed bug in parsing vector tiles.
[Elevations] Added the ability to handle loading all tiles.
[Examples] Updated Demo example scene.
[Inspector] Fixed an exception when caching tiles in Resources when using Tileset / Compress Textres - ON.
[Inspector] Fixed rare exception when trying to save state.
[JSON] Fixed exception when trying to serialize Action.
[Location Service] Added the ability to get distance between location updates.
[Providers] Updated url for HERE.
[Tooltips] Improved positioning of tooltips when the marker is rotated or aligned. (2020.11.19)
[Web Services] Fixed InvalidCastException when using Open Route Service. (2020.11.09)
[Cache] Improved cache when multiple instances of the map are present.
[Core] Added ONLINEMAPS_MAXZOOM_23 compiler directive.
[Elevations] Fixed elevations when multiple map instances are present.
[Tileset] Added the ability to compress textures, which greatly reduces memory usage.
[Web Services] Added new classes for Open Route Service. If you are using the Open Route Service then you need to update your scripts. (2020.09.24)
[Markers 3D] Fixed positioning of 3D markers when the map has a non-zero position or is rotated. (2020.09.24)
[Elevations] Improved tiled elevation managers performance.
[Examples] Improved Fly example scene.
[Markers 3D] Now all 3D markers will have a container inside the map.
[Wizard] Fixed being able to select NGUI Control without NGUI in the project. (2020.08.21)
[Buildings] Fixed an issue where new buildings were received when the zoom went out of the building range.
[Buildings] Fixed map movement when clicking on a building.
[Cache] Improved performance when loading tile from file cache.
[Core] Drawing to texture has been heavily optimized.
[Inspectors] Fixed drawing of building material items.
[Location Service] Fixed rotation between 359 and 0.
[Services] Added the ability to select OSM Overpass server in the Troubleshooting section.
[Services] Changed OSM Overpass server by default.
[Services] Google Places Autocomplete and Google Places Details now support session token.
[Third-party] Added the ability to handle the opening of a uPano panorama.
[Third-party] Fixed problem when Pano Connector lost a reference to the map.
[Tileset] The tileset will now work correctly with Mesh Renderer, Mesh Filter, and Mesh Collider added to map GameObject manually.
[Tileset] Now all overlay layers will take textures from parent tiles if it is missed at the current level. (2020.07.09)
[Buildings] Requests now use the HTTPS protocol.
[Controls] Fixed map display when it is not in the zero position for Texture Control.
[Core] Fixed initialization of parent zoom levels less than 3.
[Core] Improved loading from Streaming Assets.
[Drawing] Fixed bugs in drawing lines when the whole world is displayed.
[Drawing] Fixed drawing api as overlay for Tileset.
[Elevations] Fixed positioning of objects when Elevation Manager is disabled or the map leaves the elevation range.
[Elevations] Fixed receiving elevation values via API when Elevation Manager is disabled.
[Examples] Impoved FollowGameObject and TilesetOverlayExample.
[Traffic] Fixed display of textures with a question mark when the request returned an empty response.
[Traffic] Added the ability to display traffic from previous zoom levels. (2020.05.21)
[Core] Map events are now cleared in OnDestroy, instead of OnDisable.
[Core] Static events are no longer cleared at all, so make sure you unsubscribe from them when you disable and/or destroy your scripts.
[Core] Fixed mouse wheel issue when drawing a map using RenderTexture.
[Core] Fixed a rare problem when drawing element and marker do not have a reference to manager.
[Core] Fixed an issue where if a tile was loaded from Resources and then unloaded, it did not load again.
[Core] Fixed problem with redirecting requests through proxies.
[Elevations] Added API to get elevation by coordinate.
[Examples] Added Tileset on UI example scene.
[Examples] Updated FollowGameObject example.
[Limits] Now it uses float zoom.
[Location Service] Fixed marker scale.
[Marker 3D] Fixed saving field size type.
[Marker 3D] Fixed marker positioning in the zoom range 1.00001 - 1.0039.
[Plugins] Added RawImageTouchForwarder, which allows you to control a map drawn using Render Texture on UI. Special thanks to Brian Chasalow. (2020.04.16)
[Core] Added the ability to load tiles from Streaming Assets.
[Core] Fixed loading tiles from Resources.
[Core] The number of attempts to download a tile is limited.
[Core] Fixed a bug due to which re-downloading began without delay.
[Third-party] Added the ability to specify transitions for uPano. (2020.04.02)
[API] Added ability to specify zoom range for drawing element.
[API] OnlineMapsLocationServiceBase.OnCompassChanged now always passes values from 0 to 1.
[Cache] Added the ability to cache elevations and user data in the file system.
[Control] Fixed rare exception for UI Image Control and UI Raw Image Control.
[Core] The compilation directive ONLINEMAPS_MAXZOOM_23 has been removed.
[Drawing API] Fixed line drawing in some rare cases.
[Elevations] Added ArcGIS Tiled Manager and Bing Maps Tiled Manager.
[Elevations] Tiled Elevation Managers (ArcGIS Tiled, Bing Maps Tiled and Mapbox) now support caching.
[Examples] Added BuildingClickExample, CheckArcGISTile, CustomWMSProvider, DrawCircleAroundMarker,
GoogleAPIHook, MapBaseboards, RasterizeDrawingForOverlay, SwitchToProviderWithKey, uGUIMarkerDrawer.
[Examples] Fixed TilesetMapTilerOverlayExample, NGUICustomTooltipExample.
[Examples] Removed uGUICustomMarkerEngineExample, NGUICustomMarkerSystemExample.
[Key Manager] Added field for HERE Api Key.
[Location Service] Fixed scale setting for 3D marker.
[Markers] Fixed problem when dragging a marker.
[Third-Party] Added getting north pan from Street View for uPano.
[Third-Party] Added the ability to switch to neighboring Street View panoramas.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2017.1-2017.3. Now requires Unity 2017.4 LTS and higher.
[Webservices] Now HERE services can use API key.
[Webservices] Fixed access points to HERE services.
[Wizard] Fixed creating NGUI map using the wizard.
[Wizard] If no parent is specified for UI Image Control and UI Raw Image Control, an existing Canvas will be used or a new one will be created. (2019.12.21)
[Elevations] ArcGIS elevation manager now uses HTTPS.
[Elevations] Fixed a bug in reading Bing Maps elevation data when the last value is negative.
[Markers] Fixed bug of dragging markers on touch devices.
[Inspector] Fixed rotation of 3D markers using the inspector.
[Inspector] If you change the values in elevation managers using the inspector, the map will be redrawn automatically.
[Third-Party] Added the ability to specify a shader in the Pano Connector. (2019.11.19)
[Controls] Added ability to adjust touch zoom sensitivity.
[Controls] Fixed position jump when moving the map when the cursor goes outside the map for UI Controls.
[Elevations] Online Maps Mapbox Elevation Manager can now use the access token from Online Maps Key Manager.
[Elevations] Fixed accuracy when using Mapbox Elevation Manager.
[Examples] Demo scene now uses ArcGIS Elevation Manager.
[Examples] Flight Between Airports scene now uses ArcGIS - WorldImagery.
[Examples] Improved popup and fixed url for images in UI Bubble Popup scene.
[Inspector] Improved hints for component fields.
[Location Service] Changing the compass no longer causes the map to be redrawn.
[Markers] Fixed display of markers in the whole world.
[Third-Party] Added the ability to rotate the map instead of the camera when using TouchScript. (2019.11.08)
[API] Added OnlineMapsMarkerManagerBase.OnCreateItem, with which you can track the creation of markers.
[API] Added OnlineMapsWWW.OnValidate, with which you can cancel any request.
[Core] Fixed bug updating map corners when setting positionRange.
[Control 3D] Fixed a bug with clicking on 3D markers when they are detected using EventSystem.RaycastAll.
[JSON] Fixed deserialization of double and float fields for dotNet v4.x, when the separator is a comma.
[Location Service] Now Online Maps Location Service when Input.location.isEnabledByUser = false, will request permission at runtime.
[Texture Control] Fixed positioning of 3D markers when the map is rotated.
[Texture Control] Fixed exception when creating 3d marker. (2019.10.24)
[Buildings] Added ability to ignore height tags.
[Core] Fixed memory leaks.
[Core] Fixed map shift on smooth zoom.
[Drawing API] Added the ability to line follow relief (OnlineMapsDrawingLine.followRelief).
[Key Manager] Added Mapbox.
[Tileset] Added TilesetDrawingElementZTestAlways shader.
[Other] Improved asset folder search in the project.
[Other] Added classes for loading vector tiles.
Important: this is not a final solution, and Online Maps cannot yet display vector tiles.
This is only a small, and very important step in this direction.
But it does provide ways for professionals to do awesome things with vector data. (2019.10.07)
[API] OnlineMapsTile.GetTile, OnlineMapsTile.GetTileKey, OnlineMapsTile.tiles, OnlineMapsTile.dTiles are obsoleted.
[Buildings] Improved generation of buildings.
[Core] Removed obsolete API.
[Core] Added the ability to have multiple active map instances at the same time.
[Core] Added the ability to specify the number of previous zoom levels.
[Core] Now integration with third-party assets is enabled for all platforms.
[Drawing] Now rect can have a backgroundTexture for tileset.
[Examples] Added example scripts: DragAndZoomInertia, FollowGameObject.
[Markers] Fixed size type - Real World.
[Plugins] Improved Adjust to Screen.
[Plugins] For Adjust to Screen, the ability to use the maximum side to hide the borders of the map during rotation is added.
[Plugins] Added Log, which can show all requests in the console.
[Providers] Added the ability to detect the current version of tiles for Google Maps Satellite without labels.
[Third-Party] Fixed the use of Lock Pan and Lock Tilt for Easy Touch Connector, Fingers Connector, TouchScript Connector. (2019.09.25)
[API] OnlineMapsTile.GetTile, OnlineMapsTile.GetTileKey, OnlineMapsTile.tiles, OnlineMapsTile.dTiles are obsoleted.
[Buildings] Improved generation of buildings.
[Core] Removed obsolete API.
[Core] Added the ability to have multiple active map instances at the same time.
[Drawing] Now rect can have a backgroundTexture for tileset.
[Examples] Added example scripts: DragAndZoomInertia, FollowGameObject.
[Markers] Fixed size type - Real World.
[Plugins] Improved Adjust to Screen. (2019.08.07)
[Cache] File operations are moved to a separate stream.
[Core] Added ONLINEMAPS_NOGUI compilation directive to disable OnlineMaps.OnGUI.
[Core] Where possible DateTime.Now replaced by Time.realtimeSinceStartup.
[Inspector] Added hints for all Online Maps fields.
[Inspector] Added the ability to filter markers by label.
[Location Service] Added the ability to rotate Camera Orbit using a compass.
[Plugins] Fixed SmoothZoomOnMouseEvents on Tileset Control.
[Third-party] Fixed memory leak with uPano.
[Third-party] Improved panorama display if loading one part failed.
[Third-party] Added integration with uContext. (2019.07.29)
[API] Fixed OnlineMapsControlBase.GetScreenPosition for UI Image and UI RawImage Controls when the map is rotated.
[Drawing API] Fixed artifacts when drawing polygons, when the first and last points are the same.
[Examples] Added important notes to CustomDownloadTileExample.
[Plugins] Improved Adjust to Screen.
[Plugins] Improved SmoothZoomOnMouseEvents.
[Plugins] Fixed SmoothZoomOnMouseEvents for UI Image and UI RawImage Controls.
[Third-party] Added the ability to check the color of the overlay texture under the cursor when integrated with uPano.
[Third-party] The map will now work correctly if you destroy a panorama GameObject.
[Third-party] Fixed zoom level when opening uPano.
[Wizard] Camera Orbit is no longer available for selection for Textrue Control in the wizard. (2019.07.16)
[Drawing] Fixed display elements for zoom between 2 and 3.
[Drawing] Fixed clipping elements at float zoom.
[Drawing] Fixed artifact when the first and last points of the polygon have the same coordinates.
[Elevations] Added ability to specify elevations resolution for ArcGIS (up to 100).
[Elevations] Slightly increased dowloading area for ArcGIS and Bing Maps.
[Elevations] Added the ability to tween update values for ArcGIS and Bing Maps.
[Examples] Updated GroupMarkersExample.
[Markers] Fixed flat markers positioning for Tileset with float zoom.
[Markers 3D] Fixed exception when using altitude without elevations.
[Third-party] Fixed display of uPano panoramas when trying to open a second panorama while the first one is loading.
[Third-party] Added progressive loading of panoramas, and panoramas will be shown almost immediately.
[Third-party] Now when displaying panomas, changing the zoom and the position of the map is blocked. (2019.07.05)
[Buildings] Now buildings will always (except WebGL) be loaded in another thread.
[Core] Fixed a critical error due to which the map was not correctly drawn in Render to Texture mode, with the map size not equal to 512x512.
[Drawing] Fixed artifacts when drawing polygons for Tileset.
[Examples] Improved uGUICustomMarkerEngineExample. (2019.06.27)
[Core] Fixed the starting position and zoom when using OnlineMaps.positionRange and OnlineMaps.zoomRange.
[Core] Added the ability to try to download tile again if an error occurred.
[Inspectors] Hidden Render In Thread field when using Tileset.
[Markers] Fixed Marker 2D Size for Billboard markers.
[Markers] Added Default Scale for 2D markers.
[Tileset] Fixed work when using Render In Thread - ON. (2019.06.14)
[API] Fixed OnlineMapsUtils.DistanceBetweenPoints (with altitude).
[Elevations] Fixed shaking when moving a map with Elevations and Camera Orbit.
[Providers] Fixed Google Maps / Satellite (without labels).
[Providers] Fixed TianDiTu.
[XML] Fixed attribute parsing for dotNet v4.x. (2019.06.04)
[Drawing API] Fixed line thickness when drawing polygons.
[Markers 3D] Fixed a marker size bug with Size Type - Meters. (2019.05.29)
[Examples] Added Flight Between Airports example scene.
[Examples] Improved Fly example scene.
[Examples] Fixed TilesetMapTilerOverlayExample.
[Location Service] Added the ability to select Size Type for 3D marker using the inspector.
[Plugins] OnlineMapsKeyManager marked as plugin.
[Third-Party] Fixed Real World Terrain Connector. (2019.05.14)
[API] Added OnlineMapsMarker3D.OnCheckMapBoundaries for manual visibility control of 3D markers.
[Interactive Elements] Fixed removal of interactive elements (drawing elements, markers) without disposing.
[Markers 3D] Improved the size of markers with Size Type - Scene. (2019.05.06)
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Markers] Fixed positioning of billboard markers on the map.
[Markers 3D] Added the ability of 3D markers to have a size in meters.
[PBR Bridge] Component fields now have default values.
[Shaders] Added ShaderGraph for SRP (PBR, LWRP, HDRP).
[Tileset] Added the ability to automatically detect and fix problems with Scriptable Render Pipeline.
[Wizard] When using SRP, the wizard will automatically selects the correct shaders.
[Wizard] SmoothZoomOnMouseEvents is marked as a plugin.
[Wizard] PBR Bridge is now enabled by default when using SRP. (2019.04.30)
[API] Fixed getting a point in the scene when using elevations.
[Camera Orbit] Added the ability to adjust to the average center point.
[Camera Orbit] Improved camera positioning when elevations change.
[Controls 2D] Fixed exceptions when using a map without a texture.
[Core] Fixed saving zoom of the map.
[Examples] Removed AdjustTilesetMapToScreenExample.
[Location Service] Improved inspector layout.
[Location Service] Added a block of the most common issues.
[Markers 3D] Added the ability for 3D markers to have the real world size.
[Plugins] Added the ability to dynamically create texture for 2D controls.
[Plugins] Added the ability to adjust the map to fit the screen.
[Tileset] Now the tileset cutout shader is used by default.
[Tileset] Improved calculation of the optimal Camera / Clipping Panes - Far.
[Wizard] Added the ability to not create a texture for 2D Control. (2019.04.18)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[Elevations] Fixed ArcGIS Elevations for dotNet v4.x.
[JSON] Fixed serialization of anonymous classes for dotNet v4.x.
[JSON] Fixed serialization of float and double values for dotNet v4.x. (2019.04.03)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[Elevations] ArcGIS elevations parsing bug fixed.
[Wizard] Camera Orbit is now enabled by default. (2019.03.11)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[API] Now OnlineMapsTileManager.OnStartDownloadTile is called regardless of the cache.
[API] OnlineMapsCache.instance.OnStartDownloadTile is marked obsolete.
[API] Now OnlineMapsDrawingRect uses double and OnlineMapsVector2d, instead of float and Vector2.
[Core] Fixed exception of using isPlaying in the render thread.
[Examples] Updated example scripts. (2019.03.06)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[Core] Fixed exception of using isPlaying in the render thread.
[Pano] uPano Connector is marked as a plugin (will be displayed in the wizard).
[Pano] Added ability to select overlay layer. (2019.03.04)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[Core] Fixed rare exceptions when saving and loading map state when the playmode changes. (2019.02.05)
Update from Online Maps v2.x: First remove the old version of the asset.

[API] OnlineMaps.OnRemoveMarker, OnlineMaps.OnRemoveMarkerAt, OnlineMapsDrawingElement.OnRemoveFromMap marked obsolete.
[Drawing API] Fixed removing drawing elements from the map.
[Markers] Fixed removing markers by tags. (2019.02.01)
Important - Read this first:

Main changes:
- Smooth zoom for all controls;
- Integration with EasyTouch, Fingers - Touch Gestures, Touch Script, uPano;
- All the logic of markers, drawing element, tooltips, camera control, elevations is moved to separate components;
- Added support for ArcGIS and Mapbox elevations;
- The state saving system has been improved;
- Now you do not need to specify target for control. This is determined automatically;
- Support for DF-GUI and iGUI has been removed. (2019.01.28)
Important!!! Some editor scripts have been moved.
Close the scene and remove the previous version of Online Maps v3 beta before importing the new version.

[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the scale of buildings.
[Buildings, API] Added the ability to load buildings from user data.
[Camera Orbit] Added the ability to look at any GameObject.
[Camera Orbit] Added the ability to lock tilt and pan.
[Drawing API] Added the ability to specify the name of the element.
[Core] Now changing the style does not cause a flush buffer.
[Core] Added dotNet v4.x support.
[Core] Removed obsolete compilation directives.
[Documentation] Updated readme, API Reference and Atlas of Examples.
[Inspector] Implemented missing custom editors for components.
[Other] Implemented changes from Online Maps v2.5.46 - 2.5.51.
[Third-party] Added support for Fingers - Touch Gestures. (2018.10.29)
[Core] Fixed update of the corners of the map when set a float zoom.
[Core] Fixed a rare exception when generating the front buffer.
[Core] Added the ability to validate the zoom events.
[Core, Critical] Fixed a critical issue with loading parent tiles.
[Core] Fixed display of markers when the map displays the whole world.
[Core] Fixed display of tooltips when the map displays the whole world.
[Examples] Now scene examples use smooth zoom for mouse events.
[Examples] Fixed elevations in the demo scene. (2018.10.22)
[Core] Fixed zoom on double click in fast smooth zoom.
[Core] Fixed positioning elements when the integer zoom shows the whole world.
[Core] Fixed initial corners of the map.
[Core] Fixed latitude change when integer zoom shows the whole world.
[Other] Implemented changes from Online Maps v2.5.42 - 2.5.45. (2018.10.06)
[Elevations] Fixed error of getting elevation value if an error occurred while downloading elevation data.
[Inspector] Added check for zoom on enabled.
[Other] Implemented changes from Online Maps v2.5.36 - 2.5.41.
[Third-party] Updated Bolt Integration Kit. (2018.05.30)
[API] Fixed OnlineMapsControlBaseDynamicMesh.GetWorldPosition and OnlineMapsControlBaseDynamicMesh.GetWorldPositionWithElevation.
[Buffer] The buffer state now contains information about the coordinates of the corners of the map.
[Drawing] Debug information has been removed.
[Drawing] Optimized drawing lines.
[Inspector] Added the ability to invoke a redraw. (2018.05.22)
[Cache] Fixed unsubscribe of tile events when the cache or map is destroyed.
[Core] Fixed coordinate conversion into the screen position when the zoom is float.
[Elevations] Removed debug messages.
[Elevations] Fixed NullReferenceException when using Mapbox elevations. (2018.05.18)
[Core] Fixed map display with a size not equal to N * 512.
[Examples] Added What3WordsExample.
[Examples] Updated examples that used Google API without a key.
[Web Services] The methods that used Google API without a key are obsoleted.
[Web Services] For Google Geocoding and Directions API, constructors with a key were added. (2018.04.24)
[Buffer] The structures of the last and render states are added.
[Core] Now Online Maps Marker Manager and Online Maps Marker3D Manager are the required components.
[Elevations] Added support for ArcGIS elevations.
[Elevations] Added support for Mapbox elevations.
[Markers] Fixed display of 2D markers with float zoom.
[Providers] Added the ability to specify the version of tiles for Google Maps.
[Wizard] Now all the elevation managers are grouped. (2018.04.18)
Main changes:
Smooth zoom for all controls.
Integration with EasyTouch and Touch Script.
All the logic of markers, drawing element, tooltips, camera control, elevations is moved to separate components.
The state saving system has been improved.
Now you do not need to specify target for control. This is determined automatically.
Support for DF-GUI and iGUI has been removed. (2019.02.01)
[Examples] Updated FindLocationNameExample.
[Web Services] Fixed using Google API key from Key Manager for Google Geocoding API. (2019.01.15)
[Core] Added dotNet v4.x support.
[Plugins] Added PBR (physically based rendering) bridge.
[Tileset] Fixed jumps when moving a map with elevations. (2018.12.14)
[Examples] Improved InertiaExample.
[Location Service] Fixed update speed when location service is not yet running.
[Providers] Updated version of Google Satellite tiles (without labels).
[Tileset] Fixed display of default tile texture in some cases. (2018.12.06)
[Buildings] Fixed display of buildings when changing the size of the map in the scene.
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing lines on the texture when displaying the whole world.
[Examples] Added UI Compass example scene.
[OSM] Changed the URL for requests to OSM Overpass API to prevent problems for Russian users.
[UI Controls] Fixed an exception when EventSystem is not available. (2018.11.06)
[Buildings] Fixed display of buildings when the map GameObject is scaled.
[Inspector] Now, when a new version is available, the current and new version numbers are displayed in the toolbar.
[Marker 3D] Added ability to specify altitude type (absolute or relative). (2018.10.31)
[API] Added OnlineMapsBuildings.OnPrepareCreateBuilding and OnlineMapsBuildings.OnCalculateBuildingCenter.
[Examples] Fixed Bing Maps API key bug in demo scene.
[Examples] Fixed menu item for DistanceAndDurationExample. (2018.10.23)
[Core] Fixed drawing markers into texture when showing the whole world.
[Tooltips] Fixed display of tooltips when showing the whole world. (2018.10.22)
[Core] Fixed OnlineMapsControlBase.GetPosition when the map displays the whole world.
[Examples] Added Custom Markers example scene.
[Key Manager] Fixed getting keys for Bing Maps and Google Maps. (2018.10.18)
[Control 3D] Fixed changing the position of the camera when the cursor is on the UI element. (2018.10.16)
[Core] Fixed an exception if quickly enable and disable traffic jams.
[Examples] Added scenes: Car Drive By Route, Car Drive To Point, Car Drive Using Keyboard.
[Examples] Reorganized example scenes.
[Examples] Updated all example scenes.
[Plugins] Added Online Maps Key Manager, which stores keys for all web services and automatically uses them in requests. (2018.10.08)
[Buildings] Modified Buildings API, so that you can make cache and restore buildings. (2018.09.26)
[Tileset] Now MeshRenderer and the materials are hidden in the inspector to work around the problem of large-size maps in Unity 2018.2+.
[Unity] Fixed warning for Unity 2018.3. (2018.08.29)
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Integration] Added integration with uPano.
[Markers] Now 3D markers and Billboard markers update the position in LateUpdate. (2018.08.03)
[API] Now OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetUnscaledElevationValue is public.
[Core] Added the ability to use web services and OnlineMapsWWW class without a map.
[Examples] Added UIBubblePopup example scene. (2018.07.11)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetUnscaledElevationValue.
[Providers] Fixed Google Maps Satellite without labels. (2018.06.07)
[Markers] Fixed a default range of markers visibility. (2018.05.09)
[Core] Now the minimum zoom is 1.
[Drawing API] Improved drawing lines. (2018.04.18)
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Location Service] Fixed updating of the marker position without updating the position of the map.
[Third-party assets] Added integration with Bolt. (2018.03.25)
[Cache] Added cache size checks.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Provider] Added Mapbox.
[Provider] Added Mapbox Satellite.
[Tileset] Fixed generation of a collider when displaying a whole world. (2018.02.23)
[Buildings] NullReferenceException is fixed.
[Core] The ability to have a map showing the whole world is added.
[Markers 3D] AllowDefaultMarkerEvents marked obsolete.
[Markers 3D] Fixed calculation of altitude when Bottom - Min Value. (2018.02.10)
[NGUI] Fixed click event on mobile devices.
[NGUI] Fixed an exception when UICamera.currentCamera is null.
[Wizard] Fixed a bug where Online Maps inspector is hidden. (2018.02.05)
[API] Added OnlineMapsBuildings.OnRequestFailed, OnlineMapsWebServiceAPI.OnSuccess, OnlineMapsWebServiceAPI.OnFailed.
[API] Fixed special cases of OnlineMapsBuildings.OnAllBuildingsCreated.
[Core] Fixed calculation of the minimum available zoom.
[Location Service] Fixed layout of fields in the inspector.
[SpriteRenderer] Improved getting of screen coordinates.
[Tileset] Fixed camera rotation when the cursor on UI element.
[Tileset] The minimum size (pixels) of the tileset is increased to 256. (2018.01.22)
[Markers] Fixed getting billboard markers under UI.
[SpriteRenderer] Fixed coordinate conversion if GameObject is rotated or the camera is not perpendicular to the map.
[Wizard] Fixed Fix Camera Clipping Planes - Far, if Move Camera to Tileset is enabled.
[Wizard] Fixed setting the sprite for SpriteRenderer and UI Image Controls. (2018.01.12)
[Documentation] Updated Atlas of Examples.
[Examples] Added AdjustTilesetMapToScreenExample, CheckAllTilesLoadedExample, ColorUnderCursorExample,
CreateCustomStylesExample, DistanceAndDurationExample, JSONExample.
[JSON] Added OnlineMapsJSONItem.AppendObject, OnlineMapsJSONItem.V.
[JSON] Added ability to deserialize short and byte values.
[NGUI] Fixed integration with NGUI.
[Unity] Fixed error in Unity 2018.1b2. (2018.01.10)
[Buildings] Parsing of the building data is optimized.
[Documentation] Updated Atlas of Examples.
[Examples] Fixed a bug in CalcAreaExample. (2017.12.21)
[Core] The compilation error for Unity 2017.2+ has been fixed.
[Core] The warnings for Unity 2017.3 has been fixed. (2017.12.17)
[API] Added OnlineMapsLocationServiceBase.OnPositionRestored.
[Core] Optimized calculations in the Drawing to Texture mode.
[Core] Added additional tile status checks.
[Cache] The memory cache has been reworked. (2017.12.06)
[Core] Fixed deadlock.
[Examples] Updated TilesetMapTilerOverlayExample. (2017.12.01)
[API] Added OnlineMapsLocationServiceBase.GetLocationFromSensor returning coordinates from the device sensor.
[API] OnlineMapsLocationServiceBase.GetLocation now returns the current GPS or emulator location.
[Core] Optimized OnlineMapsMarker.UpdateRotatedBuffer.
[Buildings] Added the ability to ignore the Color tag.
[Location Service] Added the ability to disable the Lerp compass value for the marker. (2017.11.27)
[API] Added the ability to cancel the current request for downloading elevation data.
[API] Added the ability to force starting a new request to download elevation data.
[API] Fixed OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetBestElevationYScale, OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetWorldPositionWithElevation
[Cache] Fixed an exception on iOS, when trying to completely clear the file cache.
[Core] Fixed warnings of Unity 2017.2.
[Examples] Updated uGUICustomTooltipForAllMarkersExample.
[Examples] Removed GUITexture example scene. (2017.11.15)
[Cache] Fixed an exception on iOS, when trying to completely clear the file cache.
[Inspector] Added a warning when trying to use Width or Height (pixels) not equal to 256 * N.
[Other] Fixed warnings in Unity 2017.2.
[Providers] Added the ability to specify API key for ThunderForest.
[Wizard] Fixed an exception in the wizard. (2017.11.01)
[Drawing] Fixed drawing of the polygon when it goes out of the map.
[Inspector] Fixed a bug due the map GameObject does not mark as dirty when changing extra fields of the provider.
[Providers] Fixed Nokia maps (here.com).
[Providers] Removed Nokia maps - Carnav Day Grey. (2017.10.22)
[Buildings] Added the ability not to generate colliders for buildings.
[Core] Fixed display of the last horizontal line of tiles (Antarctica).
[Examples] Updated InertiaExample, TilesetMapTilerOverlayExample.
[Tileset] Added support for mipmap for tiles. (2017.10.09)
[Platforms] Fixed publishing for UWP. (2017.10.04)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Examples] Updated FindDirectionExample, MoveMarkerOnRouteExample, OpenRouteServiceExample.
[Markers] Fixed interaction with markers under UI elements.
[Playmaker] Added example scenes.
[Playmaker] Fixed Open Route Service action.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit.
[Providers] Added the ability to dynamically create providers and types of maps.
[Providers] Updated url of Google Maps Satellite without labels.
[Tileset] Fixed wrong scaling of elevations, at map size not equal to 1024. (2017.09.16)
[API] Added the ability to intercept getting of the marker by screen coordinates.
[API] Fixed range checking in OnlineMaps.RemoveDrawingElementAt.
[API] A typo in the name of OnlineMapsWhat3Words.GetLanguagesResult method has been fixed.
[Core] Added extra check for the size of the downloaded tile.
[Core] Fixed the triggering of OnlineMapsMarkerBase.OnClick if the marker on which you pressed and released is different.
[Core] OnlineMapsControlBase.OnMapClick is no more triggered if the OnClick event of the marker or the drawing element has been triggered.
[JSON] The ability to serialize anonymous classes is added.
[JSON] Added the ability to combine OnlineMapsJSONObject.
[Location Service] Added smoothing of the rotation of the marker by the compass.
[Playmaker] Added a new actions: GetLocationByIndex, GetLocationAddressComponentTypeByIndex,
GetLocationPostcodeLocalitiesByIndex, GetLocationTypeByIndex, GetLocationAddressComponentByIndex.
[Playmaker] Updated FindLocation action.
[Providers] Updated url of Google Maps satellite.
[Webservices] Fixed incorrect work of OnlineMapsWhat3Words.Clip.
[XML] Fixed CultureInfo issue in OnlineMapsXML.Get. (2017.08.25)
[Buildings] Fixed disabling / enabling of buildings, when disabling / enabling map GameObject.
[Buildings] Fixed OSM response parsing when the attribute has an empty value.
[Examples] Updated CacheTilesExample.
[Markers] Added the ability to initialize a marker with an custom size, different from the size of the texture.
[Platforms] Fixed publishing for UWP.
[Tileset] Fixed memory leak when using elevation and Collider Type = Full Mesh.
[Tileset] Added the ability to control the generation of marker mesh. (2017.08.19)
[API] Fixed OnlineMapsTile.MarkLoaded.
[Buildings] Fixed disabling / enabling of Buildings component. (2017.08.09)
[Buildings] Fixed storing of building.nodes.
[Core] Added the ability to block the tile from disposing.
[Core] Added the action OnlineMapsTile.OnAllTilesLoaded.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated readme.
[Examples] Updated OpenRouteServiceExample and SmoothMoveExample.
[JSON] Fixed serialization of dictionaries.
[JSON] Added the ability to deserialize the object field.
[Markers] Fixed click interaction with the drag interaction.
[Markers 3D] Fixed duplicate markers GameObject, when creating markers using N.
[Markers 3D] Fixed the initialization of the Rotation Y specified by the inspector.
[Playmaker] Updated actions: Draw Line, Draw Poly, Draw Rectangle.
[Playmaker] Added new actions: IsMarkerOnMapView, Get2DMarkersCount, Get3DMarkersCount.
[Webservices] Added support for Open Route Service Directions.
[Webservices] Added support for Open Route Service Geocoding.
[Webservices] Added support for What 3 Words. (2017.07.10)
[Core] Added the ability to remove markers by tag.
[Buildings] Fixed HitTest if Input does not have touches.
[Buildings] Added the ability to disable and enable the buildings.
[Buildings] Fixed memory leak when deleting all buildings.
[Drawing API] Fixed a memory leak when removing the drawing element from the map.
[Drawing to Texture] Fixed setting colors of default texture when deactivating the map, if the texture size was changed earlier.
[Drawing to Texture] Fixed SetTexture if smart texture is used.
[Markers] Added support for tags.
[Markers 3D] Fixed memory leak when removing 3d markers. (2017.06.18)
[Buildings] Fixed memory leak.
[Buildings] Added action OnlineMapsBuildings.OnAllBuildingsCreated.
[Buildings] Fixed exception when relations contains invalid members.
[Location Service] The marker is now created before OnLocationInited.
[Provides] Updated url for Google Maps Satellite (without labels).
[Tileset] Fixed OnlineMapsControlBase3D.GetScreenPosition when using elevations.
[Tileset] Added actions OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnElevationFails and OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnElevationRequested.
[Updater] Fixed work with invoice numbers of the new view. (2017.05.29)
[Controls] Fixed an exception when accessing uninitialized instance.
[Other] Fixed description of some methods.
[Provides] CartoDB now uses HTTPS.
[Tileset] Fixed an early download request for elevation data. (2017.05.18)
[API] OnlineMapsDirectionStep and OnlineMapsGoogleDirectionsResult now can work with double precision.
[API] Added OnlineMapsVector2d struct.
[Core] Fixed OnlineMapsPositionRangeType.border, when the area is less than the map view.
[Buildings] Fixed the size of the building, when zoom is changed during the generation of the building.
[Buildings] Fixed exception when relation members are missing.
[Drawing API] Now it also accepts an array or list of OnlineMapsVector2d.
[Examples] Updated MoveMarkerOnRouteExample.
[Tileset] Fixed an early download request for elevation data. (2017.05.10)
[Buildings] Fixed building height.
[Buildings] Fixed size of the building when fast changing of zoom, with Render In Thread - ON.
[Inspectors] Improved Buildings inspector.
[Platforms] Fixed bug with zoom out on iOS. (2017.05.05)
[Drawing API] Added the ability to specify hittest width of line.
[Drawing API] Fixed a changing of the visibility of the drawing element.
[Drawing API] Fixed exception when drawing filled polygons without points.
[Drawing API] Improved display of sharp corners of lines and polygons.
[Documentation] Updated atlas of examples.
[Examples] Added buildings scene.
[Examples] Added create marker on click example.
[Examples] Updated inertia example.
[Markers 3D] Fixed rotation of 3D markers when the map was rotated. (2017.04.17)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Core] Fixed interaction on devices that support touch and mouse input.
[Buildings] Improved request to download buildings.
[Buildings] Buildings are now generated from the relations too.
[Integration] Fixed integration with Real World Terrain v3.
[Tileset] Fixed exception when dynamically changing the type of 2D markers.
[Web services] Fixed the parsing of negative coordinates in the HERE Routing API Result. (2017.04.10)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Core] Loading tiles from Resources is now asynchronous.
[Inspector] Fixed displaying the size of the file cache after cleaning.
[Location Service] Fixed allowUpdatePosition.
[Markers] Fixed a changing of marker texture for Marker 2D Mode - Billboard.
[Tileset] Improved GetBestElevationYScale.
[Tileset] Improved UV of tiles. (2017.04.03)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Drawing] Added the ability to have filled polygons for tileset (poly.checkMapBoundaries = false).
[Drawing] Fixed NullReferenceException when disabling drawing element at creating.
[Drawing] Improved polygon filling for Target = Texture.
[Drawing] Optimization of polygon points is disabled.
[Tileset] Improved display of tiles. (2017.03.20)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Cache] Fixed memory leak for Target - Texture.
[Core] Fixed work of OnlineMapsPositionRangeType.border.
[Core] All created GameObject have a layer like a map.
[Core] Fixed gesture zoom.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Atlas of Examples.
[Examples] Updated example scripts.
[Markers 3D] Fixed events OnRollOver and OnRollOut.
[Markers 3D] Fixed positioning of 3D markers when scale != Vector3.one.
[OSM Overpass] Added support for the area tag (thanks to Quidam).
[Platforms] Added support for Windows Store / Phone 8.1.
[Plugins] Added a plug-in for control the map from the keyboard and joystick.
[Providers] Added DigitalGlobe.
[Tileset] Fixed color change for drawing elements.
[Tileset] Fixed detection of the rectangle on the screen.
[Utils] Added DMS convertor class. (2017.03.03)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[API] Fixed rare situation when OnlineMaps.SetPositionAndZoom is not working properly.
[API] OnlineMaps.SetPositionAndZoom now uses a double.
[API] Markers and drawing elements are now implementing IOnlineMapsInteractiveElement.
[Controls] Fixed get a map rect for SpriteRenderer Control.
[Core] Fixed get the number of touches when the device has a mouse, and supports touches.
[Core] Reworked detection of events for 3D markers and drawing elements.
[Core] Fixed a bug at moving the map when the cursor crosses the longitude (180, -180).
[Examples] Fixed GroupMarkersExample.cs.
[Providers] Fixed CartoDB.
[Tileset] Fixed generation of mesh, when Bing Map Elevation API returned an error.
[Tileset] Fixed smooth zoom when transform.scale != Vector3.one.
[Tileset] Fixed override sorting markers.
[Tooltips] Fixed «Show Marker Tooltip - Always» for 3D markers. (2017.02.08)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Buildings] Fixed generation of buildings when the map GameObject.scale != Vector3.one.
[Buildings] Optimized generation of buildings.
[Core] Fixed zoom on double click when you click on a marker or drawing element, which has an OnClick event.
[Drawing] Optimized Drawing API.
[Location Service] Reorganized Online Maps Location Service (thanks Seto).
[Tileset] Fixed generation tileset in the simultaneous presence on the map view more than 16250 markers.
[Other] Fixed creation of map texture in Unity v5.5+.
[Other] Fixed warnings about unused fields. (2017.01.17)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Cache] Reduced time limit for loading tiles from the cache.
[Drawing] Added ability to change the order of drawing element for the tileset.
[Drawing] Fixed drawing elements for tileset with Render in Thread - ON.
[Markers] Fixed OnLongPress event.
[Markers 3D] Fixed an exception when remove 3D marker on the marker event.
[Tileset] Fixed positioning of map GameObject at very frequent smooth zoom.
[Tileset] Fixed flashes at zoom. (2017.01.12)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Buildings] Fixed normals of buildings.
[Cache] Fixed freezes, when goes a bulk load of tiles from the cache.
[Markers] Now when RemoveAllMarkers invoked OnRemoveMarker for each marker.
[Markers 3D] Now when RemoveAllMarker3D invoked OnRemoveMarker3D for each marker.
[Markers 3D] Optimized update positions of 3d markers. (2016.12.23)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Cache] Fixed loading and display of traffic with using the cache.
[Cache] Added caching of traffic in the memory cache. (2016.12.21)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Inspector] Fixed Fix Import Settings for Tiles, when the tiles are not located in the default folder.
[Location Service] Changed service for Find Location By IP to prevent problems on iOS. (2016.12.20)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

Main new features:
Caching, JSON parser, support for web services (Google Roads API,
Bing Maps Elevation API, AMap Search, QQ Search), integration with Curved UI.
Huge code optimization.

And much more. Total more than 150 changes, improvements and bug fixes.

Hotfix for Online Maps v2.5.0:
Fixed error of losing a reference to the map from markers. (2016.12.17)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

Hotfix for Online Maps v2.5.0:
Fixed error of losing a reference to the map from markers. (2016.12.15)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

Main new features:
Caching, JSON parser, support for web services (Google Roads API,
Bing Maps Elevation API, AMap Search, QQ Search), integration with Curved UI.
Huge code optimization.

And much more. Total more than 150 changes, improvements and bug fixes. (2016.12.15)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Atlas of Examples.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Examples] Improved some examples.
[JSON] Added ability to deserialize properties.
[Platforms] Fixed build for WSA. (2016.12.08)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Buildings] Fixed generation of buildings when material is none.
[Buildings] Fixed generation UV of buildings.
[Cache] Added tokens for labels and language.
[Cache] Fixed getting the size of the file cache.
[Cache] Fixed cleaning atlas of file cache.
[Cache] Fixed bug with loading a nonexistent file from the file cache.
[Controls] Inverted scroll zoom for NETFX_CORE.
[Controls] Fixed NGUI Control, DFGUI Control, iGUI Control.
[Core] Optimized removal of markers.
[Examples] Improved demo scene.
[Inspector] Added auto-detect the type of created texture (Texture or Sprite) for active control.
[JSON] Fixed bug of serialization.
[JSON] Optimized parsing.
[JSON] Optimized selectors.
[JSON] Fixed bug of selector when the element of the array can be null.
[Location Service] Fixed saving coordinates in the emulator.
[Providers] CartoDB, Hydda, OpenStreetMap (except DE), OpenTopoMap, Virtual Earth, HikeBike now use HTTPS.
[Third-party assets] Improved integration with Curved UI.
[Utils] Fixed OnlineMapsUtils.GetCenterPointAndZoom.
[Windows] Fixed Welcome window. (2016.11.25)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Core] Fixed problem with incorrect unloading of textures.
[Core] Removed control of GC for Unity v5.2 or less.
[Core] Optimized buffer.
[Core] Increased count of parent tiles to 5.
[JSON] Optimized deserializing of JSON.
[JSON] Added the ability to parse JSON to Dictionary, List and Object.
[Tileset] Removed the limit of the size (in Scene).
[Tileset] Fixed flashes.
[Tileset] Improved restoring after smooth zoom. (2016.11.21)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[API] Added events OnlineMaps.OnMarkerAdded, OnlineMapsControlBase3D.
[API] Added methods OnlineMaps.GetCorners, OnlineMaps.GetTileCorners, OnlineMapsMarkerBase.GetTilePosition.
[Control 3D] Fixed default camera distance.
[Editor] Added welcome window.
[Inspector] Added rotationY field for 3D markers.
[Inspector] Fixed deletion of 3D markers at runtime.
[JSON] Added indexers for OnlineMapsJSONItem.
[JSON] Added generic OnlineMapsJSONItem.Value.
[Marker] Fixed OnlineMapsMarker.LookToCoordinates, OnlineMapsMarker3D.LookToCoordinates.
[Marker 3D] Added altitude field.
[Marker 3D] Added rotationY property.
[Playmaker] Added GetMarkerIndex, SetUseCompassForMarker actions.
[Plugins] Added header to the file cache atlas.
[Tileset] Fixed a large number of requests, if used OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnGetElevation event.
[Tooltip] Improved positioning of the tooltip.
[Webservices] Added support for Google Roads API.
[Webservices] Improved compatibility with obsolete API.
[Wizard] Now tileset by default rendered in a single thread. (2016.11.02)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Buildings] Removed temporary saving to a file that is used for debugging.
[Core] Removed unused namespaces.
[Platforms] Fixed build for Windows Store and Web Player.
[SpriteRenderer] Fixed inspector.
[Tileset] Fixed positioning of markers and drawing elements when ParentGameObject.scale != Vector3.one.
[Tileset] Fixed saving of 3D markers scale in playmode.
[Wizard] Added the ability to use the cache. (2016.10.31)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Buildings] Highly optimized parsing buildings data.
[Buildings] Optimized generation of buildings.
[Controls] Added integration UIImage and UIRawImage with Curved UI.
[Drawing API] Fixed generation of polygons.
[Examples] Updated example scripts.
[JSON] Highly optimized parsing, selection and deserialization of JSON.
[JSON] Added the ability to have the aliases for the fields when deserialization.
[JSON] Now Deserialize is generic.
[Plugins] Added cache system to memory and/or filesystem.
[Utils] Fixed GetCenterPointAndZoom. (2016.10.15)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Core] Improved compatibility with Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less.
[Examples] Added a new examples: AMapSearchExample, QQSearchExample, BingMapsElevationsExample.
[JSON] Fixed deserilization string into value.
[JSON] OnlineMapsJSON.Deserialize now generic.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit.
[Playmaker] Added a new action: Get Location Service Marker.
[Playmaker] Fixed events using Google Web Services.
[Tileset] Now tileset used to get elevations new way to work with Bing Maps Elevation.
[Third-party API] Added support for AMap Search.
[Third-party API] Added support for QQ Search.
[Third-party API] Added support for Bing Maps Elevation API.
[Utils] Added methods to deep copy the values of the object. (2016.10.10)
!!! Important: if you use Online Maps v2.5.0.10 or less, before importing the new version, remove the old version folder.

[Core] Redesigned interaction with third-party web services.
[Core] Added classes for working with JSON.
[Core] The maximum zoom is now constant.
[Core] Fixed a crashes of Unity Editor on Mac OS and iOS using Unity v5.2 or less.
[Examples ] Updated example scripts.
[Location Service] Improved display of emulator coordinates in inspector.
[Third-party API] Renamed classes for working with Google API.
[Third-party API] Added support for Google Places Photo API. (2016.09.30)
[Core] Fixed the problem why the tiles in Online Maps v2.5.0.8 and v2.5.0.9 not unload correctly. (2016.09.28)
[Core] Fixed critical bug of tile downloading from v2.5.0.8.
[Core] Highly optimized generation of smart texture.
[Providers] Fixed Google Maps Satellite (without labels).
[Tileset] Fixed white flashes when changing zoom. (2016.09.25)
[API] Optimized getting current projection and map type.
[Core] Fixed warnings for Unity v5.5.
[Core] Optimized downloading tiles.
[Core] Optimized buffer.
[Controls] Highly optimized generation tileset mesh.
[Drawing API] Fixed redraw the map when you add drawing element.
[Drawing API] Added the ability to use drawing element events for the lines.
[Markers 3D] Optimized adding of 3D markers.
[Markers 3D] When you create a 3D markers by N, is now used Default 3D Marker.
[Platforms] Fixed errors for WebGL.
[Plugins] Optimized software JPEG decoder.
[Plugins] Added component to limit the location and the zoom of map.
[Third-party API] Improved class to work with Google Places API.
[WWW] Rewritten work with WWW (using Coroutine).
[WWW] Added the ability to store custom data (object) in the request. (2016.09.13)
[Marker 3D] Fixed triggering events of 3d markers under UI.
[Tileset] Added the ability to specify what will be the bottom of the tileset with elevation: zero or min value.
[Tileset] Fixed triggering of OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnElevationUpdated event. (2016.09.10)
[API] Added events: OnlineMaps.OnSaveSettings, OnlineMapsLocationService.OnGetLocation.
[API] Added OnlineMapsGeoRect.
[Buildings] Now every building contains way and nodes, used to create it.
[Buildings] Improved disposing of buildings.
[Buildings] OnlineMapsBuildings.buildings now is public.
[Buildings] Added the ability to dynamically create buildings.
[Buildings] Optimized generation of buildings.
[Control 3D] Added ability to change maxCameraRotationX.
[Location Service] Added the ability to not disable the emulator after build.
[Third-party API] Added the ability to pass the request parameters as an object for Google Geocoding API.
[Tileset] Fixed preview, when GameObject.scale != Vector.One. (2016.09.02)
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing element validation.
[GPX] Added support for root extension. (2016.08.31)
[API] Added OnlineMaps.OnLateUpdateBefore, OnlineMaps.OnLateUpdateAfter events.
[Buffer] Added ability to disallow unloading tiles.
[Core] Added tile texture name.
[Core] Removed the forced garbage collector for Unity v4.6-5.2.
[Drawing API] Added validation of drawing elements.
[Tileset] Added additional types of colliders (simple mesh, flat box).
[Tileset] Improved box collider.
[Tileset] Added the ability to specify the mesh resolution when use of elevation.
[Tileset] Added the ability to use a elevation data of any size.
[Tileset] Reduced the number of vertices in a tileset with elevation.
[Tileset] Optimized mesh generation.
[Tileset] Fixed a bug in the parsing of bing maps elevation response.
[Traffic] Added alternative providers of traffic: Bing Maps, here.com.
[Traffic] Added the ability to use a custom provider of traffic.
[Wizard] Fixed generation of texture map. (2016.08.22)
[API] Improved error messages for OnlineMapsOSMNominatim and OnlineMapsXML.
[Editor] Added Custom URL Wizard.
[Inspectors] Added the ability to specify API keys for MapQuest and HERE Maps.
[Providers] Added Mapbox classic.
[Providers] Fixed MapQuest.
[Third-party API] Fixed OSM Nominatim. (2016.08.18)
[Markers] Added the ability to leave 3d marker active outside the map. (2016.08.16)
[Core] Removed support for Unity v4.3 and Unity v4.5.
[Drawing API] Added the ability to use Drawing API in double precision.
[Examples] Improved some script examples.
[Third-party API] Added the ability to make requests to Google Places API in double precision. (2016.08.14)
Main new features:
Windows Store, HERE Routing API, GPX, WGS84 (Ellipsoid), Find Location By IP, Overlays for Tileset, JSLoader.
Added a lot of new tile providers.
Added a lot of new examples.
Added a lot of new Playmaker Actions.
Huge code optimization.

And much more. Total more than 250 changes, improvements and bug fixes. (2016.08.08)
[Core] Added ability to validating that on current GameObject allowed zoom on wheel.
[Core] Added OnlineMapsTile.OnDisposed event.
[Core] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnDrawTile event.
[Core] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnMeshUpdated event.
[Documentation] Updated Atlas of Examples.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Examples] Added ChangePositionUsingGyro.
[Examples] Improved documentation of examples.
[Markers] Fixed warning when using billboard markers in Unity v5.3+: BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
[Texture Control] Fixed getting the coordinates at a point where there is another GameObject.
[Tileset] Fixed error when runtime changing type / size of the 2D markers.
[Tileset] Changed way of generating UV of tiles. (2016.08.01)
[Examples] Updated uGUISmoothZoomExample.
[Platforms] Fixed interaction with the map for WebGL. (2016.08.01)
[Platforms] Fixed build for Android.
[Providers] Improved upgrade of provider.
[Tileset] Fixed Smooth Zoom + Allow Camera Control.
[Tileset] Fixed moving map and smooth zoom, when the map is scaled. (2016.07.30)
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing rectangles. (2016.07.29)
[3D Markers] Fixed 3D markers.
[Inspectors] Added ability to enable/disable 3d marker using Inspector. (2016.07.29)
[API] Added a method (OnlineMapsUtils.DistanceBetweenPoints) to calculate the distance between IEnumerate of points.
[Core] Added the ability to intercept getting the cursor position and the number touches.
[Drawing API] Highly optimized drawing of complex lines on tileset.
[Drawing API] Fixed a bug with the lines that have more than 65,000 points.
[Drawing to Texture] Fixed drawing rotated or scaled markers.
[Examples] Added Demo scene (from video).
[Examples] Added new examples: InterceptInputExample, uGUISmoothZoomExample, UpdateZoomOnSmoothZoomProcessExample.
[Markers] Fixed showing 3d maker instance, when used enabled = true, when marker is outside of the map.
[Third-party API] Changed the type of variable OnlineMapsFindDirectionAdvanced.Param.waypoints. Now it's IEnumerable, each element of that can be Vector2 or string.
[Third-party API] Added check for size of OnlineMapsFindDirectionAdvanced.Param.waypoints. If it has more than 8 items, you get a warning. (2016.07.26)
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Location Service] Added methods to start / stop location service.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit. (2016.07.25)
[Controls] Added new events OnlineMapsControlBase.OnUpdateBefore, OnlineMapsControlBase.OnUpdateAfter.
[NGUI] Fixed OnlineMapsNGUITextureControl.GetScreenPosition when map is rotated.
[Tileset] Added ability to change the resolution of tileset at runtime.
[Tileset] Added new event OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnSmoothZoomInit. (2016.07.23)
[Core] Fixed DestroyImmediate problem (again). (2016.07.22)
[Core] Fixed DestroyImmediate problem.
[Core] Optimized OnlineMaps.AddMarkers.
[Examples] Updated NGUICustomTooltipExample, uGUICustomTooltipForAllMarkersExample, uGUICustomTooltipExample, uGUICustomMarkerEngineExample.
[Examples] Renamed RotateCameraByGPSExample (typo).
[NGUI] Fixed get coordinates when map is rotated.
[NGUI] Fixed zoom on wheel.
[NGUI] Added check for BoxCollider, and a warning if it is missing.
[NGUI] When creating a new texture, it is set to UITexture.
[Third-party] Added a confirmation of enable support for third-party asset. (2016.07.11)
[Controls] Fixed OnlineMapsControlBase.GetCoords (Vector2 position) in some cases.
[Inspectors] Fixed Move camera to center of Tileset, when Transform-Scale other than Vector3.one.
[Tileset] Fixed Allow Camera Control, when Transform-Scale other than Vector3.one. (2016.07.10)
[Core] Fixed unused variables warnings. (2016.07.07)
[Tileset] Fixed minor memory leaks.
[Tileset] Fixed detection of the marker under the cursor, when the marker is rotated. (2016.06.29)
[Core] Fixed scroll zoom over the UI elements.
[Core] Fixed NullReference exception.
[Examples] Added BingMapsLocationAPIExample, HereRoutingAPIExample, OpenRouteServiceExample.
[Location Service] Removed debug log.
[Third-party API] Added the ability to get the next page token from Google Places API response. (2016.06.28)
[Third-party API] Fixed Open Route Service. (2016.06.28)
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing for Tileset, when drawing element added during the smooth zoom.
[Tileset] Fixed lags in smooth zoom. (2016.06.27)
[Controls 3D] Added the ability to specify the default 3D marker. (2016.06.25)
[Controls] Fixed a bug when marker.OnLongPress did not work, if there was OnlineMapsControlBase.OnMapLongPress.
[Controls] Added the ability to specify the distance, after which the map will start drag. (2016.06.23)
[Core] Added the ability to intercept replace tokens in the url. (2016.06.20)
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit. (2016.06.17)
[Tileset] Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when the overlay = null. (2016.06.16)
[Tileset] Fixed smooth zoom when the map is rotated. (2016.06.03)
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Platforms] Fixed a crash on iOS. (2016.06.02)
[Core] Optimized adding of markers.
[Inspectors] Hide some warnings in playmode.
[Location Service Inspector] Added the ability to copy the coordinates for the emulator from map.
[Platforms] Added support for UWP (many thanks Magic73). (2016.05.31)
[Location Service] Added the ability to get/set allowUpdatePosition.
[Platforms] Fixed compilation errors for UWP. (2016.05.24)
[Buildings] Fixed problem with too many requests to OSM.
[Buildings] Fixed an error in determining the boundaries of the request.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the request rate to OSM (OnlineMapsBuildings.requestRate).
[XML] Added stackTrace to error of loading message. (2016.05.18)
[Buildings] Fixed problem with too many requests to OSM.
[Buildings] Fixed an error in determining the boundaries of the request.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the request rate to OSM (OnlineMapsBuildings.requestRate).
[XML] Added stackTrace to error of loading message. (2016.05.12)
[Examples] Improved uGUICustomMarkerEngine Example.
[Third-party services] Fixed OnlineMapsFindDirectionAdvanced. (2016.05.12)
[Examples] Added NGUICustomTooltipExample.
[Playmaker] Added action: GetCenterPointAndBestZoomForCoords.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit.
[Tileset] Fixed a bug with the elevation zoom range less than 11.
[Third-party services] Added the ability to pass the request parameters as an object for the Google Direction API.
[Third-party services] Added Google Direction Result Object. (2016.04.27)
[API] Added support for GPX.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Examples] Added an example of working with GPX.
[Examples] Updated FindPlacesExample.
[Tileset] Fixed collider when zoom out from elevationRange.
[Third-party services] Fixed loading photo tag in OnlineMapsFindPlaceDetailsResult.
[Third-party services] Added the ability to pass the request parameters as an object for the Google Places API.
[Third-party services] Added support for parameters pagetoken and zagatselected in Google Places API.
[XML] Added ability to add XMLElement owned by another XMLDocument. (2016.04.20)
[Core] Fixed errors in Unity v4.7.
[Core] Fixed a bug in OnlineMapsTile.cs, when child == null.
[Editor] Fixed a bug in Create Texture.
[Providers] Fixed bug of use Google Maps fourth server.
[Third-party services] Added support HERE Routing API. (2016.04.08)
[API] Added the ability to intercept adding and removing 2D and 3D markers.
[Controls] Fixed use of obsolete methods for NGUI.
[Controls] Added Zoom Mode (target or center).
[Controls] Tileset Control - Smooth Zoom Mode is marked obsolete.
[Location Service] Fixed Find Location By IP for WebGL.
[Platforms] Fixed compile errors for WebGL and Windows Store.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit. (2016.03.27)
[API] Added map projection.
[API] To convert geographic coordinates to tile coordinates and vice versa, use projection methods.
[API] OnlineMapsUtils.LatLongToTile and OnlineMapsUtils.TileToLatLong marked obsolete.
[Core] Added support for WGS84 Ellipsoid Mercator.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Documentation.
[Examples] Updated examples uses the old way to convert geographic coordinates to tile coordinates and vice versa.
[Providers] Added Yandex maps and Mapy.CZ. (2016.03.21)
[Core] Added additional checking mouse position before change zoom.
[Documentation] Updated Documentation.
[Examples] Addded ChangeProviderAndTypeExample.
[Tileset] Fixed a bug GetCoordsByWorldPosition when map.transform.localScale != Vector3.one. (2016.03.17)
[Core] Fixed a problem with the threads on iOS.
[Core] Fixed reload map at start.
[Markers] Fixed triggering events of 3D markers under UI elements.
[Markers] Improved detection 3D marker events which should work.
[NGUI] Fixed control on iOS and Android. (2016.03.14)
[Core] Changed to work with tile providers and types. Now it works through OnlineMapsProvider.
[Core] Removed skin property.
[Core] Added tooltipBackground property.
[Core] Removed obsolete methods and properties.
[Core] Fixed triggering event of map and markers under GUI.
[Core] Fixed serialization of some classes and fields.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Examples] Added uGUICustomTooltipForAllMarkersExample.
[Examples] Updated TilesetMapTilerOverlayExample, uGUICustomMarkerEngineExample,
uGUICustomTooltipExample, NGUICustomMarkerSystemExample, CacheTilesExample.
[Inspectors] Rewritten using SerializedProperty.
[Location Service] Added a message that the emulator is disabled automatically.
[Markers] Improved sorting of markers.
[Markers] Fixed a bug display tooltips when the marker is not active.
[Providers] Added a lot of new providers and the types of map.
[Providers] Renamed some types of map.
[Tileset] Improved accuracy of the flat markers.
[Tileset] Highly optimized flat markers.
[Tileset] Added transparency support for the overlay.
[Tileset] Updated shaders. (2016.03.02)
[Core] Fixed freezes and crashes on Unity Editor v5.3. (2016.03.02)
[API] Added OnlineMapsBuildings.OnGenerateBuildingHeight for manual generation of building height, if the height is unknown.
[API] Optimized OnlineMapsOSMAPIQuery.
[Buildings] Fixed detect the buildings height.
[Buildings] Optimized generation of buildings.
[Location Service] Added compass threshold.
[Platforms] Fixed compilation errors for WSA. (2016.02.26)
[Core] Fixed position range (thanks mstrohackerHG).
[Examples] Fixed MoveMarkerOnRouteExample (thanks Quidam). (2016.02.25)
[API] Optimized OnlineMapsOSMAPIQuery.ParseOSMResponse.
[Core] Huge optimization of 'Drawing to Texture'. Reduced memory usage of 4 times.
[Core] Fixed the error of ignoring Render in Thread.
[Drawing API] Optimized Drawing API for tileset and 'Drawing to Texture'.
[Examples] Updated example scenes.
[Tileset] Strongly optimized getting elevation data from Bing Maps Elevation API.
[Tileset] Optimized drawing 2D markers.
[Tileset] Added built-in support 2 overlay layers (back and front).
[Tileset] Updated shaders: added 2 overlay layers.
[Tileset] Added check for overlay and traffic layers in shaders.
[Tileset] Added experimental ability to use Drawing API as front overlay. (2016.02.23)
[Drawing API] Fixed a bug of drawing the line when few points in a row have the same coordinates.
[Drawing API] Optimized drawing lines for tileset.
[Drawing API] Improved drawing of the angles between the lines for tileset. (2016.02.23)
[API] Removed obsolete methods.
[Google API] Now url generated using StringBuilder.
[Google API] For Google Geocoding API (OnlineMapsFindLocation) added language parameter (thanks to Paul Iluhin). (2016.02.21)
[Providers] Updated url of Google Maps tiles to v196.
[Providers] Added downloading of tiles from a random server for Google Maps. (2016.02.17)
[3D Controls] Fixed map rotation after moving bug.
[Core] Now Online Maps stops playing when compile scripts (you can disable this in Troubleshooting).
[Inspector] Improved inspectors layouts.
[Inspector] Removed webplayer warning.
[Location Service] Added the ability to find the location by IP.
[Location Service API] Added OnLocationInited action, that invoked when the position is initialized.
[Tileset] Added adjustment of the camera.position.y based on elevation of the center point. (2016.02.16)
[Core] Fixed question marks when the tile is not available.
[Core] Fixed smartTexture.wrapMode.
[Drawing API] Highly optimized Drawing API in 'Draw to Texture'. Increased speed and greatly reduced garbage generation.
[Provider] Fixed Nokia Maps. (2016.02.15)
[API] Fixed incorrect API www-calls on iOS9+ (Many thanks Ging).
[Core] Large code optimization in 'Drawing to Texture'. Increased performance and greatly reduced garbage generation. (2016.02.15)
[Core] Disabled forced garbage collection in Unity v5.3+.
[Core] Optimized code for less garbage generation.
[Core] Fixed bugs in serialization/deserialization.
[Tileset] Fixed using of empty color. (2016.02.10)
[iOS] Fixed a bug when using the '|' in the url. (2016.02.08)
[Tileset] Fixed GetElevationValue, when the position of the map is not zero.
[Tileset] Improved elevations.
[Tileset] Added ability to lock YScale. (2016.02.02)
[Core] Fixed bug with wrong unloading of tile textures.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Menu] !!! Important: Check Updates, Playmaker Integration Kit and About now located in GameObject / Infinity Code / Online Maps. (2016.02.01)
[API] Added the ability to intercept a forced garbage collection (OnlineMaps.OnGCCollect). (2016.01.31)
[Inspector] Now the map is redrawn with the addition of the marker through the inspector.
[Inspector] Added ability to change scale of marker through inspector.
[Marker] Now marker.scale work for all types of markers.
[Tileset] Fixed the display order of 2D markers. (2016.01.19)
[Tileset] Increased accuracy of positioning buildings without elevation. (2016.01.19)
[Tileset] Fixed GetWorldPositionWithElevation.
[Tileset] Increased accuracy of positioning buildings.
[Tileset] Code optimization when elevation used. (2016.01.18)
[Tileset] Fixed GetElevationValue, when the position of the map is not zero.
[Tileset] Removed gizmo in playmode. (2016.01.15)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[General] Now all requests to Bing Maps are using HTTP, because of problems with an SSL certificate.
[JSLoader] JS Loader no longer supports WebGL (just do not need it).
[JSLoader] Fixed bug with not cleared the list of requests.
[JSLoader] For Webplayer requests to Bing Maps are using a proxy, because of problems with the response headers.
[JSLoader] For Webplayer in Unity Editor all requests not use proxy (fast change of WWW Security Emulation / Host URL).
[Providers] Updated URL of Google Maps tiles.
[WebGL] Now all requests go directly to the server (without proxy), except for requests to Bing Maps, because of problems with the response headers.
[Webplayer] Added check usage JS Loader and the recommendation to use it. (2016.01.09)
[API] Added API to create markers with double precision.
[Core] Added a wrapper for WWW class.
[Inspector, XML] Fixed saving zoom range of markers.
[Marker] All operations are now working with markers in double precision.
[Webplayer, WebGL] Added JS Loader, thats loads all requests using a browser (without proxy server).
[Webplayer] Fixed an error compilation of script. (2016.01.05)
[Inspector] Added the ability to specify whether to use a proxy for the Webplayer and WebGL.
[Tileset] Fixed null markers mesh Exception.
[UIImage, UIRawImage] Fixed interaction with the map in WebGL (thanks Pino De Francesco).
[WebGL] Disable proxy in Unity Editor. (2016.01.01)
[General] Fixed a crash in Unity v5.3 when caching tiles. (2015.12.22)
[Google API] Added OnlineMapsFindLocation.GetResults that converts the response to array of results. (2015.12.14)
Main new features:
Added experimental support for WebGL (Unity v5.3+).
Added support for Bing Maps Location API, Open Street Map Nominatim.
Now all requests use HTTPS.

And much more. Total more than 50 changes, improvements and bug fixes. (2015.12.14)
[General] Now all requests use HTTPS.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit. (2015.12.14)
[API] Added support for Bing Maps Location API.
[API] Added support for Open Street Map Nominatim.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated atlas of examples.
[Examples] Now examples (API Usage) is available via Add Component.
[General] Fixed Unity v5.3 warnings.
[Inspectors] Fixed a bug where if you change the values in the controls inspector, the scene is not mark as changed.
[Platform] Added experimental support for WebGL (Unity v5.3+).
[Tileset] Improved display of the boundaries of the map in the scene view.
[XML] Added the ability to use a custom namespace prefix. (2015.12.04)
[General] Fixed display of traffic for cached tiles. (2015.12.02)
[Demo scenes] Fixed a bug with incorrect search request sets the map coordinates (0, 0).
[Google API] Changed URL of Google Geocoding API.
[Marker3D] Fixed bug of trigger OnClick when dragging the map began with the marker.
[Tileset] Optimized code. (2015.11.24)
[API] Added new high accurate API: OnlineMapsControlBase.GetScreenPosition, OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetWorldPositionWithElevation.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference. (2015.11.22)
[Tileset] Fixed camera control, when Allow Zoom - OFF. (2015.11.20)
[API] Added new high accuracy API: OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetWorldPosition, OnlineMapsControlBase.GetPosition. (2015.11.19)
[Tileset] Fixed a bug of events for 2D flat markers. (2015.11.13)
[Core] Fixed a possible infinite loop in OnlineMapsUtils.Repeat. (2015.11.12)
[Tileset] Added the ability to limit the smooth zoom scale. (2015.11.11)
[Billboard Marker] Fixed handling of release and long press on billboard markers.
[Marker3D] Fixed a bug OnLongPress always invoked after pressing on 3D marker. (2015.11.11)
[API] Added OnlineMapsControlBase.UpdateLastPosition, to force an update of the latest coordinates of the map.
[Marker] Fixed a bug when dragging the marker using the code. (2015.11.03)
[Marker3D] Fixed triggering OnMapDoubleClick, when you click on 3D marker for Android. (2015.10.29)
[API] Added ability to control requests to OSM Overpass API. (2015.10.29)
[API] Added ability to get a list of active buildings.
[API] Added the ability to control the showing of buildings.
[API] Added the ability to control the creation of buildings.
[Buildings] Added the ability to limit the number of buildings.
[Buildings] Added the ability to limit the number of active buildings. (2015.10.29)
[OSM Overpass] Changed server OSM Overpass API. (2015.10.23)
[API] Added a method for orientation of marker at the specified coordinates.
[API] Added OnlineMapsLocationService.marker, which refers to an instance of the marker.
[Examples] Updated MoveMarkerOnRouteExample.cs.
[Plug-ins] Fixed a bug with the addition of the compilation directives. (2015.10.22)
Added support for AMap.
Increased accuracy of the map.
Added new example scene Fly.
Added a lot examples of API usage (now it over 50).
Added atlas of examples.

Many bug fixes and code optimization (over 70). (2015.10.22)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Documentation.
[Examples] Added many new examples of API usage.
[Google API] Fixed a bug when creating a new request from the response to the completed request.
[Providers] Added support for AMap. (2015.10.16)
[Google API] Added the ability to store custom data in the request. (2015.10.13)
[Inspector] Fixed a bug in the caching of tiles to Resources. (2015.10.12)
[Marker 3D] Fixed translate and zoom of map by pressing the 3D markers. (2015.10.05)
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing rectangles on tileset. (2015.10.05)
[Drawing API] Fixed drawing lines through the 180 meridian.
[Markers] Fixed drawing markers to texture through the 180 meridian.
[Markers] Fixed drawing marker tooltips - Always through the 180 meridian. (2015.09.04)
[Examples] Updated FindLocationExample.
[Tileset] Fixed a bug at the end of smooth zoom. (2015.09.03)
[API] Added methods to convert the world position to geographic coordinates.
[Core] Now for iOS uses Thread.Interrupt, for other platforms Thread.Abort (thanks Andrea Leganza).
[Documentation] Updated API Reference. (2015.08.28)
[Core] Replaced Thread.Abort to Thread.Interrupt (thanks Andrea Leganza), because of problems with IL2CPP (iOS).
[Wizard] Removed warning Camera Clear Flags - Skybox. (2015.08.21)
[Google API] Updated descriptions of some methods.
[Location Service] Added ability to calculate speed. (2015.08.18)
[Inspector] Removed warning Show Marker Tooltip - Always.
[Markers] Now Show Marker Tooltip - Always, works with 3D markers. (2015.08.11)
[Tileset] Fixed GetScreenPosition when smooth zoom.
[Tileset] Fixed tooltip positioning when smooth zoom. (2015.10.22)
[General] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit.
[Playmaker] Added a new action SetMarkerEnabled. (2015.07.26)
[Tileset] Fixed Smooth Zoom when Allow Camera Control. (2015.07.15)
[General] Fixed behavior of map, after the text field has received focus.
[Troubleshooting] Added ability manually enable the interaction under GUI. (2015.10.22)
[Markers] Fixed rotation of markers in drawing to texture.
[Markers] Fixed serialization of markers rotation. (2015.07.08)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Examples] Updated CacheTilesExample.
[General] Improved accuracy LatLongToTiled and LatLongToTilef.
[Playmaker] Added action, allows to get a marker, which was caused last event.
[Playmaker] Added action for Open Route Service.
[Services] Added support for Open Route Service.
[XML] Added support for namespaces in the Find and FindAll. (2015.06.27)
[Marker3D] Fixed bug in using an existing GameObject as a marker 3D. (2015.06.26)
[Control3D] Added ability to add an existing 3D marker on the map.
[Marker3D] Added the ability to make a token from an existing GameObject. (2015.06.24)
[General] Fixed behavior of map, after the text field has received focus.
[Playmaker] Added action for FindDirectionAdvanced.
[Playmaker] Updated Playmaker Integration Kit. (2015.06.16)
[General] Added the ability to use for the map only tiles of current zoom level. (2015.06.12)
[Inspectors] Added the ability to control allowZoom property in TextureControlInspector and TilesetControlInspector.
[Location Service] Fixed GPS emulator in Unity 5.
[Playmaker] Updated Play Maker Intagration Kit. (2015.10.22)
[Buildings] Fixed ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method for iOS. (2015.06.08)
[Drawing API] Improved drawing lines for the tileset.
[General] Fixed freezing when running the scene in the mode - Drawing in Texture.
[Shaders] Improved TilesetShader. Now it works correctly with skybox.
[Shaders] Improved TilesetDrawingElement shader.
[Tileset] Fixed map update if you change Use Elevation in the inspector.
[Tileset] Removed check for Camera - Clear Flags. (2015.10.22)
[Buildings] Fixed unsupported url in iOS. (2015.06.04)
Main new features:
Added a wizard, which allows you to quickly create a map.
Added the ability to rotate the tileset map.
Added support for Google Elevation API.
Added support for Google Place Details API.
Improved accuracy of the map.
Built-in checks for the most common problems.
Great improvement in API.

And much more. Total more than 150 changes, improvements and bug fixes. (2015.06.03)
[Tileset] Added the ability to smooth zoom at the center of the map. (2015.06.02)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[General] Improved loading tiles. (2015.06.01)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[General] Improved loading tiles. (2015.05.28)
[General] Increased accuracy of the map. Now most calculations in API occur with double precision.
[General] Fixed publication for Webplayer. (2015.05.23)
[API] Added events OnlineMapsTile.OnTileDownloaded and OnlineMapsTile.OnTrafficDownloaded, which allow you to control downloading of tiles.
[Examples] Added CacheTilesExample.cs, which shows how to cache tiles.
[Examples] Added ControlDataTrafficExample.cs, which shows how to calculated amount of downloaded data.
[General] Fixed URL for Google Maps Satellite without labels. (2015.05.21)
[Google API] Fixed getting results from FindDirection with lots of legs. (2015.05.20)
[General] Fixed a bug in OnlineMapsTile.MergeColors. (2015.05.20)
[General] Fixed url to download traffic texture.
[Tileset] Improved shaders to display traffic. (2015.05.20)
[Playmaker] Added the ability to specify the scale of 2D markers.
[Playmaker] Added support for Google Elevation API.
[Playmaker] Added the ability to handle tileset events. (2015.05.19)
[Tileset] Added ability to select the type of collider. BoxCollider for performance, MeshCollider for elevations. (2015.05.19)
[General] Fixed checking of texture size when custom provider. Thanks Geoff Mortimer. (2015.05.18)
[General] Improved algorithm unloading map. (2015.05.12)
[API] Added OnlineMapsUtils.DistanceBetweenPointsD to calculate the distance double precision.
[Tileset] Fixed a bug due to which the markers has been reflected horizontally. (2015.05.09)
[Inspector] Improved Inspector for markers and 3D markers.
[Markers 3D] Fixed marker.scale in the inspector. (2015.05.08)
[Tileset] Fixed allow camera control when map is rotated.
[Tileset] Fixed marker drag when map is rotated. (2015.05.08)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Documentation.
[Tileset] When using elevations + allow camera control, now the camera is directed to the upper point of the map. (2015.05.07)
[API] Added new methods into OnlineMapsXML.
[Drawing API] Fixed bug when no line drawn in white.
[Example] Fixed search in example scenes.
[Google API] Added support for Google Place Details API.
[Tileset] Added the ability to specify which zoom will work elevations. (2015.05.06)
[API] Added OnlineMaps.RedrawImmediately for the full and immediate redraw the map.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Drawing API] Fixed a tooltip on hover for drawing element.
[Tileset] Increased speed of the map with elevation, at zoom less 10.
[Tileset] Fixed Show Marker Tooltip - Always when rotated the map. (2015.05.05)
[Tileset] Fixed location of drawing elements with elevation scale.
[Tileset] Added support for Show Marker Tooltip - Always. (2015.05.05)
[Tileset] Fixed location of markers with elevation scale. (2015.05.05)
[Buildings] Added the ability to scale the heights of buildings.
[Experimental] Added the ability to rotate the tileset map.
[Tileset] Fixed location of markers and drawing elements with a small tilesetSize.
[Tileset] Fixed display of boundaries tileset in the scene. (2015.05.04)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTile.OnGetResourcesPath for manual control tile path in Resources.
[General] Removed message OnDestroy, when you stop the scene.
[General] Added the ability to specify the path on which the tiles will be loaded from Resources.
[Elevation] Added the ability to specify the elevation scale.
[Tileset] Now in the scene is drawn a rectangle, which will be created map. (2015.05.02)
[Core] Improved unloading of map.
[Drawing API] Fixed a bug due to which the Drawing API does not work after unloading of map. (2015.04.30)
[General] Added a wizard, which allows you to quickly create a map.
[General] Fixed bugs in display of tooltips IntelliSense.
[Controls] Fixed iGUI Control.
[Marker] Fixed OnLongPress for Unity v4.3.
[Marker3D] Removed unnecessary redrawing map, moving 3D markers. (2015.04.28)
[Google API] Added the ability to specify the language in OnlineMapsFindDirectionAdvanced.
[Marker3D] Fixed event OnDrag. (2015.04.27)
[API] Added ability to remove 2D marker by index.
[API] Added ability to remove 3D marker by index.
[API] Added ability to remove drawing element by index.
[API] Added the ability to remove all the 3D markers.
[API] Added ability to remove all drawing elements.
[API] Removed OnlineMapsUtils.GetMD5.
[Platform] Added experimental support for WebGL. Use with care. Possible any bugs.
[Updater] Changed message if the automatic check for updates fails.
[Updater] Fixed bug in automatic update check. (2015.04.20)
[Tileset] Fixed error loading the marker color. (2015.04.20)
[API] Fixed a bug which caused a OnlineMapsUtils.Distance Between Points sometimes returns NaN.
[API] Added OnlineMaps.GetCenterPointAndZoom, which works with an array of coordinates.
[Buildings] Fixed calculation of the coordinates of the center of the building.
[Markers3D] Added ability to drag markers with pressed LeftControl and allowDefaultMarkerEvents.
[Markers3D] Fixed rare NullReferenceException when working with 3D markers.
[Markers3D] Fixed allowDefaultMarkerEvents, when you create a marker through the inspector.
[Tileset] Fixed GetWorldPosition and GetWorldPosition With Elevation with smooth zoom. (2015.04.15)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.markerComparer for manual sorting of markers.
[Buildings] Fixed calculation of the center point the building.
[Core] Fixed a bug due to which the not stop ThreadManager.
[General] Fixed settings when importing from GMapCatcher.
[General] If imported from GMapCatcher file already exists, the application will ask you what to do next.
[Inspector] Added check the distance of the camera (Camera - Clipping Planes - Far).
[Marker3D] Fixed an error adding collider to prefab.
[Marker3D] Fixed default events of markers on Android.
[Tileset] Fixed "Move camera to center of Tileset", which has not worked if the camera is not specified.
[Tileset] Improved inspector. (2015.04.14)
[3D Markers] Added the ability to use standard event markers for 3D markers.
[Tileset] Fixed sorting of markers on iOS (I hope).
[UIImage, UIRawImage] Fixed conflict with PowerUI. (2015.04.13)
[Tileset] Added the ability to specify the material of the marker. (2015.04.13)
[Tileset] Fixed bug with incorrect order of drawing markers. (2015.04.11)
[API] OnlineMapsUtils.GetCenterPointAndZoom now can work with 3D markers. (2015.04.11)
[Buildings] Fixed generation of buildings with elevation.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the number of floors.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the height of the floor.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify a minimum height of the building. (2015.04.11)
[API] Added new events for flexible management request state of buildings:
OnlineMapsBuildings.OnRequestComplete. (2015.04.10)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnGetFlatMarkerOffsetY, to control the order of markers.
[General] Fixed tooltips for all modes and types of markers.
[Inspector] Added a warning that the Show marker tooltip - Always, does not work with Tileset Control and Billboards markers.
[Inspector] Fixed bug which caused not saving the state of controls.
[Tileset] Optimized drawing of flat markers. (2015.04.09)
[API] OnlineMaps.allowRedraw now public.
[API] Added OnlineMaps.lockRedraw, prohibiting drawing of maps.
[Buildings] Improved algorithm for determining normals of buildings (thanks Cameron Wise-Maas) .
[Controls] Now events OnMapPress, OnMapRelease, OnMapClick, OnMapDoubleClick occur at any value OnlineMapsControlBase.allowUserControl.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated Documentation.
[Inspector] Added the ability to specify type of texture (Texture or Sprite).
[Inspector] Added check for multiple instances of the controls.
[Inspector] Added check for Camera Clear Flags - Skybox and Default Tiles Shader.
[Inspector] Added verification of OnlineMaps.target.
[Inspector] Added check for Online Maps Component.
[Inspector] Added check for Controls Component.
[Markers] Fixed a bug due to which the markers stayed when switching the type of 2D marker in the Inspector.
[Markers] Fixed size of the tooltip when using scale is not equal to 1. (2015.03.28)
[Google API] Added support for Google Elevation API.
[Examples] Added example of Google Evevation API Requests (GetElevationExample). (2015.03.26)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnSmoothZoomBegin, OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnSmoothZoomFinish. (2015.03.25)
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnSmoothZoomProcess, which occurs when the smooth zoom is process. (2015.03.23)
[API] Added methods for calculating of coordinates with double accuracy. (2015.05.19)
[Core] Fixed a rare bug that occurs when unloading map on iOS. (2015.03.18)
[Controls] Prevented handling events of map using uGUI for all controls. (2015.03.18)
[Tileset] Fixed initialization of tileset.
[API] Added singleton OnlineMapsBuildings.instance. (2015.03.16)
[Google API] Expanded the list of removable tags from OnlineMapsDirectionStep.stringInstructions. (2015.03.16)
[General] Fixed rare NullReference Exception when Provider - Custom.
[General] Added the ability to invert the touch zoom. (2015.03.16)
[Google API] Changed protocols in all requests to the Google API to https. (2015.03.16)
[API] Added OnlineMapsDirectionStep.stringInstructions, which contains instructions without HTML tags.
[API] OnlineMaps.FindDirection and OnlineMaps.FindLocation marked as obsolete. These methods will be removed OnlineMaps v2.1.
[General] Updated documentation.
[General] Updated API Reference. (2015.03.14)
[General] Added a new provider - Sputnik.
[General] With Open Street Map is hidden the type of map.
[General] Added check the size of the tile for Custom Provider.
[Plugins] Fixed a bug in Software JPEG Decoder.
[API] Fixed bug in FindDirection. (2015.03.12)
[General] Added wrapper for XML.
[General] Completely reworked save state system.
[General] Added the ability to specify a proxy for Webplayer.
[Drawing] Fixed a bug in drawing lines background image for Tileset.
[API] Added OnlineMaps.OnMapUpdated, which is called after the redrawing of the map. (2015.03.10)
[API] Fixed GetScreenPosition for 3D controls.
[Buildings] Processing Buildings Open Street Map response in a separate thread.
[Tiles] Fixed URL for Google Maps without labels.
[Tileset] Fixed boundaries of tileset in Unity 5.
[Drawing to Texture] Fixed NullReference Exception. (2015.03.06)
[API] Added OnlineMapsFindDirectionAdvanced, which allows you to search for routes using all the features of Google Direction API.
[Buildings] Optimized generation of buildings.
[Buildings] Fixed error when generating buildings.
[Updater] Added the ability to copy the link to the clipboard.
[General] Updated API Reference. (2015.03.05)
[Buildings] Now, meta information can be found in buildings.
[API] Added events OnlineMapsBuildingBase: OnClick, OnPress, OnRelease, OnDispose.
[UIImage, UIRawImage] Map is now will be not active when you click on overlapping UI elements.
[Examples] Added an example scene for SpriteRenderer.
[General] Updated documentation.
[General] Updated API Reference. (2015.03.04)
[Tileset] Modified method of checking 2D visibility markers by bounds.
[Buildings] Now the building is created as a single mesh.
[API] Added events OnlineMapsBuildings.OnBuildingCreated and OnlineMapsBuildings.OnBuildingDisposed.
[Inspector] Improved display of inspector for 3D controls. (2015.03.03)
[Tileset] Added the ability to specify how to determine the visibility of 2D-markers (pivot or bounds).
[API] OnlineMapsTileSetControl.OnCheckMarker2DVisibility - allows you to control the visibility of 2D markers. (2015.03.02)
[Controls] Fixed a rare (and strange) error, which caused the compiler has seen wrong Image or Sprite classes. (2015.03.02)
[Experimental] Added the ability to generate 3D buildings in real time, based on data from Open Street Map.
[Core] Optimized Online Maps Buffer. Now the map in a drawing texture is faster and requires less memory.
[General] Updated API Reference.
[General] Updated documentation.
[Examples] Added examples: CalcAreaExample.cs and SaveMarker3DExample.cs. (2015.02.27)
[Tileset] Added the ability to scale the flat markers.
[3D Controls] Added the ability to scale billboard markers.
[API] Fixed a bug in OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetWorldPosition. (2015.02.27)
[Inspector] Added the ability to specify the name of the new texture.
[3D Controls] Optimized drawing of billboard markers. Now they are drawn much faster.
[API] Fixed a bug in OnlineMapsControlBase.GetScreenPosition.
[API] Added OnlineMapsTileSetControl.GetWorldPosition, converts the geographical coordinates to position in world space.
[Examples] Added example TilesetOverlayExample.cs. (2015.02.26)
[Core] Optimized code of some basic methods.
[Inspector] Added check of texture sizes for power of two.
[Tileset] Reworked drawing of markers. Greatly increased speed, and reduce draw calls.
[General] Fixed a bug due to which the tiles are cached with the wrong wrap mode. (2015.02.19)
[General] Stopped support Unity v3.5 - Unity v4.2. Now Online Maps requires Unity v4.3 or later.
[General] Adds support for Unity v5.
[General] Adds support for Playmaker.
[General] Created about window.
[General] Updated Documentation.
[General] Updated API Reference.
[Tileset] Fixed creation of marker if the texture is not specified.
[Updater] Added ability to get previous stable version.
[Updater] Added automatic check for new versions and display in Online Maps Inspector.
[Updater] Added line containing the current version number.
[Examples] Added CustomDownloadTileExample example.