Documentation for Ultimate Editor Enhancer v4.1
IntroductionDescriptionBefore you startTeam WorkMigrate from uContextMigrate from Ultimate Editor Enhancer TrialFuzzy searchStandalone ToolsAutosaveBookmarksContext menuWindowsPopup windowTabUtilityFavorite WindowsComponentsBreadcrumbsActionsAlign & DistributeCreating ObjectsHistoryReplace GameObjectsSnappingViews and CamerasDistance ToolEditor Icon BrowserRecent ScenesScene BackupsSmart SearchSearch by FolderSearch for ScriptsToolbarRestore ViewTimerTimescale changeStepperWindowsCurrently Open WindowsRecently Closed WindowsFavorite WindowsMini LayoutsGameObject ToolsAdd Component by ShortcutCollectionsFlattenMoving objects between collectionsCustom Pivot Rotation ToolDrop To FloorAdvancedDuplicate ToolGroup GameObjectsMove To PointPivot ToolRename by ShortcutMass RenameRotate by ShortcutSelect Prefab InstancesSelection HistoryUngroup GameObjectsHierarchy ToolsBackgroundsBest Icons For GameObjectBookmarks in HierarchyComponents In HierarchyDisplay errors and exceptionsEnable/Disable GameObjectsFilter By TypeHeadersHighlight GameObject In Scene ViewOdd-EvenRow SettingsSolo PickabilitySolo VisibilitySort Child GameObjectsTreeInspector ToolsAlign And Distribute in Transform EditorBookmark GameObjectComponent Header ButtonsBookmarksCamera - Align WithCopy - PasteDetect Bounds of Box ColliderMove Component Above / Below Other ComponentSaving Components at RuntimeSave Component When Exiting Play ModeSaving Single FieldTransform in World SpaceComponent To JSONDrag From Object FieldsEmpty InspectorHide Empty Help ButtonHide Preset ButtonInspector BarMissing Script FixerNested EditorsNotesNote ManagerObject Field SelectorPlay Clips in AnimatorSearch By Serialized FieldsNavigation ToolsFast Zoom In / Out by ShortcutFrame Selected BoundsJump To PointQuick PreviewView GalleryView State In Scene ViewView State for SelectionProject ToolsContext ActionsCreate Custom Editor For MonoBehaviourCreate FolderCreate Folder by ShortcutCreate MaterialCreate Material From TextureCreate ScriptCustom TemplatesCreate ShaderPlay AudioClipFile ExtensionsFolder IconsOdd-EvenScene View ToolsCustom Tool SwitcherHighlighterObject PlacerObject ToolbarRelated ComponentsQuick Access BarSelection BoundsSelection As OneTool ValuesTransform Editor WindowAlign & DistributeBoundsTerrain Editor Brush SizeWaila (What Am I Looking At)Smart SelectionInteracting with WindowsMaximize Active WindowSwitch Between Scene and Game ViewsUnsafe FeaturesChange Value of Numeric FieldsCollapse Children in Tree ViewEnum Field SearchFrame All Points of Curve EditorList of Values in Curve EditorLong Text FieldsOther Unsafe FeaturesBehavior ImprovementsDrag And Drop from Project to CanvasDrag and Drop TextureDrag and Drop SpriteDrag and Drop a Prefab containing a Rect TransformDrag And Drop to TabDrag and Drop to Unity Event fieldMove Light TargetTemporary ObjectsSettingsExport / Import SettingsExport / Import ItemsSettings to Local FileScene ReferencesSetting up gitignore and collabignoreShortcutsIntegration with third-party assetsEnhanced HierarchyFullscreen EditorProGridsUpdating AssetTroubleshootingCheck IntegrityKnown IssuesYour problem is not listedSupportOther Infinity Code assetsHuge TextureMesh to TerrainOnline MapsProject Context ActionsReal World TerrainRun Desired SceneSmart GalleryTerrain Quality ManagerTiny TerrainTree TooluPanoValue ObserverFinal wordsLinks
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Ultimate Editor Enhancer is productivity toolkit for Unity Editor that simplifies working with content, adds new features to the editor, and corrects and improves the built-in behaviors of the editor.
Important: Everything in this documentation is described for default settings. In the settings window, you can disable any features that you do not need, and redefine keyboard shortcuts.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer uses the undocumented features of Unity Editor, Reflection and overrides some built-in editor methods. This means that some features may not work in future versions of Unity Editor. If after updating Unity Editor, some features have stopped working correctly, please contact us. We will fix this as soon as possible.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer only supports stable versions of Unity Editor. Support for alpha, beta and release candidate versions of Unity Editor we will implement by request.
Warning: Unsafe features will not work on Apple M architecture and turn off automatically.
OK, you have imported the asset and are ready to start. Wait a second and save your layout. Ultimate Editor Enhancer manipulates windows very actively, and sometimes (very rarely, but still) it may breaks the current layout. Choose "Window / Layouts / Save Layout to File" to save the layout and you can quickly restore it.
Additionally, we recommend that you set up gitignore and/or collabignore to exclude settings or the entire asset from your version control system.
If you are working in a team it is important to set up your version control system correctly so that all team members do not overwrite each other's settings and items. Be sure to exclude Ultimate Editor Enhancer Settings and SceneBackups folders from the version control system. If you want all team members to use the same asset settings, move the settings to a local file.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer is not compatible with uContext, but is upgradable. When you have uContext and Ultimate Editor Enhancer in your project, Migration Window will open. Follow the instructions in the window to update settings and references correctly.
Delete "Assets / Plugins / Infinity Code / Ultimate Editor Enhancer" folder, but leave Ultimate Editor Enhancer Settings folder to keep the settings. Import the asset using Package Manager.
Search and all filter fields support fuzzy search.
A fuzzy search ignores the character case of the input string, and finds the most relevant items with support of CamelHumps.
CamelHumps is a feature that identifies parts of compound names composed according to CamelCase, where each part starts with a capital letter, or when parts of a compound name are separated by underscores. You can type only initial letters of these parts, and Ultimate Editor Enhancer will find items with matching names automatically.
For example, to find an item named "Hello World", you can enter: - hw: Hello World. - hello: Hello World. - hewo: Hello World.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer automatically saves open scenes and editable assets:
Autosave can work with the same file (default) or in a separate file (SCENE_NAME_autosave).
The bookmark window can store objects of any type (GameObjects, Components, Assets, Folders) that are most important to you.
Bookmarks are stored in the assets folder and are unique to each project.
You can open the bookmark window using the key combination ALT + SHIFT + B, from the context menu or using "Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Bookmarks". Tip: Use the key combination again to hide the bookmarks window.
To add a new item to bookmarks, drag and drop it to the bookmarks window.
Items are grouped by location in the scene or in the project.
Bookmarks have two display modes: list and grid. To change the mode and size of the cell, use the slider at the bottom of the window.
To select an item, left-click on the name. Right-click to open the context menu for the item.
Click Open button to:
Double click to:
You can drag items from bookmarks to any other windows.
To quickly find an item, use a filter. The filter supports fuzzy search and search by object types. To quickly select the type of object, use the button to the right of the search box. You can filter project bookmarks by Asset Label.
If the line is highlighted, it means that the item is on the selected GameObject.
If the line is disabled (gray), this means that the item is not available (for example, it was deleted). Disabled lines are not automatically deleted, because the item may become available again.
If the item is not available, Ultimate Editor Enhancer will try once to restore the reference to the item using Instance ID or the path in the hierarchy.
When you know that the item has become available in the scene, click Refresh to update the availability of the items.
Click the right mouse button in Scene View or CTRL + SPACE (OSX: CMD + SPACE) shortcut in any window to open the context menu for selected GameObject.
Use CTRL + right mouse button (OSX: CMD + right mouse button) in Scene View to select the GameObject under the cursor and open the context menu for it.
The context menu is automatically closed by selecting any item, clicking outside the context menu or pressing ESC.
When you open the context menu in playmode, the playback will be paused.
The context menu consists of three parts: windows, breadcrumbs and actions.
Allows you to open Inspector, Hierarchy, Project, Bookmarks and any of the components of the selected GameObject in a separate window in three modes: a popup window, a tab, or a utility.
Right-click on an item to open the context menu for the item.
Click to open a popup window.
This window will be closed when it loses focus.
When you click To Tab Window, the popup window will be converted to a tab.
You can drag the window by pulling the title bar.
You can close it by clicking Close button or by pressing ESC.
CTRL + Click to open the window as a tab.
Tabs can be combined into your own unique window.
SHIFT + Click to open the window as a utility.
This window can be closed by pressing ESC.
You can add the most frequently used Unity Editor windows or third-party asset windows to your favorite windows list, and quickly open them using the context menu or the toolbar button.
You can also open your favorite windows from the context menu.
Favorite windows always open as tabs.
To change the list of windows, click Edit in the context menu or in the toolbar section.
You can add, remove, sort and rename windows. To add a new window, click the "+" button and click on the window you want to add.
Important: some windows from third-party assets require context when opened. Here windows are opened without context, which can lead to incorrect window operation. Keep this in mind when adding windows that cannot be opened from the main menu.
If GameObject is selected, a list of its components will be shown, each of which can be opened in a separate window. Left-click on the component button to open the component in a separate window. Right-click on the component button to display the context menu for the component.
If the component inherits from Behavior, Renderer, or Collider classes, you can quickly enable or disable the component using the checkbox on the left. If the component is hidden in the inspector, an eye icon will be displayed to the left of the name, clicking on which will show it.
You can drag and drop components into other windows (for example, bookmarks).
The component will be displayed as if it were part of the Inspector and supports the Custom Editor, including editor frameworks like Odin - Inspector and Serializer. A component opened as a tab or utility will always be available even if the GameObject has lost its selection.
Note: The Terrain Editor requires that a GameObject containing this Terrain be selected.
Bookmark - adds component to bookmarks. When you click the button while holding CTRL key, it opens the bookmarks window. Debug Mode - instead of component editor, shows serialized fields of the component. You can filter fields by name. The filter supports fuzzy search.
To select GameObject left-click on its name. Drag on the component name or GameObject name to start dragging it to other windows. Right-click on the name of GameObject to open the context menu for GameObject. Right-click on the component name to open the context menu for the component.
If the reference to the component is lost (for example, GameObject was destroyed), Ultimate Editor Enhancer once tries to automatically restore the reference to the component using Instance ID or the component path in the hierarchy.
If the component cannot be automatically restored when you know that the component has become available in the scene, click Try to restore.
Tip (Windows only): You can quickly open a component in a window by dragging it from the inspector to Scene View while holding CTRL.
Displays the name of the selected GameObject or the number of selected GameObjects (if multiple). When you hover on a GameObject name, the full path in the hierarchy will be shown. By pressing the left mouse button highlights GameObject in the hierarchy. Left-click and drag the name to start dragging the selected GameObjects to other windows. Right-click on the name of GameObject to open the context menu for GameObject.
If selected a non-root GameObject, Parent button will be displayed. When you click the button, the parent GameObject will be selected. When you click the button while holding CTRL key, a list of all parent GameObjects will be shown.
If the selected GameObject has neighboring GameObjects (at the same level), Neighbors button will be shown. When you click the button, the list of all neighboring GameObjects will be shown.
If the selected GameObject has child GameObjects, Childs button will be shown. When you click the button, a list of all child GameObjects will be shown.
Contains actions that can be done for a scene, view or GameObjects.
Some actions are displayed under certain conditions, for example: one or multiple GameObjects is selected, an update is available, etc.
When integrating with third-party assets (for example, Online Maps or Real World Terrain), additional elements can be added in this section.
Displayed when more than one GameObjects are selected. Allows you to align or distribute objects along the axes.
Shows a menu of creating objects.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer allows you to choose where the object will be created:
Allows you to open a previously closed scene, restore the previous selection, or a previously closed window.
Use Replace action or keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + H (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + H) to open Create Browser in replace mode.
All selected GameObjects will be replaced to the selected item.
The position, rotation and scale of GameObjects in the scene will remain.
This action contains all the basic interactions with grids, such as enable / disable snapping, setting a fixed or custom grid size, copying a grid size from a selection, or aligning selected objects. This action works for Unity Snapping System and ProGrids.
Create Camera From View - creates a permanent or temporary camera from the scene view. All temporary cameras will be destroyed when the scene starts.
Align View To Camera - align the scene view with the specified camera.
View States - allows you to save, restore or delete the view state, and open the View Gallery.
Frame Selected - frame the selected object in the scene view.
Move To View - move the selected object to the scene view.
Align With View - align the selected object with the scene view.
Align View To Selected - align the scene view with the selected object.
Allows you to calculate the distance between Transforms, points and the cursor.
To open Distance Tool select "Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Distance Tool". Add Transform or points between which you want to calculate the distance, or hover over the object to which you want to calculate the distance. To select a point in the scene, press Pick, hover over an object in the scene and press Enter.
Tip: You can drag GameObjects or components into this window to quickly add them to the list.
The distance to the previous object will be displayed under each object in the Distance Tool, and the total distance will be displayed at the bottom of the window. The distance between objects is also displayed in Scene View.
When calculating the distance to the object under the cursor, the distance to the point on the collider of the object is used, not the position of the object. Hold V to select a vertex.
You can restrict the distance calculation to the desired axes by disabling unnecessary axes using the buttons in the lower right corner of the window.
Allows you to view the built-in textures of Unity Editor.
Select "Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Editor Icon Browser" to open the window.
Click on the line to copy the texture ID.
To export an icon, right-click on a line and select Export.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer stores a history of closing scenes and allows you to quickly return to a previously closed scene.
Select "File / Open Recent Scene" menu item, or CTRL + SHIFT + O (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + O) to open a window containing previously closed scenes.
Press ENTER, click on the open button or double click on the line to open the scene. To open the scene in additive mode, right-click on the line. You can drag scenes from this window to other windows such as Build Settings.
Click the bookmark button in front of Remove button to quickly add or remove a scene from bookmarks.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer backs up open scenes 24 hours. The backup interval can be changed in the settings. If the interval is set to 0 hours, a backup copy will be made at each save.
To restore a scene backup, select Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Scene Backups in the menu. A window containing all scene backups will open. Expand the row of the desired scene and select the backup time. When you click on a time, Ultimate Editor Enhancer will ask you what you want to do:
If a scene has backup copies, but it is missing in the project (deleted), there will be a mark (missing) in the line with the scene name.
Smart Search combines the search for GameObject and components in the scene, assets in the project and items in Tools and Window menu.
Press CTRL + F (OSX: CMD + F) to show the search window under the cursor.
Important: This feature overrides the built-in CTRL + F combination.
To switch between search everywhere, by hierarchy and by project, use the buttons above the search field or TAB key.
Entering more than two characters shows up to 20 of the most relevant items.
The search is not case sensitive.
Additional search options:
If all objects are searched, then you can use the "@" prefix to search the scene, and the "#" prefix to search the project.
For each item, the component icon and the full path in the hierarchy or project are shown. If the path is longer than 65 characters, then it is truncated from the beginning. For a component in the scene, the component type is also displayed.
When you hover over an item, the full (untruncated) path in the hierarchy or project is displayed.
If you press ENTER or double click on an item, the object in the scene or project will be selected.
Right-clicking on an item displays the context menu for the item under the cursor.
By pressing CTRL + ENTER:
When you press SHIFT + ENTER, GameObject will be selected, and the scene view will be framed on this object.
If MonoScript is selected in the search, pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER will add it to the selected GameObject.
You can drag and drop items from the search to the scene and other windows.
When you want to isolate the search context to a specific folder, right-click on it in the Project window and select Search By Folder.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + T (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + T) to open the search window in the project search mode, with the script filter set.
Displays actions to the left and right of the Play button.
Displayed when a selected GameObject has a saved View State.
Click to restore view.
Displays the time since the start of the game. By default, the timer is disabled. To enable it, right-click on the timer icon, and select Timer.
Click on the timer, or select "Tools / Ultimate Editor Enhancer / Timescale" menu item to open the timescale change window. In this window you can set the desired timescale value from 0.0 to 100.0. If the window was opened by clicking on the timer, then it will automatically be closed when the focus is lost.
When you need to play a scene step by step, you can use the Stepper instead of manually pressing the Step button. This automatically takes steps at specified intervals.
Displays currently open windows, recently closed windows, favorite windows and mini layouts.
Click on an item to:
Stores up to 20 recently closed windows.
Clicking on an item restores the window to the state it had before closing.
When compiling scripts or entering play mode, the list of recent windows is cleared.
You can save your favorite windows to quickly open them.
If the window has been recently closed, then it will restore the state before closing. Otherwise, it will open in the default state.
To change the list of windows, click Edit.
You can add, delete, sort and rename windows.
To add a new window, click the "+" button, and click on the window you want to add.
Important: some windows from third-party assets require context when opening. Favorite Windows opens windows without context, which can cause the window to work incorrectly. Keep this in mind when adding windows that cannot be opened through the main menu.
Mini Layout is one or more floating docked windows. You can save and load your own window combinations.
To change the list of windows, click Edit.
You can add, delete, sort and rename windows.
To add a new window, click the "+" button, and click on the window you want to add.
Important: some windows from third-party assets require context when opening. Mini Layouts opens windows without context, which can cause the window to work incorrectly. Keep this in mind when adding windows that cannot be opened through the main menu.
By default, pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + A) shows Add Component window in the inspector, next to Add Component button. This does not work if the inspector is not currently visible (for example, with a maximized window).
Ultimate Editor Enhancer overrides this behavior:
When you press CTRL + SHIFT + A (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + A), Add Component window will be displayed under the mouse cursor, regardless of whether the inspector is currently visible.
A collection is a GameObject that has a Collection tag and unites other objects that have a common logical relationship. Usually an empty GameObject is used for this purpose, but Collection has several advantages over this method:
To create a collection select GameObject / Create Empty Collection. In addition, the collection can be automatically created when the GameObjects are grouped.
Add Flatten Collection component (if you created the collection manually). This script can flatten and remove collections at runtime.
Right-click the GameObject name in the context menu, Object Toolbar, Component window, and other Ultimate Editor Enhancer tools to display the context menu for GameObjects. If you have objects tagged with Group tag, then you can see all the groups in Groups section, and quickly move the selected GameObjects to the group.
Allows you to rotate GameObjects around a custom pivot, without changing the main pivot.
Use the Move Handle to move the pivot to the desired point. Use the Rotation Handle to rotate GameObjects. To set the pivot to a vertex, hold down V and click on the vertex.
If the selected GameObjects contain a Mesh Renderer component, a warning will be shown with a button to create the wrapper.
Press SHIFT + END to drop the selected GameObjects to the floor.
It is required that the selected GameObjects have a renderer, and the GameObject under the selection has a collider.
The selected GameObjects shoot down five rays from the corners and center of the bottom of the renderer's borders. The bottom of the renderer is aligned to the highest point of all rays that have collided.
If all the rays had no collisions, then the object will be aligned as if the rays had a collision at y = 0.
Press CTRL SHIFT + END (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + END) to open the Advanced Drop To Floor window.
In this window, you can configure the rules for dropping objects.
Also, in this mode, the selected GameObjects may not have renderers.
Allows you to quickly fill a line or area with duplicates of selected objects.
Select the Duplicate Tool, move the selected GameObjects in the desired direction to duplicate the objects. Duplicate Tool will show you a preview of how the duplicates will look, and the number of duplicates along the axes. When you have created the desired number of duplicates, simply release the left mouse button to create duplicates, or press ESC to cancel creating duplicates.
When snap to grid is enabled, duplicates will be automatically aligned to the grid. If the grid size is larger than the selection size, you will have indents between objects.
Note: The number of duplicates is limited (1000 by default). If necessary, you can increase this limit in the settings.
Select one or more GameObjects, press CTRL + G (OSX: CMD + G) and enter the name of the new parent GameObject. A new GameObject with the specified name will be created, located in the common parent GameObject (if present), or in the root of the scene. Selected GameObjects will be moved as children of the new parent GameObject, with saving the position in the scene.
If only one GameObject was grouped, will be suggested name - {ORIGINAL NAME} Container.
In Parent field, you can specify GameObject that will be the parent of the group.
You can specify the position of the group:
If the group should be a collection, enable the corresponding flag.
This feature allows you to quickly move selected objects to a desired point in the scene. You can select one or multiple objects, point to the desired location and press the "C" key to activate this feature. The object(s) will then move to the specified location.
Allows you to move and rotate the current object without affecting child objects. Important: If the current object contains content (such as an Image or Mesh), this will be moved.
Hold Alt to show guides.
To set a pivot based on a vertex, hold V, hover over the vertex, and click the left mouse button.
To set the orientation based on two vertices, hold SHIFT, hover and left-click on the first vertex, then the second vertex, and select the axis. Important: The order of the vertices matters. If you got the direction upside down, repeat the steps by selecting the second vertex first.
To set the pivot to the center of the GameObject use the Alt + C key combination.
Pressing F2 while the focus is on the Scene View, Inspector, Component Window, or the context menu is open, the rename window for the selected GameObject will open. Enter a new name and press OK or ENTER to rename the selected GameObject.
Press F2 while multiple GameObjects are selected will open the mass rename window. In Preview field you can see what the new name of the first GameObject will look like.
Mass rename supports tokens: {C} – counter with step 1. Will be replaced with a number from 1 to N, where N is the number of selected GameObjects. {C:N} – counter with the specified initial value. {S} – the sibling index of the object in the scene or parent GameObject. {X:Y} – substring, where X is the character number of the beginning of the substring (starting from 0) and Y is the number of characters. X and / or Y can be omitted. If X is omitted, 0 will be used. If X is negative, the substring will start with |X| character from the end of the line. If Y is omitted, the remaining number of characters will be used (Length subtract |X|). If Y is negative, the remaining number of characters will be used subtract |Y| last characters.
Example: You have "Cube 01" and "Sphere 02" and you want to move the number in front of the name, use the following expression: {-2:} {:-3}. This expression means: two characters from the end of the line + space (between brackets) + all characters except the last three.
Allows you to quickly rotate selected GameObjects 90 degrees along the axes. With the cursor over Scene View, press CTRL + SHIFT + KEY (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + KEY) to rotate objects: LEFT / RIGHT ARROWS - rotates the selected objects along the Y axis. UP / DOWN ARROWS - rotates the selected objects along the axis perpendicular to Scene View camera (from myself / to myself). PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN - rotates the selected objects along the axis parallel to Scene View camera (tilt left / right).
Select one or more prefabs in the scene, all instances of which you want to select. Click Edit / Select Prefab Instances to select all instances of the selected prefabs.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer saves the history of object selections in the scene and in the project.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + Comma (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + Comma) to restore the previous selection.
Ultimate Editor Enhancer stores up to 20 history entries.
If you restored the selection one or more times, then press CTRL + SHIFT + Period (OSX: CMD + SHIFT + Period) to go to the next selection entry.
In addition, you can switch between the selection entries using the context menu:
Open the context menu, select Selection History action and select the selection entry that you need.
Important: when you start a scene or recompile scripts, the selection history is reset.
Select one or more GameObjects and press CTRL + ALT + G (OSX: CMD + ALT + G).
All child GameObjects will be moved one level higher, and the selected GameObjects will be deleted. If GameObject is a prefab instance, it will be unpacked and then ungrouped.
To set the background for a row in the hierarchy and its children, right-click on GameObject icon and select the desired background color. If you want the background to be only for the current row, set Recursive - OFF.
In the settings, you can specify rules for backgrounds to automate the markup of the hierarchy.
Instead of the GameObject icon (to the left of the name), it displays the icon of the best component that this GameObject contains. If GameObject is a prefab, then the prefab icon will still be displayed. If GameObject has a group tag and only the transform component, the group icon will be displayed.
On the hovered line, the add to bookmarks button will be displayed. If GameObject is already bookmarked, it will always display a bookmarked icon, clicking on which will remove GameObject from bookmarks. Right clicking on the bookmarks icon will open the bookmarks window.