Smart Gallery v1.1
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CContentTypeThe base class for content types
 CRawImageContentThe base class for content types that use the RawImage to display content
 CAudioContentThe class for content types that use the RawImage to display audio content
 CRemoteTextureContentClass for displaying remote textures
 CTextureContentThe content type for displaying textures
 CVideoContentThe base class for content types that use the VideoPlayer component to display content
 CLocalVideoContentThe class for displaying local video content
 CRemoteVideoContentThe class for displaying remote video content
 CUIPrefabContentThe content type for displaying UI prefabs
 CFrameThe frame of the gallery
 CFramesThe collection of frames in the gallery
 CGalleryRepresents a gallery
 CInteractionLockerThe locker for interaction with the module
 CLoaderThe loader of the gallery
 CColliderLoaderThe loader for the GameObject
 CUILoaderThe loader for the UI elements that can be clicked
 CMessageSystemMessageSystem class is responsible for handling and triggering various events
 CModuleThis class is used as a base for all modules in the SmartGallery
 CAnimatedModuleThe base class for modules that have animation
 CContentModuleModule for interacting with the content of the gallery
 CTransitionAbstract class for animating content when switching between frames
 CContinuousTransitionAbstract class for continuous content transition
 CFadeClass for switching content with a fade effect
 CHorizontalFlipClass for switching content with a horizontal flip animation
 CHorizontalSlideClass for switching content with a horizontal slide animation
 CHorizontalSlideAndFadeClass for switching content with a horizontal slide and fade animation
 CVerticalFlipClass for switching content with a vertical flip animation
 CVerticalSlideClass for switching content with a vertical slide animation
 CVerticalSlideAndFadeClass for switching content with a vertical slide and fade animation
 CImmediateClass for the immediate switch between frames
 CPropertyThe property of the frame
 CPropertyNamesGeneral property names
 CPropertyValueThe value of the property
 CPropertyWeightsWeights of general properties
 CRemoteTextureDataThe data of the remote texture
 CViewerProvides functionality for navigating through frames, accessing properties of frames, and interacting with modules. It also handles the initialization and destruction of the viewer