Action< float > | OnCompassChanged |
| This event is called when the user rotates the device.
OnGetLocationDelegate | OnGetLocation |
| This event allows you to intercept receiving a GPS location.
Action | OnFindLocationByIPComplete |
| This event is called when the IP location are found.
Action< Vector2 > | OnLocationChanged |
| This event is called when changed your GPS location.
Action | OnLocationInited |
| This event is called when the GPS is initialized (the first value is received) or location by IP is found.
Action | OnPositionRestored |
| This event called after map position restored when timeout "Restore After" expires.
bool | autoStopUpdateOnInput = true |
| Update stop position when user input.
float | compassThreshold = 8 |
| Threshold of compass.
bool | createMarkerInUserPosition = false |
| Specifies the need to create a marker that indicates the current GPS coordinates.
bool | disableEmulatorInPublish = true |
| Indicates whether to disable the emulator when used on the device.
float | emulatorCompass |
| Emulated compass trueHeading. Do not use this field. Use OnlineMapsLocationService.trueHeading instead.
Vector2 | emulatorPosition |
| Emulated GPS position. Do not use this field. Use OnlineMapsLocationService.position instead.
bool | findLocationByIP = false |
| Specifies whether to search for a location by IP.
bool | lerpCompassValue = true |
| Smooth rotation by compass. This helps to bypass the jitter.
float | markerScale = 1 |
| Scale of the marker.
string | markerTooltip |
| Tooltip of the marker.
OnlineMapsLocationServiceMarkerType | markerType = OnlineMapsLocationServiceMarkerType.twoD |
| Type of the marker.
OnlineMapsAlign | marker2DAlign = OnlineMapsAlign.Center |
| Align of the 2D marker.
Texture2D | marker2DTexture |
| Texture of 2D marker.
GameObject | marker3DPrefab |
| Prefab of 3D marker.
OnlineMapsMarker3D.SizeType | marker3DSizeType = OnlineMapsMarker3D.SizeType.scene |
| Marker size type.
int | maxPositionCount = 3 |
| The maximum number of stored positions.
It is used to calculate the speed.
Vector2 | position = Vector2.zero |
| Current GPS coordinates.
Important: position not available Start, because GPS is not already initialized.
Use OnLocationInited event, to determine the initialization of GPS.
int | restoreAfter = 10 |
| Use the GPS coordinates after seconds of inactivity.
bool | rotateCameraByCompass = false |
| Rotates the camera through a compass. Requires OnlineMapsCameraOrbit component.
float | trueHeading = 0 |
| The heading in degrees relative to the geographic North Pole.
Important: position not available Start, because compass is not already initialized.
Use OnCompassChanged event, to determine the initialization of compass.
bool | updateEmulatorPositionByMarker = false |
| Specifies the need to update the position of the emulator by marker position.
bool | updatePosition = true |
| Specifies whether the script will automatically update the location.
bool | useCompassForMarker = false |
| Specifies the need for marker rotation.
bool | useGPSEmulator = false |
| Specifies GPS emulator usage. Works only in Unity Editor.
Controls map using Location Service (GPS and compass).