[New] Added the ability to create a new GameObjects with a script by dropping the script into an empty place in the hierarchy.
[Bookmarks] Project bookmarks are now sorted first by folder, then by name.
[Drag And Drop To Tab] Added a setting.
[Drop To Floor] If there is no Renderer on the selected GameObject, child Renderers are used.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added the ability to rename child GameObjects.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added ability to make GameObject first or last.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added Undo support for sorting by name.
[Integration] Fixed a rare issue where an exception was shown in the console when Full Screen Editor was present in a project.
[Log Manager] Strongly optimized performance when something spams a message to the console.
[Move To Point] Now can work for objects without bounds.
[Project Create Script] Moved the editor script templates up when selecting a template in the Editor subfolder.
[Project Create Shader] Added the ability to quickly create materials from shaders. (2024.11.11)
[Best Icon Drawer] Fixed exception when GameObject has a missing component.
[Move Component Above / Below] Fixed script compilation for Unity 2022 and 2023.
[Move Light Target] Improved tool when working with directional light. (2024.10.30)
[New] Added even-odd highlighting for Hierarchy and Project windows.
[New] Added quick shader creation for the Shaders folder in the project.
[New] Added the ability to move a component above or below than the specified component.
[New] Added solo pickability.
[Bookmarks] Added hotkey closing of the bookmarks window if the window is already open.
[Context Menu] Fixed context menu positioning on multiple monitors positioned vertically.
[Distance Tool] Fixed display of transform position in scene.
[Drag and Drop Object Fields] For Windows I made drag and drop fields via Harmony.
[Hierarchy Best Icon] Fixed the icons for SubScene and prefab variant.
[Inspector Bar] Fixed a problem when hovering over inspector bar closed popup windows.
[Pivot Tool] Added the ability to set pivot to center with Alt+C.
[Play Animation Clip] Made to make the model return to its default pose after playback.
[Project Create Script] Added script templates for Entities, Jobs and Zenject.
[Project Create Material From Texture] Now uses the correct shader for RP.
[Settings] Added the ability to store settings in a local file.
[Smart Selection] Fixed exception when there are no objects for smart selection.
[Unity] Unity 6 support has been improved. (2024.08.28)
[Toolbar] Fixed an issue that caused the context menu and some other windows to not open when one of the windows was maximized. (2024.07.11)
[New] Added Drag and Drop to tab feature.
[Animation Preview] Fixed a problem when viewing an animation, the position, scale and rotation of the object were reset.
[Change Value of Numeric Fields] Now requires holding CTRL while changing the value using the mouse wheel.
[Component To Json] Fixed serialisation of component to Json.
[Components] Removed all asset components from Component / Scripts.
[Long Text Editor] Fixed exception when string is empty or null.
[Project Create Material] The created material will now have the correct shader for the render pipeline being used.
[Project Create Script] Added the ability to have custom templates.
[Project Tools] Strongly optimised performance.
[Search] The open window hotkey now respects the Unity Shortcuts toggle in Game View.
[Search] Fixed a rare problem with caching of elements in a project.
[Settings] Fixed a problem that not all settings were disabled, enabled or reset in a group action.
[Unity] Unity 6 support has been added. (2023.12.20)
[Scene Backups] Fixed exception when scene path is empty. (2023.12.19)
[Autosave] Added ability to make autosaves to separate files (disabled by default).
[Empty Inspector] The style of the element group has been changed.
[Hiearachy Best Icons] Fixed the problem that icons were not always immediately displayed correctly after compiling scripts.
[Menu] Changed menu path to Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer.
[Menu] The order of menu items has been improved.
[New] Added the ability to make scene backups.
[New] Added ability to save and load mini layouts.
[Other] Cross scene references warnings when using Unity API have been silenced.
[Pin And Close Window] Fixed a problem with moving the target window.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed a problem that the save and open scene buttons were ignoring visibility settings.
[Search] Added the ability to limit the search context to a folder.
[Settings] Resetting to default settings now also affects backgrounds rules, empty inspector items, mini layouts, project folder icons.
[Recent Windows] Expanded the list of windows that should not be included in the list of recent windows.
[Unity] Fixed issues in Unity 2023.2+. (2023.11.30)
[Project Create Scripts] Updated template for Editor Window.
[Project File Extensions] Fixed a bug that caused some Project Context Actions to work incorrectly.
[Project File Extensions] Optimized code.
[Project Play AudioClip] Fixed a problem with the click event being triggered outside the button.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed open scene button when Build has missing scenes.
[Unity] Fixed issues in Unity 2021.3. (2023.11.24)
[Drag And Drop To Event Field] Added a display of the Dynamic section.
[Drag And Drop To Event Field] Fixed display of classes with namespaces.
[Empty Inspector] Improved notification of new asset versions.
[Empty Inspector] Added option to disable notification of new asset versions in settings.
[New] Added the ability to show file extensions in the single-column Project window.
[New] Added the ability to move the Spot and Direction light target point when the B button is held down.
[New] Added ability to change the value of numeric fields with the mouse wheel when it has keyboard focus and mouse cursor over it.
[New] Added ability to quickly create CustomEditor for MonoBehaviour in a project.
[Pivot Tool] Fixed tool working in some cases.
[Platforms] Fixed issues on Apple M2, M3.
[Project Create Scripts] Added templates for creating PropertyDrawer and ScriptableObject.
[Settings] Added option to disable checking for updates.
[Unity] Fixed issues in Unity 2023.1+. (2023.09.28)
[Core] Fixed the scene name in the save changes dialog box.
[Custom Tool Switcher] Fixed tool triggering when you press U in a text field.
[Empty Inspector] Added ability to re-import items from Window menu.
[Hierarchy Backgrounds] Added the ability to make rule-based backgrounds.
[Hierarchy Components] If the default components are hidden, they will be displayed in an additional menu.
[Hierarchy Tree] Added the ability to display the number of children when hovering over a triangle.
[Hierarchy Tree] Added the ability to display the name of the parent element when hovering over a line.
[Hierarchy Tree] Added line highlighting for children of the selected element.
[Missing Script Fixer] Added the ability to select a script to replace.
[Missing Script Fixer] The selection of the best candidate for replacement has been improved.
[New] Added Align With for Camera Component in the inspector header.
[New] Added Project Context Action to create a material from a texture.
[Note] Added the ability to open Note Manager by right-clicking Note icon in the inspector.
[Note] Added the ability to open Note Manager through the main menu.
[Project Context Actions] Optimized code.
[Welcome] Added a link to Discord. (2023.08.17)
[Component Header Items] The sorting of buttons has been improved.
[Component Header Items] Removed Align and Distribute item.
[Component To JSON] Undo support has been added.
[Component To JSON] Fixed serialization of arrays.
[Context Menu] Fixed the layout on multiple displays.
[Hierarchy] Improved display of bookmarks and component icons together.
[Hierarchy Component Icons] Added ability to hide regular components like Transform, Rect Transform, etc.
[Inspector Bar] Fixed exception when GameObject contains a component for which there is no editor.
[New] Added the ability to play AudioClips in Project window.
[New] Added ability to sort child GameObjects by name.
[New] Added ability to collapse all children but not itself for TreeView.
[New] Added Align and Distribute feature to Transform Editor.
[Pivot Tool] Added warning if user tries to change pivot for GameObject containing MeshRenderer.
[Project Folders] Added the ability to make the rule work only for the root folder or not recursively.
[Runtime Save Components] The ability to save a field now doesn't use unsafe features and is available for the Apple M1.
[Toolbar] Button styling has been improved.
[Unity] Fixed warnings for Unity 2023.1. (2023.05.23)
[Component Header] Added a button to quickly add the component to bookmarks.
[Component Header] Added button for quick copy, paste, export and import component.
[Core] Fixed displaying CustomPropertyDrawer in the inspector without implemented OnGUI.
[Custom Tool Switcher] Holding down U for 0.5 second opens the tool selection menu.
[Drag And Drop To Event Field] The menu for selecting a method will now be displayed immediately after dragging.
[Hierarchy Icon Drawer] Fixed a rare exception where the best component has no texture.
[Hierarchy Notes] Clicking now opens the Note Manager.
[New] Added Custom Pivot Rotation tool.
[Notes] Added Note Manager which displays all notes in the scene.
[Post Header Items] Added a button to quickly add GameObject to bookmarks.
[Quick Access Bar] A button to open the Note Manager has been added.
[Smart Selection] Added the ability to quickly disable GameObject with a middle mouse button click, and to open the context menu with a right-click.
[Time Scale Window] Added a stepper that will switch to frame by frame after a specified time. (2023.04.20)
[Change Value of Numeric Fields] Now when holding CTRL or CMD the value will change to 0.1 instead of 100.
[Component To JSON] Renamed the context menu items.
[Component To JSON] Fixed import from JSON.
[Core] Fixed serialization of Enum fields.
[Object Field Selector] Fixed a feature for Unity 2022.2 and newer.
[Project Create Script] Fixed location of created script when LMB is pressed.
[Unity Types] Fixed features that uses undocumented Reorderable List features. (2023.04.11)
[Bookmarks] Fixed exceptions when labels in the project are null.
[Bookmarks] Fixed deleting of non-existing bookmarks.
[Core] Improved serialization in JSON.
[Core] Changed the fuzzy search algorithm, increasing accuracy and performance in all the tools that use it.
[Hierarchy Components] Fixed too frequent refreshing of elements in Component Icon Drawer.
[Hierarchy Headers] Fixed bugs and optimized code in HeaderRule.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added five second texture cache for Best Icon Drawer.
[New] Added search by serialized component fields.
[New] Added ability to copy, paste, export and import component as JSON.
[New] Added the ability to select a LOD Group in a scene as a single entity.
[Notes] Added ability to work with notes at runtime.
[Notes] Made note height limitation.
[Settings] Added ability to disable all group features in settings.
[Settings] Added setting to disable Select Next Custom Tool and Toolbar.
[View Gallery] Fixed exceptions of View Gallery in play mode. (2023.03.07)
[Collections] When a GameObject from a collection is selected in a scene, the entire collection will be selected first.
[Component Window, Row Enable] Added support for Undo.
[Context Menu] Added ability to breadcrumbs to select parents when multiple selections are made.
[Context Menu] Added ability to open GameObject in Properties window.
[Context Menu] Fixed an issue where some buttons wouldn't click.
[Duplicate Tool] Added the ability to create duplicates based on the rotation of the original object.
[Enum Field Search] The search box will not be used if at least one of the items contains a slash.
[Getting Started] Added ability to sort slides by version.
[Hierarchy Component Icons, Inspector Bar, Object Toolbar] Added ability to switch components on/off using the middle button.
[Hierarchy Component Icons] The style of the buttons has been changed.
[Inspector Bar] This is now also displayed in the Properties window if a GameObject is open there.
[New] Added the ability to quickly create scripts in the project window.
[New] Added the ability to quickly create materials in the project window.
[New] Added the ability to colour the folder icons based on rules.
[New] Added ability to move selected GameObjects to a point under the cursor by pressing C.
[Note] Added the ability to show notes in a hierarchy.
[Other] Added option to disable Object field Property Drawer using UEE_DISABLE_OBJECT_FIELD_DRAWER scripting define symbol.
[Pivot Tool] Fixed setting the pivot to the vertex.
[Project Create Folder] Added the option to select standard folder names when right-clicking.
[Runtime Save Components] Added option to automatically save the component when exiting Play Mode.
[Search] Fixed the caret position when opening a script search.
[View Gallery] Added option to set camera position from View State. (2023.01.17)
[Long Text Editor] Fixed issue with missing StackFrame.HasMethod. (2023.01.17)
[Autosave] Disabled autosave of Untitled scenes.
[Breadcrumbs, Context Menu Components, Hierarchy Enable] Added support for Undo when enabling and disabling GameObject.
[Core] Fixed window sizes when using UI Scaling.
[Core] Fixed ability to edit components when selecting multiple GameObjects.
[Create Browser] The preview area is now always visible.
[Duplicate Tool] Fixes Duplicate Tool when the size of one of the object's sides is zero.
[Hierarchy Enable] Added the ability to toggle the enable state of a GameObject when middle-clicking on a row.
[Long Text Editor] Now it's disabled for VisualScripting.
[New] Added the ability to create notes for GameObject.
[New] Added a button to quickly create folders in a project.
[Quick Access Bar] Now the tooltips of the items are shown to the right of the button.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed drawing of collapsing line.
[Runtime Save Components] Added the ability to save components through the context menu of the component.
[Settings] Added setting for creating folders by shortcut.
[Settings] Added the ability to export and import Empty Inspector Items and Header Rules.
[Unity] Fixed warning on Unity 2022.2.
[View Gallery] Fixed constant redrawing of the window.
[Waila] Fixes Waila for multiple Scene Views. (2022.12.07)
[Bookmarks] Fixed exception in RowDrawer.
[Duplicate Tool] The preview is no longer hidden in the hierarchy, which fixes an editor bug where duplicates are not shown in the hierarchy after the tool is finished.
[Duplicate Tool] Added a limit on the number of duplicates created.
[Empty Inspector] Added the ability to customize elements.
[Empty Inspector] Added display of new version availability.
[Empty Inspector] Added the ability to open settings.
[Enum Field Search] Fixed the problem that the window was not displayed.
[Flatten Collection] Added DefaultExecutionOrder attribute.
[Hierarchy] Improved the order in which tools are applied.
[Hierarchy] Added a right margin that will apply to all icons to the right of GameObject name.
[Hierarchy Bookmark] Fixed overlay on Hierarchy Error icon.
[Hierarchy Header] Added styles when hovering and selecting a header.
[Highlighter] The problem of changing hotkeys has been fixed.
[Jump To Point] Changed alternate mode from SHIFT + SHIFT to ALT + RMB.
[New] Added autosave of the scene when entering playmode and by timer.
[OS] Unsafe features are now automatically disabled on Apple M1.
[Preview] On OSX, changed the default hotkey to CTRL+SHIFT+Q.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to open scenes additively when pressing SHIFT + LMB.
[Quick Access Bar] Added autosave settings to the Save action.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed icon display style.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed Info window size.
[Scene View] Fixed scene jitter when moving on Apple M1.
[Scene View] Improved asset performance.
[Search] Settings button now opens search settings instead of general settings.
[Switcher] On OSX, changed the default hotkey to CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
[View Gallery] Added the ability to hide Scene View state and UI state.
[Waila] Added the ability to detect UI elements. (2022.11.07)
[Scene References] Fixed InitializeOnLoad issue. (2022.11.07)
[Core] Failed to call static function Reset exception fixed.
[Icon Selector] Fixed opening Icon Selector on OSX.
[Object Placer] Fixed object positioning when Scene View is in 2D mode.
[Scene References] Fixed initialization of references when starting the editor. (2022.10.04)
[Autosize Window, Component Window] Fixed issue with ExitGUIException.
[Autosize Window] Fixed problem when the window was moved down and not dragged.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to filter items by Asset Labels.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to search in folders.
[Component Window] Fixed display of Quaternion fields in debug mode.
[Context Menu] Fixed positioning of breadcrumbs on multiple displays.
[Context Menu] Added the ability to show hidden components.
[Hierarchy Best Icons] Changed scene icon.
[Hierarchy Best Icons] The best component icons will now be drawn for child of prefab.
[Hierarchy Bookmarks] When components are shown on hover without modifiers, the bookmark icon will not be shown.
[Hierarchy Components] Fixed opening of components when entering/exiting play mode.
[Hierarchy Components] Fixed display of components when the cursor enters Hierarchy window from another window.
[Hierarchy Components] Fixed component window positioning when multiple displays.
[Hierarchy Headers] Added display of foldout button if GameObject has children.
[Hierarchy Headers] Added the ability to disable the header.
[Highlighter] When using the Scriptable Render Pipeline, objects with a Renderer will be shown with an arrow.
[Object Field Selector] Fixed NullReferenceException when field is not drawn as SerializedProperty.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed showing best component when adding a new component when this is disabled.
[Runtime Save Components] Changed the way of saving components.
[Runtime Save Components] Fixed saving values of long and double type fields for Unity 2022.1+.
[Settings] Restore Default Settings will restore ALL settings by default including Local Settings.
[Settings] Added setting for Collapse Quick Access Bar.
[Smart Selection] Fixed positioning of content on multiple displays. (2022.08.26)
[Animator] Added the ability to frame-by-frame animation control.
[Empty Inspector] Help button added.
[Hierarchy Bookmark Button] Tooltip fixed.
[Hierarchy Headers] Now text transparency will be ignored.
[New] For Curve Editor, the ability to view and modify points as a list has been added.
[New] Added ability to frame all points for Curve Editor.
[New] Added the ability to expand single-line text fields, the contents of which do not fit in the field.
[Object Field Selector] Fixed work for Unity 2022.1+.
[Object Field Selector] Now you can select GameObjects.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixes users Quick Access Actions that are located not in an asset assembly.
[Recent Scenes] Added the ability to bookmark a scene.
[Smart Selector] Fixed highlighting objects in the scene with a flat style.
[Switcher] Fixes switching Scene View and Game View when there are undocked windows.
[Transform Editor Tool] For align and distribute, the axes now have a color hint.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2022.2 beta. (2022.07.22)
[Component Window] Fixed the issue that objects were not marked dirty when enabling/disabling GameObject or component from a window.
[Core] Fixed issue with ExitGUIException.
[Custom Tool Switcher] When a tool is selected, Scene View will now display its name.
[Empty Inspector] Added new elements that can be called from the window.
[Empty Inspector] Added filter with Fuzzy Search support.
[Hierarchy Headers] Added support for multiple rules.
[Library] Updated Harmony.
[New] Added ability to align and distribute from component header.
[New] Bookmarks in the hierarchy.
[Recent Scenes] Added the ability to exit play mode when selecting a scene.
[Runtime Save Components] Changed the way of saving components.
[Runtime Save Components] Added the ability to save the value of a single field through the context menu of the field.
[Search] Improved display of the help button.
[Search] Added the ability to open settings.
[Settings] Added ability to disable all unsafe features at once.
[Smart Selection] Added GameObjects icons for Flat style.
[Switcher] Added support for Fullscreen Editor.
[Switcher] Added the ability to disable automatic switching to the maximized Game View in the settings when entering play mode.
[Ungroup] Now, when ungrouping, confirmation will be asked.
[Ungroup] Added the ability to unpack prefabs. (2022.06.18)
[Bookmarks] Fixed exception when initializing bookmarks in the scene.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed pinning windows. (2022.06.17)
[Animator] Improved display of the Clips section.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to change the order of bookmarks.
[Bookmarks] Scenes now display bookmarks separately.
[Bookmarks] Fixed stopping element resizing when going from rows to grid.
[Distance Tool] Added the ability to select a vertex while holding V.
[Hierarchy Components] Fixed display of elements if GameObject contains Cinemachine Brain component.
[Highlighter] Hierarchy redrawing rules have been changed.
[Inspector Bar] Added an icon to notify about a new version of an asset.
[New] Added the ability to create directories in a project using F7.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to create actions (complex interactions in separate classes).
[Quick Access Bar] Added action to open scenes.
[Quick Access Bar] Added action to save scenes.
[Recent Scenes] Added the ability to drag scenes from the window.
[Runtime Save Components] Changed the way of saving components.
[Settings] Added the ability to change the rules for displaying Hierarchy Components.
[Transform in World Space] Added the ability to keep proportions. (2022.06.06)
[Group] When grouping one GameObject, the name will be suggested by {ORIGINAL NAME} Container.
[Input Dialog] Improved window closing by ESC.
[New] Added the ability to play clips in Animator Inspector.
[New] Transform Inspector has the ability to change the position, rotation and scale in world space, and specify the size of the object in world units.
[New] For BoxCollider added the ability to determine the size of the object based on Renderers.
[New] Added Empty Inspector.
[Pivot Tool] Added pivot icon next to handles.
[Pivot Tool] Added the ability to set pivot by vertex.
[Pivot Tool] Added the ability to set orientation by two vertices.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to automatically close View Gallery when an item is selected.
[Recent Scenes] Added the ability to close the window by ESC.
[Rename] For mass renaming, a preview of the new name for the first element will be shown.
[Toolbar] Improved display of the windows button. (2022.05.18)
[Best Icon Drawer] Optimized performance.
[Best Icon Drawer] Fixed a problem with icons that didn't change.
[Key Binding] Optimized performance.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed missing handles when collapsing Quick Access Bar.
[Runtime Save] Fixed display of save button for prefab instances.
[Toolbar Windows] Fixed performance when Domain Reload is OFF.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2021.3 and 2022.1. (2022.04.22)
[Best Icon Drawer] Improved search for the best icons.
[Drag And Drop To Event Field] Fixed issue when multiple event fields.
[Duplicate Tool] Added the ability to optionally not hide temporary objects in the hierarchy.
[Examples] View States example scene scripts are included in assembly definitions.
[Flat Selector] Improved display of separators.
[Flat Selector] Improved keyboard interaction.
[Group] When grouping one object, added the ability to save the original position.
[Hierarchy Tree] Added the ability to color the tree based on the colors of built-in icons.
[Hierarchy Type Filter] Fixed a warning sometimes being shown when selecting a filter item.
[Maximize Game View] The first time the Game View is maximized by SHIFT + Space, it will be asked about the desired behavior.
[Menu] All menu items have been moved from Window to Tools.
[Nested Editor] Added the ability to choose the display side of Nested Editor button.
[New] Added the ability to draw custom items in the header of the component.
[New] Added the ability to save components at runtime.
[New] Added the ability to hide the preset button in the component header.
[New] Added the ability to hide empty help buttons in the component header.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed issue with initializing Quick Access Bar items in a new project.
[Rename] Added the ability to specify the initial value of the counter for mass renaming.
[Rename] Keys in mass renaming are now case-insensitive.
[Search] Added search by Tools menu items.
[View Gallery] Improved display of elements with a very small window height.
[View Gallery] Fixed a bug due to which the cameras in the scene did not restore the settings when rendering the preview.
[Windows] Fixed autosize window closing. (2022.03.09)
[Scene References] Fixed issues with getting references when changing scenes.
[Settings] Changing Nested Editor / Show In Reorderable Lists now redraw inspectors. (2022.03.08)
[Core] Unsafe methods are now made through Harmony.
[Core] IntersectRayMesh issue fixed.
[Enum Fields, Object Fields] Improvements to these fields are now made by the editor method patch.
[Frame Bounds] When used for objects containing a Rect Transform, 2D mode is automatically turned on, and turned off if the object does not contain this component.
[Group] When grouping by center, bounds are now used.
[Hierarchy Backgrounds] Backgrounds are no longer recursive by default.
[Inspector Bar] Added ability to open prefab.
[Nested Editor] Added ability to disable Nested Editor in Reorderable List.
[Nested Editor] Added the ability to disable Nested Editor for a field using DisallowNestedEditor attribute.
[New] Added Hierarchy - Filter By Type.
[New] Added quick item addition for Event Fields.
[Migration] Added utility for quick migration from uContext.
[Object Field Selector] Fixed window opening in prefab edit mode.
[Object Toolbar] Collapse/expand button moved to the left of the object name.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed styling when hovering over an object name.
[Recent Scenes] Scenes are no longer added to history in play mode.
[Rename] Spaces at the beginning and end of the name are now removed automatically.
[Settings] Added the ability to generate gitignore and collabignore files to exclude settings or the entire asset.
[Tree Drawer] Hidden tree lines when using Hierarchy Search.
[Unity] For Unity 2021.2 and above, the button to open Unity Search is hidden in the asset search bars.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2019.3-2019.4. Now requires Unity 2020.1 and higher.
[Unsafe] Added the ability to disable unsafe features using the UEENoUnsafe.txt file.
[View Gallery] Added preset view for UI.
[View Gallery] Fixed View State For Selection deletion bug. (2022.01.28)
[Enum Field Selector] Fixed problem with package import in some encodings.
[Hierarchy Tree] Improved tree display when using backgrounds.
[Pivot Tool] Fixed missing icon.
[Smart Selection] Fixed warnings for Unity 2020.1 and 2020.2. (2022.01.21)
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to open the scene.
[Bookmarks, Recent Scenes, Search] Added the ability to open the scene additive.
[Bookmarks, Recent Scenes, Search] If the current scene is changed, you will be prompted to save the changes.
[Drag And Drop] Fixed exception when dragging a texture not in the project.
[Hierarchy Enable] Now displayed when hovering over a row.
[Hierarchy Header] Added the ability to specify the alignment and style of the text.
[Hierarchy Tree] Now uses the parent's background color.
[Nested Editor] It will now open the editor in a window instead of trying to show it in the inspector.
[New] Added a custom window with a search for Enum fields.
[New] Added Object Field Selector.
[Number Fields] Fixed number fields improvement for Unity 2021.2 and higher.
[Pivot Tool] Improved tool orientation.
[Pivot Tool] Holding Alt will display the guides.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to select the type of window (popup, tab, utility).
[Quick Access Bar] Added ability to disable align to bar for popup windows.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed window positioning for Unity 2021.2 and higher.
[Quick Preview] UI will now be displayed for the cameras.
[Scene History] The window now opens with focus on the search field.
[Scene History] Selecting a row now select an item in the project.
[Settings] Added correct disabling of unsafe features.
[Smart Selection] Added the ability to drag and drop items.
[Smart Selection] For Flat style, added highlighting of an object in the scene when hovering over a row.
[Timescale] Fixed window size for Unity 2021.2 and higher. (2021.12.22)
[Core] Improved asset folder search to avoid issues with third party assets. (2021.12.18)
[Custom Tool Switcher] Fixed issue in Unity 2021.2 and higher. (2021.12.17)
[Actions] AudioListener will not be duplicated for cameras created from the context menu.
[Actions] For objects created from the context menu, undo will now work correctly.
[Create Browser] Added tooltips for all items.
[Create Browser] Improved the order of objects in the Create section.
[Create Browser] Fixed an issue when scripts inside the prefab threw an exception.
[Context Menu] Fixed positioning of the context menu opened using the right mouse button for Unity 2021.2 and higher.
[Core] Improved detection of the position in the scene under the cursor when GameObject has a Mesh Filter.
[Drag and Drop] Added a tooltip of what exactly happens when you drag a Sprite, Texture or Prefab onto the canvas.
[Drag and Drop] Fixed hiding Sprite preview when the cursor entered the canvas.
[Fuzzy Search] Improved speed and reduced memory allocation in all tools that use it.
[Group] Added the ability to specify parent, alignment and whether the collection should be created.
[Group] Fixed problem with parent when only one object was grouped.
[Group] Now the window will automatically close when opening the context menu and compiling scripts.
[Hiearchy Row Background] Added the ability to choose a background style (solid or gradient).
[Inspector Bar] Added the ability do not display materials (enabled by default).
[Inspector Bar] Added wrapping of elements to the next line.
[Inspector Bar] Fixed problem with bar injection after scripts compilation.
[New] Added Custom Tool Switcher (U) which will switch all custom tools including third party ones.
[New] Added Pivot Tool.
[New] Added Missed Script Fixer.
[Solo Visibility] Fixed work when using bookmarks or hierarchy backgrounds.
[View Gallery] Changed the default shortcut to ALT + SHIFT + V so as not to conflict with the built-in shortcut for creating an empty parent. (2021.11.08)
[Bookmarks] Scene bookmarks are now stored in the scene and you can have unique bookmarks for each scene.
[Distance Tool] The distance tool has been greatly improved.
[Getting Started] The table of contents is now always present on the screen.
[Nested Editor] Nested Editor is no longer displayed for DefaultAsset and Sprite.
[New] Added the ability to specify the background color for hierarchy rows.
[New] Added the ability to draw a hierarchy like a tree.
[Scene History] Fixed problem with displaying deleted scenes.
[Search] Fixed problem with displaying deleted items.
[Smart Selection] The smart selection window has been greatly improved.
[Tool Values] Fixed window position when UI Scaling.
[Toolbar] Timer and windows are now displayed as icons by default.
[Transform Editor Window] This window can now be closed by pressing Escape.
[View Gallery] Added the ability create a view state for selection.
[View State In Scene View] Added the ability to set the view from the camera by clicking on the icon while holding ALT. (2021.08.27)
[Breadcrumbs, Hierarchy Enable] Fixed the issue of marking GameObject dirty after changing the value.
[Component Window, Object Window] Fixed the problem of closing windows when compiling scripts and entering playmode.
[Nested Editor] Now the nested editor will not be displayed for fields that contain Texture, Shader or GameObject.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed handling of events when the bar is docked on top of the Scene View.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed loss of current selection when clicking on collapse area.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2021.2 beta. (2021.08.19)
[Bookmarks, Create Browser] Fixed display of the prefab icon when it has no preview.
[Context Menu] Fixed problem when some sections were of incorrect size.
[Context Menu, Quick Access Bar] Fixed window positioning for Unity 2021.1 and higher.
[Component Window, Object Window] Fixed display of the material editor and some other components.
[Component Window] Fixed positioning of bookmark and debug buttons when the window has a scrollbar.
[Component Window] Fixed closing of the docked window when compiling scripts.
[Hierarchy Icon] Right-clicking on a component's icon now displays the component's context menu.
[Inspector Bar] Added the ability to display multiple components.
[Inspector Bar] Added the ability to collapse / expand materials.
[New] Added nested editors feature.
[New] Added timer feature.
[New] Added the ability to change the timescale.
[New] Added the ability to drag objects from object fields.
[New] Added the ability to change the values of number fields with up and down arrows.
[Object Placer] Fixed positioning of objects without collider.
[Object Toolbar] This is no longer displayed when selecting Terrain Data in a project.
[Object Toolbar] When selecting an object in the project, it now displays its type (except for prefab).
[Quick Access Bar] Now the collapse area is not displayed when there is no Scene View under the cursor.
[Settings] Improved organization of settings.
[Settings] Added the ability to disable the addition of scripting define symbols.
[Toolbar] Fixed toolbar work for Unity 2021.1 and higher. (2021.07.16)
[Component Window] Fixed exception when opening a component using the component's context menu in the inspector.
[Duplicate Tool] Duplicates will now have a parent as the original element.
[Hierarchy Header] Fixed displaying header with an empty name.
[Hierarchy Header] Fixed display of header when background color has transparency.
[Highlighter] Added the ability to highlight objects without a renderer.
[Inspector Bar] The bar is moved outside the scroll area.
[Inspector Bar] Fixed exception when deleting a component.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed moving toolbar.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed display of assets in the project.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed resetting the display of an asset in a project when minimizing.
[Other] Fixed rare exception when maximizing / restoring a window.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to collapse the bar.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to specify the scale of icons.
[Scene View] Improved drawing order of tools.
[Settings] Improved organization of settings.
[Smart Selection] Added new design (enabled by default). If necessary, you can return to the old one in the settings.
[Smart Selection] Fixed display of smart selection when using keyboard shortcut when focus is not on Scene View. (2021.06.14)
[Bookmarks, Create Browser, Editor Icon Browser, Object Toolbar, Search] Added link to documentation.
[Collections] Added the ability to flatten collections.
[Context Menu] Fixed opening the context menu using right mouse button when Quick Access Bar is disabled.
[Core] Group concept renamed to Collections.
[Core] Fixed issue with ExitGUIException.
[Create Browser, Search] The indexing of elements has been highly optimized.
[Create Browser] Added the ability to disable preview in thumbnails and the preview area at the bottom.
[Create Browser] Added a limitation on the number of filtered items.
[Create Browser] Optimized drawing of items.
[Duplicate Tool] Added hotkey (U).
[Fuzzy Search] Search algorithm is highly optimized.
[Getting Started] Sorted by feature groups.
[Getting Started] Added table of contents.
[Getting Started] Added links to documentation.
[Hierarchy] Optimized hierarchy tools.
[Hierarchy] Added the ability to show hierarchy tools on hover without modifiers.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added the ability to always show component icons.
[Highligter] Added the ability to customize the highlight color of UI elements.
[New] Added Inspector Bar tool.
[New] Added Hierarchy Header tool.
[New] Added Hierarchy Icon Selector tool.
[Search] Added the ability to search for scripts (CTRL + SHIFT + T).
[Search] Added search hint when nothing is entered.
[Settings] Added the ability to export and import settings and items.
[Settings] Settings have been heavily reorganized.
[View Gallery] Added the ability to filter states and cameras. (2021.05.28)
[Bookmarks] Fixed the problem of detecting missing objects.
[Component Window] Fixed the problem that the window would close when the focus was lost.
[Component Window] Fixed an exception when opening a utility window from the context menu of a component.
[WAILA] Fixed problem when pressing Handles while holding CTRL. (2021.05.20)
[Hierarchy Enable] Disabled displaying checkboxes when the cursor is outside the hierarchy.
[Hierarchy Highlight] Disabled highlighting of rows when the cursor is on the hierarchy.
[Smart Selection] Fixed problem when this mode did not turn off. (2021.05.17)
[Component Window] Fixed auto-closing of the pinned window.
[Context Menu] Fixed opening the context menu using the right mouse button when editing a prefab.
[Group] Fixed multiple opening of the input window when grouping from the context menu of the hierarchy.
[Input Window] Fixed multiple input windows opened in various ways.
[Jump to Point] Added an alternate mode for devices that do not have a middle mouse button. (2021.05.11)
[Core] Fixed compilation error when Online Maps is present in the project. (2021.05.11)
[Context Menu] Fixed opening the context menu when using a new Input System.
[Duplicate Tool] Added the ability to create duplicate UI elements.
[Editor Icon Browser] Added the ability to export icons.
[Hierarchy] Added solo visibility.
[Hierarchy] Added the ability to enable / disable GameObject from the hierarchy.
[Object Toolbar] Improved styles.
[Object Toolbar] When adding a component, the new component will open automatically.
[Other] Added the ability to create tags via the GameObject context menu.
[Other] Added the ability to create layers via the GameObject context menu.
[Scene History] Added check for scene existence.
[Scene History] If the scene is already in the list, it will be moved to the top of the list.
[Selection Size] Improved display of sizes of UI elements.
[Tool Values] Improved display of values for UI elements. (2021.04.11)
[Actions] Added Snapping actions, which allows you to set the grid size for the Unity Snapping System and ProGrids, or copy the grid size from the selection size.
[Actions] Removed Duplicate action.
[Bookmarks] Fixed bug of deleting bookmarks.
[Bookmarks, Create Browser] Improved preview icons.
[Component Window] Improved display of debug mode.
[Component Window, Object Window] The header is now drawn inside the window itself, which improves performance and fix multi-window issues.
[Core] Fixed an issue where the Pin And Close window would sometimes remain on the screen after closing Unity Editor.
[Create Browser] Now preview is shown when hovering over a row. If you want to lock the line to rotate the preview, hold down CTRL.
[Create Browser] Added grouping of prefabs folders that have only one internal folder and do not have prefabs.
[Create Browser] Fixed bug with truncation of prefabs names.
[Distance Tool] Added display of a point in the scene.
[Distance Tool] Added the ability to specify which axes to calculate the distance.
[Distance Tool] Added the ability to add a position in the scene, instead of transform.
[Distance Tool] Added the ability to pick a position in the scene.
[Documentation] Documentation redesigned to HTML format.
[Duplicate Tool] Duplicate Tool has been completely redesigned, and now it can fill a line or area with duplicates of selected objects.
[Duplicate Tool] Remove Switch to Duplicate Tool feature.
[Duplicate Tool, Object Placer] If snapping is enabled, the created objects will be automatically snapped to the grid.
[Group] Added the ability to add a Group tag for a grouping object.
[Group] Changed default group GameObject name.
[Hierarchy] Added an icon for objects that have a Group tag.
[Integration] Integration with ProGrids is now automatic.
[Integration] Added integration with Enhanced Hierarchy and Fullscreen Editor.
[Mass Rename] In Basic version, the message will not be shown if the highlight of Pro features is disabled.
[New] Added Rotate By Shortcut tool.
[Object Placer] Added rules for creating objects by default and alternative mode.
[Object Placer] Now it will be correct to position objects if the point under the cursor was not on the horizontal plane.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to minimize the Object Toolbar.
[Other] Added the ability to quickly move objects to or from a group using GameObject context menu.
[Other] Added the ability to enable or disable GameObjects using GameObject context menu.
[Quick Access Bar] Improved display of text icons in light theme.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability for windows to have a custom size.
[Quick Access Bar] Added Intend Min and Max.
[Quick Access Bar] When adding a new item, if there is no way to find the corresponding icon, the text in Photoshop style will be used.
[Rename] Added the ability to disable rename by shortcut.
[Search] Now can search for objects that are disabled.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2019.2. Now the minimum version is Unity 2019.3.
[View States] Added display of distance to View State in Scene View.
[Windows] Added Check Integrity window.
[Windows] Improved a layout of Input Dialog window. (2021.02.15)
[Object Toolbar] Fixed rare issue with Add Component button.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed problem when icons were not displayed.
[Windows] Improved auto size windows. (2021.02.12)
[Duplicate Tool] Now switching to Duplicate Tool by hotkey is disabled by default.
[Hierarchy] Improved search for the best icon for GameObject.
[Hierarchy] Fixed exception when Hierarchy window is present but hidden.
[Object Toolbar] Fixed exception when GameObject was destroyed in play mode.
[Quick Access Bar] Hidden properties in the method selection.
[Rename] Renaming is now available when focus is on the Console Window.
[Selection Bounds] Fixed an exception when the second or next renderers were destroyed.
[Tool Values] Fixed display of tool values when clicking on handles.
[View States] Now they are displayed in Scene View in the place where the camera will be placed, instead of the pivot point.
[WAILA] Fixed not showing WAILA in some cases over terrain. (2021.02.03)
[Core] Fixed issue when floating windows remained after compiling scripts, starting a scene or closing the editor.
[Core] Fixed an issue where Unity Editor sometimes crashes on build.
[Create Browser] Added a hint of hot keys.
[Drop To Floor] If no target is found under the object, y = 0 will be used.
[Drop To Floor] Fixed drop of objects that have a rotation.
[Hierarchy] Added display of the icon of the best component, instead of the default icon.
[Hierarchy Errors] Fixed error type handling in Unity 2020.2.
[Highlighter] Added highlighting of UI elements.
[Improve Behaviours] Fixed exception when dragging GameObject from scene to Canvas.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to display objects from the project.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to drag an object by drag the header.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to move the toolbar with CTRL + left mouse button.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to display the header of the object when clicking on the header of the toolbar.
[Object Toolbar] Added the ability to show related components on other GameObjects.
[Object Toolbar] This is now displayed by default when Scene View is maximized.
[Other] Improved sorting of items in the main menu.
[Pro] uContext Pro Features Window is now also available in Pro.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to create items of types: space, flexible space, scriptable object, settings.
[Quick Access Bar] Added ProGrid compatibility mode.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to collapse items in the settings.
[Quick Access Bar] Added the ability to hide an item if it is temporarily not needed.
[Quick Access Bar] Fixed closing of windows when opening context menu or search.
[Rename] Added the ability to rename when focus is on the PinAndClose window.
[Selection Bounds] Improved order of displaying values in SceneView.
[Settings] Settings for Context Menu, Hierarchy, Favorite Windows, Quick Access Bar, Search, Views have been moved to separate sections.
[Settings] Editing items for Favorite Windows and Quick Access Bar are now in settings.
[View Gallery] Fixed exception when changing scenes with View Gallery open.
[View State] Added the ability to display View States in Scene View while holding ALT.
[WAILA] When hovering over a terrain, displays the position in the scene instead of the height. (2021.01.21)
[Log Manager] Greatly improved performance.
[New Feature] Added Editor Icon Browser.
[New Feature] Added Frame Selected Bounds.
[New Feature] Added GameObject Toolbar.
[New Feature] Added Jump To Point.
[New Feature] Added Quick Access Bar.
[Other] Added Assembly Definitions.
[Pin And Close] Redesigned, now shows window title and can drag dependent window.
[Pin And Close] Now Pin And Close will close itself and the dependent window upon recompilation.
[Prefs] Improved settings API.
[Refereces] Bookmarks, Favorite Windows and Recent Scenes are now stored in Scriptable Object. All existing items will be moved automatically.
[Rename] Improved the detection of what a GameObject is in the scene.
[Search] Now windows have higher priority than other items.
[Switcher] Improved switching from Scene View to Game View and vice versa.
[Terrain Brush Size] Fixed changing the brush size for Unity 2020.2 and higher.
[Tool Values] Now displayed when holding CTRL or clicking on handles.
[Tool Values] Fixed selection of an object under the cursor when opening Transform Tools.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2018.4 - 2019.1. Now the minimum version is Unity 2019.2.
[Update System] Fixed display of special characters in the changelog.
[Windows] The concept of automatic window size has been implemented, which is used in the Component Window and Transform Tools Window. (2021.01.08)
[Context Menu] Fixed position the context menu opened using the right mouse button for Unity 2019.4 and older. (2020.12.18)
Update note: Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

[Context Menu, Search] Fixed position the context menu opened using the right mouse button, and search on the second screen. (2020.12.14)
Update note: Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

[Component Window] Fixed display of Terrain Editor component.
[Component Window] Fixed debugging components that don't support this.
[Context Menu] Fixed exception when component is missing.
[Context Menu] Fixed loading Favorite Window icon on some versions of Unity Editor.
[Core] Fixed rare exception in Scene View Manager.
[Create Browser] Optimized performance.
[JSON] Fixed parsing of the null string.
[JSON] Fixed deserialization of structs.
[Selection View States] Fixed display of the icon when a non-GameObject is selected. (2020.11.25)
Update note: Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

[Breadcrumbs] Fixed exception when opening layout generation when more than 10 objects are selected.
[Selection Bounds Manager, Tool Values] Improved performance when selecting a huge number of objects in a scene. (2020.11.24)
Update note: Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

[Actions] Added Align and Distribute action.
[Breadcrumbs] Added the ability to drag the selected GameObject by the label.
[Breadcrumbs] If multiple GameObjects are selected, hovering over the label displays the path of all (up to 10) selected GameObjects.
[Component Window] Added the ability to drag Component or GameObject by the label.
[Distance Tool] Added the ability to drop GameObject and components to the window to quickly add to the list.
[Mass Rename] Replaced SI token with S.
[Mass Rename] Added a token for substring selection.
[New] Added Drop To Floor tool + Advanced Drop To Floor Window.
[New] Added the concept of Transform Editor Tools.
[Search] Now search by windows has higher priority than by scene.
[Settings] Added filtering support.
[Temporary Objects] Temporary objects are now marked using EditorOnly tag and do not go into the build.
[Transform Editor Tools] Added Align and Distribute Transform Editor Tool.
[Transform Editor Tools] Added Bounds Transform Editor Tool.
[Transform Editor Window] Improved positioning in the scene.
[WAILA] Improved display of terrain height under cursor. (2020.11.02)
Update note: Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

[Actions] Added Create View State For Selection action.
[Duplicate Tool] Duplicate Tool now hides WAILA highlight.
[Hierarchy Icons] Fixed display of Photoshop style icons when using a dark skin.
[Highlighter] Fixed highlighting GameObject when hovering over a row in the Hierarchy.
[Quick Preview] Added the ability to restore View State.
[Pin And Close] The problem is fixed that in some cases this window had an incorrect size.
[Replace] Changed the title of the Object Placer window.
[Replace] After replacement, new GameObjects are now set to the selection.
[Selection History] Now, when changing the scene, the history is cleared.
[Smart Selection] Fixed an exception when starting Smart Selection.
[Tool Values] Improved button positioning.
[Tool Values] Now when you click on the button, a window is displayed where you can set values.
[Ungroup] If Group is invoked from the context menu, this will close the context menu.
[WAILA] Now WAILA does not highlight objects when Quick Preview is active.
[WAILA] Now WAILA does not highlight objects when any mouse button pressed. (2020.10.29)
Update note:
Remove uContext v1 from the project before importing uContext v2.

Major changes:
- Recent scenes;
- Favorite Windows in the context menu;
- The History action in the context menu will combine Recent Scenes, Selection History and Recent Windows;
- Displaying position, rotation and scale in Scene View when using the appropriate tools;
- Displaying the size of selected objects;
- Tool for calculating distances in the scene;
- Ability to change tags and layers through the context menu;
- Filter by object type in bookmarks;
- Improved display with dark editor theme;
- Improved settings;
- Unity 2020.2 support.
- Improving existing features and fixing bugs. (2020.07.29)
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2020.1. (2020.06.20)
[Bookmarks] Added grid mode.
[Bookmarks] Added ability to navigate folders.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to play audio.
[Bookmarks] Added actions for double-clicking on an item.
[Bookmarks] Improved preview icons.
[Context Menu] Incorrect window sizes were fixed when the context menu was opened close to the upper or lower border of the screen.
[Create Browser] Improved preview icons.
[Create Browser] When you create a camera, a duplicate Audio Listener will be automatically deleted.
[Hierarchy] When a component on a GameObject has an error or exception, the error icon will be displayed on the GameObject row in the hierarchy.
[Popup Windows] Fixed display of pin and close when the window opened close to the upper border of the screen.
[Preview] Fixed camera initialization bug.
[Search] Improved preview icons.
[Settings] Improved settings layout.
[Toolbar] Added the ability to display buttons to the left and right of the play button.
[Toolbar] Added a button to the left of the play button when clicked restores View State for selection.
[Tools] Added duplicate tool.
[View Gallery] Fixed a bug restore View State from the context menu.
[View States] Added the ability to save and restore View States for selection.
[Waila] Tooltip update bug fixed when the tooltip was modified by a third-party script.
[Waila] Improved tooltip for Terrain.
[Windows] Added ability to display open windows on toolbar.
[Windows] Added the ability to display recently closed windows on the toolbar.
[Windows] Added the ability to display your favorite windows on the toolbar. (2020.04.15)
[Bookmarks] The sort order of the filtered items has been fixed.
[Component Window] Added debug mode where you can see all serialized fields.
[Context Menu] Now AddComponentMenu attribute is used for components.
[Core] Camel Case Search replaced to Fuzzy Search.
[Core] Added the ability to add and remove a bookmark and ungroup GameObject in the context menu for GameObject.
[Create Browser] Filtered items are now sorted by relevance instead of name.
[Group] Grouping fixed when the target is not a selected GameObjects.
[Group] Fixed customization of the hotkey for grouping.
[Hierarchy] Missed digits in Photoshop style names fixed.
[Preview] Preview can now display View States.
[Search] Improved layout.
[Search] Added support for meta keys for quick search on a specified source.
[Search] Impreved search for components.
[Search] Improved context menu for items.
[Search] Window search now shows the full menu path for an item.
[Ungroup] Added the ability to ungroup GameObjects.
[View Gallery] In View Gallery you can now choose which cameras and View States will be used in Preview. (2020.02.12)
[Actions] Fixed Views and Cameras action when nothing is selected.
[Actions] Added a selection history action.
[Bookmarks] Added a keyboard shortcut to quickly open a window (CTRL + ALT + B).
[Bookmarks] Added alternative action for prefabs - open prefab.
[Bookmarks] Added context menu for items.
[Bookmarks] Improved restoring bookmarks.
[Component Window] Added the ability to quickly enable / disable component and GameObject.
[Component Window] Now the window, when opened, adjusts to the height of the content.
[Component Window] Improved reference clearing when recompiling or starting a scene.
[Context Menu] Added the ability to quickly enable / disable components.
[Hierarchy Icons] Added the ability to quickly add GameObject to bookmarks.
[Hierarchy Icons] The maximum number of displayed icons is limited (default is 6).
[Hierarchy Icons] Improved display of icons.
[Hierarchy Icons] If the icon for the C# script should be displayed, then instead the script name
will be displayed in Photoshop style (up to 4 characters), for example OnlineMaps - Om.
[Object Placer] When creating a UI of elements, if there is no Canvas, it will be created, and the element will be placed as a child of Canvas.
[Object Placer] Fixed exceptions in the presence of corrupted assets in the project.
[Search] Improved display when using Pro skin.
[Search] Fixed exceptions in the presence of corrupted assets in the project.
[Settings] Added settings for Bookmarks, Group, Replace.
[Settings] Added the ability to pick a window to add to the search blacklist.
[Switcher] If at the start of the scene the Scene View is maximized, it will automatically switch to the maximized Game View.
[Tools] Added a selection history tool.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2019.3.
[Windows] Added Shortcuts window where you can explore all the shortcuts defined by uContext. (2019.12.05)
[Actions] Add Component action moved to window section.
[Actions] Cameras And Focus renamed to Views and Cameras.
[Behaviours] Added support for undo the drag and drop UI prefab on Canvas.
[Bookmarks] Now bookmarks can store objects of any type (GameObjects, Components, Assets).
[Bookmarks] Fixed the loss of the bookmark reference when restarting Unity Editor.
[Bookmarks] Improved performance.
[Bookmarks] Added ability to drag items from Bookmarks window.
[Bookmarks] Added grouping under objects in the scene and in the project.
[Bookmsrks] Added support for Camel Case Search.
[Breadcrumbs] Added ability to quickly switch enabled of the GameObject.
[Context Menu] Added ability to drag components.
[Context Menu] Added the ability to not disable the context menu in play mode.
[Component Window] Fixed clearing of references to editor.
[Create Browser] Added models in the project.
[Create Browser] Fixed selected item when returning to root when bookmark items are present.
[Create Browser] Added support for Camel Case Search.
[Create Browser] Improved performance.
[Hierarchy] When hovering over an element holding CTRL, the components for GameObject under the cursor will be displayed + button to add a new component.
[Preview] Fixed memory leak.
[Replace] Added hotkey to replace GameObjects (CTRL + SHIFT + H).
[Search] Added the ability to search by Window menu items.
[Search] Improved performance.
[Settings] Fixed switching object placer.
[View Gallery] Added support for multiple Scene View.
[View Gallery] Fixed memory leak.
[View Gallery] Added ability to create view state from scene view and cameras.
[View Gallery] Added ability to rename view state.
[View Gallery] Added confirmation when removing items. (2019.11.08)
[Actions] Added Replace GameObjects action.
[Breadcrumbs] Right-clicking now displays the context menu for GameObject.
[Context Menu] Added context menu by right-clicking on window items.
[Context Menu] Right-clicking now displays the context menu for component items.
[Context Menu] Fixed component width.
[Core] Added the ability to disable window transparency (context menu and search).
[Create Browser] Added support for blacklisting folders for prefabs (can be added in the settings).
[Create Browser] Interactive preview of item (you can rotate an item).
[Input Dialog] Now Keypad Enter can also be used as OK.
[Object Placer] Fixed creating UI GameObjects when opening Create Browser on Canvas.
[Rename] Added ability to group rename GameObjects.
[Rename] Renaming by F2 now also works when focus on the Inspector window, Component window and the Context Menu.
[Search] Added the ability to disable search by project and by component.
[Search] SHIFT + Enter selects a GameObject and focuses on it.
[Search] Added the ability to search only by type (without an item name).
[Settings] Improved window blacklist where CTRL + F will not open search.
[Tools] Added Highlighter tool.
[Waila] Added GameObject highlighting when displaying Waila.
[Waila] Added GameObject highlighting when hovering over smart selection items.
[Waila] Waila is now displayed when the cursor is over the Scene View, and the focus is on any window.
[Waila] Now, when displaying Waila, GameObject will be selected, instead of adding to the current selection. (2019.10.18)
[Actions] Create action now uses Create Browser Window.
[Actions] Now duplicate action uses the built-in Unity action.
[Actions] Added Group action.
[Actions] Maximize Scene View action now also works for Game View.
[Behaviours] Added ability to maximize Game View by shortcut (SHIFT + Space).
[Behaviours] Renaming by F2 now also works with focus on the Scene View.
[Bookmarks] Now for prefabs the ability to hide them in Scene View is disabled.
[Breadcrumbs] Added support for multiple selection.
[Context Menu] Added icons for windows and components.
[Core] Fixed minor memory leaks.
[Core] Fixed broken Layout when opening a component in a separate window.
[Search] Changed behavior when clicking on search items:
Click - selects a item.
Right click - Show context menu for item.
Double click or Enter - selects an object in a project or hierarchy.
CTRL + Enter - opens the component in a new window, GameObject in a new inspector,
or performs the default action for another type of object (for example, opens a script in the editor).
[Tools] Added Object Placer (CTRL + SHIFT + Right Click in the scene).
[Tools] Added the ability to group objects (CTRL + G). (2019.08.08)
[Core] Tweaks for deep integration with Real World Terrain. (2019.07.31)
[Actions] Fixed Add Component action.
[Core] Added preparation for integration with Online Maps and Real World Terrain.
The integration is implemented on the side of Online Maps and Real World Terrain, and will be available in future versions of assets.
[Prefs] Now the pause in play mode is disabled by default. You can enable this in the settings.
[Search] Added the ability to add the script to selected GameObject by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.
[Unity] Added support for Unity 2019.2. (2019.06.21)
[Actions] Fixed Create Parent and Create Temporary actions.
[Actions] Fixed a typo in Temporary.
[Search] Fixed possible exception during search. (2019.06.07)
[Actions] Removed Create Empty Child from Create action.
[Behaviours] Fixed Add Component Behaviour on Unity 2019.1.
[OSX] Improved and fixed default keyboard shortcuts for OSX. See the documentation for new shortcuts.
[Search] Added the ability to search by scene and project at the same time (now this is the default tab).
[Search] Strongly optimized caching of objects and assets for search.
[Search] Added support for Camel Case Search. For example, enter DL to search for Directional Light.
[Search] Added support for searching by object type. For example, enter wa:te to search for 08. Waila texture in the project.
[Waila] Changed the style to display the names of objects for better readability. (2019.05.02)
[Core] Added the ability to create a permanent and temporary camera from the menu.
[Core] Added the ability to create a View State from the menu.
[Prefs] Added the ability to set Alt, Command and Function keys.
[Search] When switching between searching by scene and by project, the text is no longer selected.
[Search] Search is now enabled by default for Unity 2019.x.
[View Gallery] Added hotkey for View Gallery (default is CTRL + SHIFT + G).
[View Gallery] Added the ability to create a View State, a permanent or temporary camera from View Gallery. (2019.04.24)
[Context Menu] Now the default hot key for OSX is CTRL + Z.
[Core] Fixed opening the context menu and windows on OSX.
[Settings] Fixed bug loading settings escaped strings and objects.
[Smart Selection] Now the default hot key for OSX is CTRL + SHIFT + Z. (2019.04.18)
[Core] Hotfix for Unity 2019.x with dotNet v3.5 Equivalent. (2019.04.17)
[Actions] Added action - Close All Component Window.
[Context Menu] Added the ability to create temporary objects.
[Context Menu] Added the ability to create and remove a view state.
[Core] Implemented view state concept.
[Core] Implemented the ability to draw WAILA and Preview over Unity Scene UI elements.
[Search] Disabled by default for Unity 2019.x due to the awesome Quick Search package.
[WAILA] Improved Smart Selection UI.
[WAILA] Added the ability to display the height of the terrain under the cursor.
[Windows] Added View Gallery. (2019.04.02)
[Actions] Improved camera.farClipPlane for temporary cameras.
[Windows] Fixed an exception when Terrain Editor loses focus. (2019.04.02)
[Actions] Added the ability to create a permanent or temporary camera from the Scene View.
[Actions] Added the ability to quickly set the view from the camera.
[Bookmarks] Bookmarks can now store GameObjects.
[Bookmarks] For Unity 2019+, you can toggle the visibility of GameObjects.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to open the bookmark window from the menu.
[Core] When closing Unity Editor now closes all popup windows.
[Prefs] Added the ability to change the default window size.
[Prefs] Added the ability to restore default settings.
[Preview] Use the mouse wheel to switch between cameras.
[Preview] Use F in Preview to set the view.
[Search] Added the ability to not use the search on specified windows.
[Search] Now search by default is disabled for Bookmarks, Profiler and Settings.
[Search] Improved search algorithm.
[Temporary Objects] Implemented temporary objects that will be automatically destroyed in the playmode.
[Terrain Brush Size] Now it is disabled when Preview is active.
[Windows] Drag and drop Component into SceneView to open it in a separate window. (2019.03.27)
[Actions] Added the ability to create a parent object.
[Bookmarks] Added the ability to drag and drop components to bookmarks.
[Bookmarks] Improved Bookmark window.
[Bookmarks] Clear Bookmarks now ask for confirmation.
[Core] Fixed the problem of running for the interception of keys.
[Improvements] Improved Add Component by shortcut behaviour.
[Improvements] Improved drag and drop Texture to Canvas behaviour.
[Improvements] Improved drag and drop Sprite to Canvas behaviour.
[Improvements] Improved drag and drop Prefab with Rect Transform to Canvas behaviour.
[Search] Added a smart search for GameObject and components in the scene, and assets in the project.
[Waila] Waila now works built-in way, and will always show the correct GameObjects under the cursor.
[Zoom By Shortcut] Added the ability to fast zoom in / out Scene View. (2019.03.19)
First release