[Menu] Menu items moved from Window / Infinity Code / uPano to Tools / uPano.
[Plugins] Added Go To Direction Using Keyboard.
[Tour] Added the ability to specify a shader for all panorama of the tour.
[Transitions] Improved Direction Warping Transition. (2022.12.22)
[API] Fixed incorrect hooks in InputManager to adapt to the new input system.
[Keyboard Control, Mouse Control, UI Buttons Control] Added adaptive sensitivity based on FOV.
[Mouse Control] Added the ability to not start moving on UI in Left Mouse Button Down mode.
[Mouse Control] Fixed an issue where changing FOV with the mouse wheel used deltaTime.
[Tour Maker] Fixed display issues when entering play mode.
[Transitions] Fixed an exception when Directional Warping Transition was started not from an interactive element.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2018.4 - 2019.3 due to Asset Store requirements. Now requires Unity 2019.4 and higher. (2021.11.09)
[Integration] Fixed an error when integrating with Online Maps. (2021.10.06)
[Tour Maker] Fixed an issue when an existing tour was not displayed in the maker, or the selected item was not highlighted.
[Visual Interactive Element Editor] Now Interactive Element Settings window will always open above Visual Interactive Element Editor. (2021.10.01)
[Core] All input now goes through Input Manager class so that if needed you can intercept it and add support for the new input system.
[Core] Extension system has been implemented.
[Core] For downloading panoramas by url, loading is accelerated and memory usage is reduced.
[Downloader] All providers moved to exension. Download and import required provider to use this.
[Third-party] Google Street View moved to extension. Download and import Google Street View Service extension if you want to use this.
[Hot Areas] Added support for Hot Areas.
[Plugins] Added RawImage Touch Forwarder.
[Renderers] Fixed exception when trying to change texture in SingleTexturePanoRenderer.
[Tour Maker] Added support for undo.
[Transitions] Added Directional Warping Transition.
[Visual Interactive Element Editor] Added the ability to change North Pan.
[Updates] Fixed built-in update system. (2021.05.21)
[Documentation] Documentation redesigned to HTML format.
[Examples] Added Time Switch and Sync Panoramas example scenes.
[Integration] Added integration with Fingers - Touch Gestures.
[Interactive Elements] The hotspots and directions now have the same layer as the panorama.
[Plugins] Added Sync View plugin.
[Plugins] Added Time Switch plugin.
[Tour Maker] Added the ability to use cubemaps in tours.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2017.x - Unity 2018.3. Now the minimum version is Unity 2018.4.
[Update System] Fixed display of special characters in the changelog. (2020.12.14)
[Renderers] Fixed exception when setting texture with Read / Write Enabled - OFF from the project.
[Wizard] After creating the panorama, the GameObject will be selected. (2020.11.26)
[Core] Added support for texture compression, it will greatly reduce memory usage.
[Core] Fixed memory leaks.
[Core] Fixed double transitions.
[Downloader] Fixed bug when Low Res Texture is empty.
[Renderers] Fixed problem when in some cases mesh was not created.
[Renderers] Optimized spherical mesh creation.
[Transitions] Added DestroyUnusedPanoramaMesh transition. (2020.08.12)
[Actions] Improved SetPanTilt action.
[Controls] Fixed conflict when Gyro and Mouse controls are used at the same time.
[Core] Fixed problem with FOV for existing camera.
[Core] Fixed minor issues when north pan is non-zero.
[Plugins] AutoRotate now has a start delay and acceleration curve.
[Plugins] Added the ability to have one Limits for several panoramas.
[Renderers] The mesh is now created on the same layer as the original GameObject.
[Street View] Street View can now register a request as a map load or Street View Image download. (2020.04.21)
[Actions] Actions can now be invoked not from an interactive element.
[Actions] PlaySound action can now play AudioClip, and start playback if it is already being played.
[Core] Fixed not assigning a new texture when disabling and then enabling the panorama.
[HotSpot] Fixed orientation of Hot Spots.
[Interactive Elements] Quick event switching to another panorama now uses transitions.
[Plugins] Auto Rotate can now be on tour GameObject, and will interact with each panorama of the tour.
[Service] Fixed a rare exception when using Google Street View.
[Tour Maker] The exception is fixed when the serialized interactive element does not exist.
[Transitions] A size multiplier has been added for UI transitions, which may be useful in specific cases. (2020.01.30)
[Actions] Fixed tooltip orientation for ShowTextMeshTooltip.
[API] The response from Google Street View now contains complete meta information.
[API] Request now can contain custom fields.
[Core] Added classes for working with JSON.
[Directions] Fixed destroying of instances of directions during cleanup.
[Directions] Fixed rare exception when Direction Manager items are not initialized.
[Downloader] Fixed downloading Yandex panoramas.
[Examples] Updated example scenes.
[Google Street View] Added the ability to progressively download panoramas.
[Google Street View] Added experimental ability to have directions to neighboring panoramas.
[Google Street View] Panoramas now have the right north pan.
[Plugins] Plugins are no longer automatically destroyed if there is no panorama.
[Plugins] Fixed unsubscribing from panorama events for UI Compass Control.
[Renderers] Fixed positioning of elements when north pan is not equal to zero.
[Unity] Removed support for Unity 2017.1-2017.3. uPano now supports Unity 2017.4 LTS and higher. (2019.12.21)
[Google Street View] Fixed progressive panorama loading when integrating with Online Maps. (2019.10.02)
[Core] Fixed positioning of objects when the panorama is rotated. (2019.09.11)
Major new features:
* Visual Tour Maker - allows you to create great interactive virtual tours in a couple of minutes.
This is a fully visual drag-and-drop solution that takes virtual tours to the next level.
* Integration with Playmaker - allows you to create dynamic panoramas using visual scripting.
* The concept of global (for all panoramas) events and transitions.
This allows you to set the behavior for all panoramas, hot spots and directions once, and not to recreate it for each panorama.
And many other minor new features, improvements and fixes. (2019.08.07)
[Core] Fixed memory leak.
[Requests] Improved progressive texture download from Google Street View. (2019.07.30)
[Controls] Rotation of the panorama using the keyboard is disabled when the focus is on the text field. (2019.07.16)
[Requests] Fixed disposing of Google Street View request. (2019.07.13)
[Actions] Fixed ShowTooltip action with multiple Hot Spots.
[API] Added WWWRequest.OnPrepareURL hook to intercept all download requests.
[Requests] Fixed downloading of Google Street View by coordinates for dotNet v4.x. (2019.06.28)
[Core] Added support for Scriptable Render Pipeline.
[Downloader] Added plugin for dynamic loading of panoramas by URL.
[Renderers] Optimized changing panomama textures. (2019.05.14)
[Downloader, Google Street View Plugin] Added the ability to download Google User Content panoramas.
[Downloader] Added the ability to specify a zoom for Google Street View and Google User Content panoramas. (2019.03.05)
[Downloader] Added the ability to download panoramas up to 8192.
[Updater] Fixed check for uPano updates for dotNet v4.x. (2019.02.19)
[Services] Fixed ignoring zoom when downloading Google Street View panoramas. (2019.02.14)
[Directions, HotSpots] Fixed exception when dynamically creating a panorama without a manager.
[Renderers] Fixed dynamic setting of material and defaultMaterial fields for SingleTexturePanoRenderer. (2019.02.14)
[Controls] Fixed Gyro Control for iOS. (2018.10.03)
[Actions] Added actions: Set Text, Set Transform Position.
[Actions] Open URL action now uses Application.OpenURL.
[Controls] Fixed an exception caused by UI compass if you exit from the scene with a panorama and go back.
[Controls] Now clicking on the arrows of UI compass stops the automatic rotation.
[Examples] Updated example scenes.
[Hot Spots] Now the default distance multiplier is 0.95.
[Interactive Elements] Now click event causes the pointer exit event.
[Renderers] Now defailt shader is Unlit/Texture. (2018.09.25)
[Actions] Added a new actions: SetFov, SetPanTilt, SetGameObjectActive.
[Actions] Now TransitionAction will unlock the panorama locked earlier.
[Controls] Now the compass updates the orientation of the arrow when the panorama has been enabled.
[Controls] Now UI Controls uses the last enabled panorama.
[Examples] Added 10. Switching panoramas in same scene.
[Preview] Fixed an exception if Hot Spot Manager did not have any items.
[Renderers] Fixed conversion pan tilt to Unity World Position for CubePanoRenderer. (2018.09.22)
[API] Added the ability to lock interaction with the panorama.
[Actions] Added Open URL and Play Sound actions.
[Actions] For DestroyCurrentPanorama, LoadAnotherPanorama, LoadScene, the ability to specify before and after transitions is added.
[Controls] Fixed a bug of losing reference to AutoRotate in UI Buttons control.
[Core] Fixed warnings for Unity 2018.3.
[Other] Rearranged elements in Component menu.
[Quick Actions] Added the ability to specify before and after transitions.
[Transitions] Implemented a system of composite transitions from and to the panorama.
[Visual Editor] Now it supports directions.
[Visual Editor] Fixed bug of conversion of PoV to UV for spherical renderer. (2018.09.25)
Important: The content has been moved from Standard Assets to Plugins.
Delete the old version before importing the new one.
Main new features:
- Directions.
- Visual editor of interactive elements.
- Global events of interactive elements.
- Quick actions for interactive elements.
- UI Compass Control.
- Set cursor action.
And much more... (2018.08.27)
First release (2018.08.27)
First release