Added the ability to convert Bulk Loader to individual Loaders and Restore Original Terrains.
If the Bulk Loader has no child terrains to compress, the Compress All Child Terrains button will not be displayed. (2024.07.29)
Added the ability to automatically activate Read/Write Enabled for grass textures.
Added a warning that Android requires IL2CPP, with a quick fix button.
Fixed Detail Scatter Mode for Unity 2022.2+. (2024.07.03)
Fixed problem when compressing trees when sometimes buffer size is not enough. (2024.06.04)
Algorithm of detailmaps compression has been changed, because of a bug that in some cases led to incorrect display of detailmaps.
For detailmaps to be compressed with the new algorithm, you need to recompress terrains.
Data compressed with the old algorithm will be decompressed well.
Also added support for new detailmaps technologies for Unity 2022.1+. (2022.12.14)
First release