[Inspector] Added display of Min and Max Elevations.
[Other] Zip.dll has been removed.
[Unity] Fixed SSL issue in Unity 6.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2019.4-2021.2. The minimum editor version is now 2021.3. (2024.07.03)
[Helper] jQuery version has been updated.
[Integration] Gaia 2023 integration has been added. (2024.05.09)
[Elevations] Fixed underwaters generation based on texture and bitmask. (2024.05.08)
[Elevations] Fixed underwaters generation based on texture and bitmask.
[Rivers] Fixed river generation when full terrain generation.
[Tools] Raw To Water Mask Converter has been improved. (2024.03.07)
[API] Moved the logic for working with coordinates from RealWorldTerrainUtils to RealWorldTerrainGeo.
[API] Moved mathematical methods from RealWorldTerrainUtils to RealWorldTerrainMath.
[API] The file system methods are moved from RealWorldTerrainUtils toRealWorldTerrainFileSystem.
[API] Fixed conversion from coordinates to Unity World Position when terrain is not in zero position.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the scale of roof textures.
[Clear Cache] The cache clearing tool has been redesigned.
[Object Placer] Added ability to place objects by a set of coordinates from a list or file.
[Rivers] Improved river generation for R.A.M.
[Unity] Fixed warnings for Unity 2023.1 and higher.
[Water] Added the ability to generate water based on a bitmask. (2023.02.13)
[Documentation] Redesigned to make it better and easier to use.
[Elevations] Fixed an issue with the number of requests to Bing Maps Elevation.
[Helper] The helper now uses Google Maps instead of Mapbox.
[Terrains] Fixed problem with incorrect terrain heights at Elevation Range - Fixed Value.
[Tools] Added Seams Fixer tool. (2022.11.15)
[Elevations] Fixed problem with SSL certificate when downloading elevation data.
[Elevations] Removed ArcGIS elevation provider.
[Elevations] Reduced memory usage when loading SRTM30 data.
[Rivers] Increased the list of OSM tags used when generating rivers.
[Scaler] Scaler now properly scales tree positions.
[Third-party] Removed integration with uContext.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2018.4-2019.3. Now requires Unity 2019.4 and higher.
[Vegetation Studio] Fixed issue with adding duplicate UnityTerrain components. (2022.03.30)
[Downloader] Fixed a rare exception when some service did not return data, and at the same time did not return an error.
[Helper] The helper now uses Mapbox JS.
[Importers] RWT will no longer show messages about not optimal settings for development.
[Rivers] Fixed river generation if no material is specified.
[Roads] EasyRoads3D intersections now support RWTIgnore tag.
[Roads] Added the ability to choose whether to normalize the distance of road segments.
[Terrain] Improved mesh terrain generation. (2021.08.04)
[Rivers] Fixed problem with saving rivers.
[Third-party] Added integration with Gaia Pro 2021. (2021.04.01)
[Core] Fixed problem with calculation of elevation for objects when Align Water Line - ON.
[Core] Improved getting elevations for objects when the source data does not contain value.
[Roads] Fixed problem with generating roads from previous starts. (2021.02.11)
[Buildings] Added the ability to generate colliders for BuildR.
[Buildings] BuildR buildings, all points of which are not on terrains are no longer generated.
[Buildings] Fixed exception when wall facade was not specified for BuildR.
[Buildings, Rivers] The progress is now cancelable.
[Elevations] Updated url for downloading SRTM 30 data.
[Inspectors] Fixed exception when RWT Container does not contain terrains.
[Rivers] Added the ability to generate rivers for R.A.M 2019.
[Rivers] The number of generated OSM tags has been expanded.
[Terrains] Added the ability to align terrains to the waterline.
[Terrain Layers] Added the ability to generate roads.
[Unity] Removed support for older versions of Unity Editor. Now requires Unity 2018.4 or higher. (2021.01.06)
[Elevations] Fixed downloading SRTM data.
[Updater] Fixed display of special characters. (2020.12.10)
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify at what height the built-in building should start.
[Buildings] Improved UI generation for built-in buildings.
[Buildings] Added the ability to make the bottom of a built-in building follow the current terrain instead of real world values.
[Buildings] Added the ability to combine all or selected built-in buildings into one mesh.
[Building Manager] Building Manager has been greatly improved.
[Inspector] Added the ability from Building Inspector to quickly switch to RWT Container.
[Elevations] Added the ability to generate underwater areas based on the water map.
[Elevations] Fixed generating underwater areas when using SRTM30.
[Roads] Improved intersection generation for EasuRoads3D.
[Roads] Intersections are now correctly oriented relative to the terrain. (2020.11.18)
[Buildings] Greatly reduced the amount of generated materials when using Tile X Based On Perimeter and Tile Y Based On Height.
[Buildings] Added the ability to combine built-in buildings, which will greatly reduce the number of objects in the scene and improve the draw calls. (2020.11.16)
[Buildings] Added the ability to set Tile X based on building perimeter and Tile Y based on building height for materials.
[Inspectors] Added the ability to replace building materials through the inspector.
[Roads] Improved intersection generation for EasuRoads3D.
[Roads] Intersections are now correctly oriented relative to the terrain.
[Third-party] Added support for the latest versions of Gaia and Gaia Pro.
[Third-party] Fixed Vegetation Studio Pro exception related to VS Pro not updating its internal borders. (2020.09.17)
[Buildings] Buildings (walls and roof) are now generated in same mesh.
[Buildings] Added the ability to generate dynamic buildings that
are generated by the script and are not saved as a mesh,
which allows you to bypass the meshes import phase.
[Buildings] Fixed reading of building height from OSM when using dotNet v4.x.
[Buildings] Buildings no longer instantiate materials unless using the OSM color tag.
[Buildings] Fixed bug with infinite saving of buildings.
[Textures] Fixed a bug when Relief Terrain Pack textures were applied for texture types that do not support it.
[Textures] Fixed a bug causing endless downloading of tiles with a large texture size and a very small area.
[UI] For many fields, additional hints have been added to help you understand what this field does.
[UI] Added coverage and accuracy of elevation providers.
[UI] Added warning when using Elevation range - Real World Value. (2020.08.27)
[Buildings] Strongly optimized building generation with the built-in building engine.
[Settings] Added the ability to select the OSM Overpass server you want to use.
[Settings] Changed default OSM Overpass server.
[Windows] Added warnings to the main window when using latitude north of 60 degrees, and south of -60 degrees.
[Windows] When opening the main window in regeneration mode, added a button to switch to full generation mode. (2020.08.07)
[API] Added hooks for selecting building prefab and calculating the size for Instantiate Prefab.
[Buildings] Fixed positioning of buildings when the container is not in zero position.
[Buildings] Added building placement modes for Instantiate Prefabs.
[Heightmap] Fixed generation of underwater depths when generating terrain grid.
[Inspectors] Added the ability to split the terrains grid into separate GameObjects.
[Windows] Fixed calculation of memory usage when using Huge Texture. (2020.06.11)
[Terrain] Changed the range of Resolution Per Path values.
[Terrain Layers] Added the ability for each Mapbox layer to specify multiple Terrain Layers.
[Terrain Layers] Added the ability to specify multiple base Terrain Layers.
[Terrain Layers] Added support for Structure Mapbox Layer.
[Third-Party] Fixed integration with Gaia 2 and Gaia 2 Pro. (2020.06.02)
[Elevations] Fixed parsing of SRTM data.
[Huge Texture] Fixed inverted textures when generating in multiple threads. (2020.06.01)
[Buildings] When using Instantiate Prefab, a prefab is now created in the scene.
[Buildings] When using Instantiate Prefab, the positioning of prefabs on terrain is improved.
[Elevations] Fixed reading SRTM data. Cleaning elevation cache required.
[Heightmaps] Improved height generation.
[Inspectors] Added ability to quickly change Base Map Distance.
[Prefs] Improved saving of asset path.
[Providers] Added Sentinel-2.
[Rivers] Fixed request url when using dotNet v4.x.
[Textures] Added the ability to generate Terrain Layers based on vector tile data from Mapbox.
[Textures] Added ability to generate textures up to 26624x26624px for each terrain using Huge Texture.
[Textures] Added the ability to specify whether to use mipmaps for regular textures.
[Third-Party] Added integration with Huge Texture.
[Third-Party] Added integration with BuildR v3.
[Third-Party] Fixed integration with Gaia Pro.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity v5.6 - Unity 2017.3. Unity 2017.4 LTS is now required.
[Updated] Fixed URL for your orders in the Asset Store.
[Window] Added the ability to specify UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates for the corners of the area. (2020.04.28)
[Core] Fixed minor exceptions. (2019.12.06)
[API] Added the ability to intercept getting elevation from the provider, and return your own value.
[Buildings] Fixed exception when layers tag is corrupted.
[Elevations] Fixed bug in reading SRTM data.
[Grass] Extended list of OSM tags for which grass is generated.
[Integration] Added support for Gaia Pro.
[Integration] Fixed integration with Vegetation Studio Pro. (2019.11.28)
[Core] Improved asset folder search.
[Core] Fixed generation of additional objects when the container is not in zero position.
[Core] Added the ability to specify the coordinates of the anchor, where there will be a zero position of the container in the scene.
[Roads] Added the ability to generate connections for EasyRoads3D.
[Roads] Added the ability to specify the road width multiplier for EasyRoads3D. (2019.08.20)
[Core] Fixed a small error when setting the coordinates of the container.
[Buildings] Fixed generation of building using the built-in building engine.
[Buildings] Fixed generation of buildings when the container is not in the zero position. (2019.08.08)
[Core] Now the boundaries of the generated area are set as doubles.
[Buildings] Fixed building generation if levels tag is corrupted.
[Inspector] Fixed opening Open Street Map for dotNet v4.x.
[Textures] Fixed seam between textures when Generate In Thread - ON.
[Third-party] Improved integration with uContext + added new actions. (2019.08.01)
[Elevations] Fixed loading SRTM v4.1 data. If you are using this elevation data source, clear the cache first.
[Elevations] Fixed setting of alphamaps (controlmaps).
[Roads] If EasyRoad3D road GameObject has RWTIgnore tag, the road will not be removed and regenerated.
[Third-Party] Added integration with uContext.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2019.2. (2019.07.13)
[Elevations] Now underwater areas are generated based on PerlinNoise.
[Elevations] Now underwater areas require at least three neighboring known points. (2019.07.05)
[API] Improved RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetCoordinatesByWorldPosition.
[Elevations] Strongly optimized underwater area generation.
[Tools] Fixed exception in Scaler tool when opening it from the menu.
[Tools] Fixed Geocoder tool.
[Tools] Fixed Reverse Geocoder tool.
[Tools] Now Current Position tool automatically searches for RWT Container in the scene.
[XML] Fixed exception with dotNet v4.x. (2019.06.28)
[Buildings] Fixed building height parsing.
[Elevations] Fixed generation of underwater areas for all elevation providers.
[Roads] Fixed downloading road data when certain types are selected. (2019.06.18)
[API] Fixed RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetAltitudeByCoordinates, RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetAltitudeByWorldPosition,
[POI] Added the ability to specify altitude and prefab.
[POI] Added the ability to replace POI GameObject by dragging a prefab into a Real World Terrain POI Item (Script).
[POI] Added the ability to update the position of POI in the scene based on the coordinates.
[POI] Added the ability to update POI coordinates based on the position in the scene.
[RWT Window] Fixed a bug in the coordinates when creating a POI through a window. (2019.05.27)
[Elevations] Added support for ArcGIS elevations.
[Elevations] Fixed using Max Under Water Depth with Generate Underwater - OFF.
[Roads] Added ability to specify types of roads for EasyRoads3D.
[Other] Fixed warnings when generating multiple terrains. (2019.05.03)
[Elevations] Fixed Bing Maps elevations for dotNet v4.x. (2019.04.30)
[Roads] Fixed Road Types selection bug.
[Settings] Small settings window improvements. (2019.04.18)
[Unity] Fixed warnings for Unity 2019.1. (2019.01.22)
[Core] Fixed dotNet v4.x bug.
[Third-party] Added support for Vegetation Studio PRO. (2019.01.16)
[Buildings] Instantiate Prefabs - Fixed the loss of incorrectly configured prefabs.
[Cache] Added the ability to open the cache folder.
[Core] Added the ability to generate rivers.
[Postprocess] Added water erosion filter.
[RAW] Fixed reflected vertically heightmap.
[Third-party] Added support for Vegetation Studio.
[Third-party] Removed support for BuildR v1.x. (2018.12.14)
[OSM] Changed URL for OSM Overpass API to bypass server blocking for Russian users.
[SRTM] Changed URL for downloading SRTM elevation data.
[Roads, Grass] Fixed download data. (2018.12.01)
[Core] Added support for dotNET 4.x (2018.11.14)
[Elevations] Fixed calculation of elevation range, with Generate Underwater - OFF.
[Elevations] Fixed exception when re-generating terrains using Bing Maps.
[Elevations] Max elevation replaced by elevation range.
[Elevations] Added ability to specify minimum and maximum elevations.
[Unity] Fixed texture loss issue when saving scene for Unity 2018.3. (2018.10.31)
[API] Fixed RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetCoordinatesUnderCursor.
[API] Fixed RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetCoordinatesByWorldPosition. (2018.10.19)
[Buildings] Added the ability to instantiate prefabs of the buildings.
[Helper] Added the ability to show links to download SRTM30 archives.
[SRTM30] Fixed a bug in the generation of url to download.
[Tools] Added memory usage window.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 5.2 - 5.5. (2018.09.25)
[Gaia] Fixed integration with Gaia v1.8.
[Helper] Fixed an issue where when saving coordinates for the helper a comma was used instead of a dot.
[OSM] Added the ability to regenerate additional elements based on the current heightmap of terrains.
[Unity] Fixed warning for Unity 2018.3. (2018.09.06)
[API] Added the ability to intercept the generation of built-in buildings. (2018.09.03)
[BuildR2] Added the ability to specify the type of roof.
[BuildR2] Added the ability to specify several facades for each material.
[BuildR2] Improved generation of buildings.
[Core] Fixed a recurring exception when an error occurred during the generation of heightmap. (2018.08.23)
[Core] Fixed some exceptions when one of the generated terrains was removed.
[EasyRoads3D] Added the ability to disable snap to terrain.
[Roads] Fixed a bug with the order of points on the roads with turns of 180 degrees (for example, mountain roads)
[RTP] Fixed an exception when set a texture when RTP integration is enabled, but terrain is generated earlier (without RTP). (2018.08.05)
[Grass, Trees] Fixed the regeneration of grass and trees for single terrain.
[Grass] Improved accuracy of grass generation.
[Grass] Now when regenerating grass for single terrain, RWT will not remove the grass for all terrains.
[Net] Fixed a problem with returning progress when downloading OSM data.
[Third-party] Now for Relief Terrain Pack, automatically set to distort by perlin = 0 to work around the problem of shifted textures.
[Trees] Now, on regeneration of trees, previous instances of trees are removed. (2018.08.04)
[Core] Fixed the calculation of coordinates of the boundaries of terrains.
To see the effect required generation of terrains from scratch.
Affects the calculation of the locations of additional objects. (2018.08.02)
[Core] Fixed regeneration of buildings and roads for single terrain.
[Net] Improved downloading of files.
[SRTM30] Removed authorization on usgs.gov if the files already downloaded.
[Unity] Fixed warnings in Unity 2018.2. (2018.07.28)
[Core] Redesigned download manager.
[Elevations] Added the ability to download SRTM 30 data without using a proxy server.
[Gaia] Fixed rare exceptions when generating Gaia stamps.
[OSM] Fixed URL for Overpass requests.
[OSM] Fixed problem with too many requests to OSM Overpass API.
[Textures] Fixed regeneration of textures if the result folder has been moved. (2018.07.02)
[Core] Fixed recurring errors when an exception occurred during the phase. (2018.06.20)
[Helper] Added the ability to show the grid.
[Helper] Added the ability to show the best rectangle (aligned by tiles).
[Texture Providers] Added support for Mapbox Map (styled).
[Window] Now it will be shown what the maximum level of textures will be used. (2018.05.26)
[Gaia] Fixed integration with Gaia 1.7. (2018.05.20)
[Grass] Fixed generation of grass. (2018.05.16)
[Buildings] Added the ability to split the request to OSM to several smaller requests.
[Buildings] Added the ability to not save a building meshes and materials in assets.
[Core] Fixed the work of the built-in download manager using WWW.
[OSM] Fixed generation of compressed OSM data. (2018.04.18)
[Buildings] The generation of buildings has been greatly improved. Now you will have more buildings and they will be more accurate.
[Buildings] A built-in building generator now supports holes in the building.
[Buildings] The triangulator is replaced.
[Inspectors] Fixed displaying the size of the area in the inspector.
[Roads] Improved generation of roads with Sizy Type - Fixed Size. (2018.04.11)
[Hotfix] Fixed a critical error when generating terrain height maps in RWT 3.7. (2018.04.10)
[Buildings] Fixed generation of buildings with Size type - Fixed size.
[Docs] Updated API Reference.
[Docs] Updated documentation.
[Elevations] Improved generation when Size type - Fixed size.
[Inspector] Added an underwater area generation toggle.
[Inspector] Now the inspector shows the title specified when generating.
[Mesh] Added the ability to export meshes as OBJ.
[Mesh] Fixed the number of generated meshes if the texture is disabled.
[Prefs] Fixed saving of the state of generation of buildings, roads, grass and trees.
[Settings] Added ability to revert the default settings from Settings window.
[Settings] Added the ability to use title in the name of the created GameObject.
[Terrains] Added the ability to update (reassign) neighbors.
[Textures] Fixed assignment of textures when using RTP, if originally the texture was not generated.
[Third-party] Added integration with Playmaker.
[Tools] Now all the tools that are exporting something, now show the file in the explorer.
[Window] Fixed UI when regenerating textures or additional elements. (2018.03.31)
[Mesh, UI] Fixed the setting of Count Textures more than one. (2018.03.29)
[Generation] Fixed generation of RAW - Mapbox RGB.
[Generation] RAW files will now be opened in Explorer after generation.
[Generation] Added check for the existence of a RAW file. (2018.03.12)
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Generation] Fixed generation of meshes.
[Generation] Generation of meshes is divided into phases.
[Generation] Added ability to generate RAW files.
[Generation] Added the ability to generate terrains and meshes of fixed size.
[Helper] Added support for Google Places Autocomplete.
[Helper] Now you can move POIs while holding CTRL.
[Helper] Many small improvements of the helper.
[Inspector] Fixed an exception when MeshRenderer is null.
[Regeneration] Increased the number of fields available for regeneration.
[Regeneration] Added the ability to regenerate meshes.
[Terrain] Now the resolution per patch can be greater than or equal to 8.
[Third-party] Fixed BuildR2 integration for Unity 2017.3+.
[Window] Fixed exception when textureCount is null. (2018.02.18)
[Third-party] Fixed missing materials in the latest versions of EasyRoads3D. (2018.02.09)
[Buildings] Now meshes and materials are saved in the result folder.
[Generation] Improved positioning of generated objects (POI, grass, buildings and roads). (2017.12.29)
[Elevations] Added the ability to ignore SRTM and SRTM30 errors.
[Logs] Fixed a typo in the download error message. (2017.12.20)
[Core] Redesigned work with tile providers.
[Generation] Now the textures are generated in threads.
[Generation] A huge decrease in the use of memory when generating textures.
[Generation] Now the textures are generated much faster.
[Generation] Increased the quality of generated textures.
[Generation] Fixed an infinite loop when generating underwater areas that did not have known values at all.
[Integration] Fixed integration with the latest versions of BuildR2. Now it supports BuildR2 v2.13+.
[Phases] Fixed adjust edges phase.
[Providers] Removed Google Maps.
[Providers] Added DigitalGlobe, Mapbox, Mapy.CZ.
[Third-party] Fixed saving of BuildR2 materials.
[Third-party] Fixed binding EasyRoads3D roads to terrains.
[Unity] Unity support v4.6-v5.1 has been removed.
[Unity] The warnings on Unity 2017.3 have been fixed. (2017.11.10)
[Grass] Fixed generation of grass. (2017.11.09)
[Generation] Fixed exception when Count X is not equal to Count Y.
[Heightmaps] Improved generation of underwater areas.
[VolumeGrass] Fixed compilation error when integrating with VolumeGrass. (2017.11.07)
[Core] Reworked phases of the generation.
[Core] Fixed warnings for Unity 2017.2.
[BuildR] Added display of percent of generation to two decimal places.
[Elevations] Added support for Mapbox elevation data.
[Providers] Updated URL for Google Maps tiles and Nokia Maps (here.com) tiles.
[Results] Added the ability to generate Gaia stamps.
[Trees] The generation of trees is accelerated.
[Trees] Added the cancelable progress bar showing progress for the forest area. (2017.07.10)
[Buildings, Trees, Grass] Fixed exception when relation was not found.
[Buildings] Fixed export of buildings to OBJ.
[Regeneration] Fixed the reset of grass and trees, if they do not need to regenerate. (2017.06.28)
[Updater] Fixed work with a new format invoice numbers. (2017.06.15)
[Elevations] Now when using Bing Maps when trying to get elevation data from outside the available data, the border value is returned.
[Grass] Increased the number of OSM tags for the generation of grass.
[Grass] Accelerated generation of grass.
[Grass] The density of grass is reduced.
[Main Window] Added a warning about the time of generation of roads.
[Road Architect] Added the ability to make intersections.
[Textures] Added the ability to create jpeg textures. (2017.05.29)
[API] Fixed GetItemByWorldPosition, when the container has been moved.
[API] Fixed RealWorldTerrainMonoBase.GetCoordinatesByWorldPosition.
[API] Added actions: RealWorldTerrainWindow.OnCaptureCanceled, RealWorldTerrainWindow.OnCaptureCompleted, RealWorldTerrainWindow.OnCaptureStarted.
[Buildings] Fixed exception when relations do not have members.
[Downloader] Fixed exception when you need to download more than two gigabytes of data.
[Tools] Added geocoding tool.
[Tools] Added reverse geocoding tool.
[Tools] Fixed incorrect deletion of SceneView events in Current Position and Object Placer tools.
[Trees] Improved tree generation.
[Webservices] Added classes for working with Google Geocoding API and Google Places API. (2017.05.19)
[Textures] Fixed generation of UV of meshes.
[Textures] Fixed seams between tiles along Z axis. (2017.05.18)
[Elevations] Fixed generation of meshes.
[Inspectors] Fixed get / set of texture in the inspector, if the mesh contains a few parts.
[Textures] Fixed incorrect texture size for meshes. (2017.05.05)
[API] Added classes for working with GPX.
[API] Added classes for working with XML.
[Documentation] Updated API Reference.
[Documentation] Updated documentation.
[Elevations] Added support for SRTM 30.
[Roads] Added support for Road Architect.
[Tools] Improved export / import raw height maps.
[Tools] Improved export / import raw alpha maps.
[Other] Fixed the problem of manually entering the Bing Maps API key. (2017.04.25)
[Textures] Added the ability to generate textures up to 8192x8192.
[Textures] The generation of textures is accelerated.
[Textures] Fixed a rare exception when generating textures.
[Other] Removed obsolete compilation directives. (2017.04.20)
[API] Fixed a bug in the conversion of Unity World Position to coordinates.
[Buildings] Added the ability to specify the height of the floor.
[Buildings] Improved request to OSM Overpass API and processing of response.
[Helper] Improved and redesigned the helper.
[Tools] In scaler window, you can now specify the required absolute size of terrains in Unity World Points. (2017.04.10)
Real World Terrain v3 is rewritten from scratch, and is not compatible with Real World Terrain v2.x.
Import Real World Terrain v3 in a new project or, first remove Real World Terrain v2.x.
Main new features:
Integration with BuildR2, EasyRoads3D v3, Online Maps, Volume Grass, WorldStreamer.
Set of tools to search for locations and objects on the terrain, working with POI, etc.
Set of tools for post-processing textures.
Import / export of RAW data.
Real World Terrain API.
Supports the latest versions of Unity Editor.
and much more. (2017.01.17)
Important: Real World Terrain v3.x is not compatible with Real World Terrain v2.x.
Import Real World Terrain v3 in a new project or, first remove Real World Terrain v2.x.
Main new features:
Integration with EasyRoads3D v3, Online Maps, Volume Grass, WorldStreamer.
Set of tools to search for locations and objects on the terrain, working with POI, etc.
Set of tools for post-processing textures.
Import / export of RAW data.
Real World Terrain API.
Supports the latest versions of Unity Editor. (2016.11.19)
[The cumulative update that includes all the fixes and improvements.]
Updated url for Google Maps Satellites. (2016.06.23)
[The cumulative update that includes all the fixes and improvements.]
Fixed a problem with the helper. (2016.05.24)
Added support for Unity v4.7.
Now for Unity v5.3 with Relief Terrain Pack automatically set Terrain Material - Custom. (2016.05.23)
Fixed problem with ReliefTerrainGlobalSettingsHolder.useTerrainMaterial. (2016.02.21)
Now, when generating BuildR buildings with more than 4 points used flat roof. (2016.02.21)
Updated URL of Google Maps tiles. (2016.01.13)
Updated URL of Google Maps tiles. (2015.11.15)
Fixed possible UnassignedReferenceException in RealWorldTerrainItem script. (2015.10.31)
Added ability to generate colliders for BuildR.
Added ability to specify Render Mode for BuildR.
Reduced the number of simultaneous downloads to 16 (due to limitations of Bing Maps Elevation API) (2015.10.29)
Changed server of OSM Overpass API requests. (2015.10.16)
Extended list of OSM tags to generate grass. (2015.10.13)
Fixed bug positioning of trees. (2015.10.05)
Fixed positioning of buildings and roads, with the regeneration of a single terrain. (2015.10.04)
Added compatibility with Unity 5.1, 5.2.
Updated URL for Google Satellite.
Fixed generation of BuildR buildings in Unity 5.1+. (2015.05.06)
Added the ability to regenerate the buildings for single terrain. (2015.05.05)
Fixed a bug due to which sometimes the download never ends. (2015.05.02)
Fixed download method of tiles for some providers. Now used UnityEngine.WWW. (2015.04.12)
Removed the ability to create a prefab Real World Terrain Window.
Added the ability to create a prefab Real World Terrain Container Inspector.
Added About window. (2015.04.08)
Improved algorithm for determining normals of buildings (thanks Cameron Wise-Maas).
Fixed saving of empty buildings materials.
Fixed a buildings generation bug with empty materials.
Added the ability to choose elevation provider in the helper.
In helper removed checking of latitude for Bing Maps. (2015.04.02)
Added the ability to specify the material of walls and roofs, for built-in generator of buildings. (2016.03.15)
Added support for Unity 5.
Stopped support Unity v3.5 - 4.2.
Added support for Bing Maps Elevation API.
Changed the built-in update.
Now downloading OSM data goes through the Open Street Map Overpass API (much faster).
Many times accelerated the generation of additional objects.
Fixed a bug in the generation of herbs, because that does not correctly calculated density.