Class control the map for the Tileset. Tileset - a dynamic mesh, created at runtime.
Vector2 | GetCoordsByWorldPosition (Vector3 position) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates by world position.
bool | GetCoordsByWorldPosition (Vector3 position, out double lng, out double lat) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates by world position.
bool | GetCoordsByWorldPosition (Vector3 position, out double lng, out double lat, out float altitude) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates by world position.
override Vector2 | GetScreenPosition (double lng, double lat) |
| Converts geographical coordinate to position in screen space.
bool | GetTileByWorldPosition (Vector3 position, out double tx, out double ty) |
| Returns the tile coordinates by world position.
override void | OnAwakeBefore () |
| Event that occurs before Awake.
void | Resize (int width, int height, bool changeSizeInScene=true) |
| Resize map.
void | Resize (int width, int height, float sizeX, float sizeZ) |
| Resize map.
void | Resize (int width, int height, Vector2 sizeInScene) |
| Resize map.
override void | UpdateControl () |
| Updates the current control.
override void | GetPosition (double lng, double lat, out double px, out double py) |
| Converts geographical coordinate to position in the scene relative to the top-left corner of the map in map space.
Vector3 | GetWorldPosition (Vector2 coords) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space.
Vector3 | GetWorldPosition (double lng, double lat) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space.
Vector3 | GetWorldPositionWithElevation (double lng, double lat) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space with elevation.
Vector3 | GetWorldPositionWithElevation (Vector2 coords, Vector2 topLeftPosition, Vector2 bottomRightPosition) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space with elevation.
Vector3 | GetWorldPositionWithElevation (Vector2 coords, double tlx, double tly, double brx, double bry) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space with elevation.
Vector3 | GetWorldPositionWithElevation (double lng, double lat, double tlx, double tly, double brx, double bry) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space with elevation.
Vector3 | GetWorldPositionWithElevation (double lng, double lat, float altitude) |
| Converts geographical coordinates to position in world space with elevation.
OnlineMapsMarkerInstanceBase | GetBillboardMarkerFromScreen (Vector2 screenPosition) |
| Gets billboard marker on the screen position.
override IOnlineMapsInteractiveElement | GetInteractiveElement (Vector2 screenPosition) |
| Get the interactive element located at the screen position.
virtual OnlineMapsTile | CreateTile (int x, int y, int zoom, bool isMapTile=true) |
| Creates a new tile.
Vector2 | GetCoords () |
| Returns the geographical coordinates of the location where the cursor is.
Vector2 | GetCoords (Vector2 position) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates at the specified coordinates of the screen.
bool | GetCoords (out double lng, out double lat) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates of the location where the cursor is.
bool | GetCoords (Vector2 position, out double lng, out double lat) |
| Returns the geographical coordinates of the location where the position is.
Vector2 | GetInputPosition () |
| Returns the current cursor position.
Vector2 | GetPosition (Vector2 coords) |
| Converts geographical coordinate to position in the scene relative to the top-left corner of the map in map space.
virtual Rect | GetRect () |
| Screen area occupied by the map.
OnlineMapsSavableItem[] | GetSavableItems () |
| Returns an array of items to save.
Vector2 | GetScreenPosition (Vector2 coords) |
| Converts geographical coordinate to position in screen space.
bool | GetTile (Vector2 position, out double tx, out double ty) |
| Gets a tile by screen position.
int | GetTouchCount () |
| Returns the current number of touches.
void | InvokeBasePress () |
| Invokes OnMapBasePress.
void | InvokeBaseRelease () |
| Invokes OnMapBaseRelease.
bool | IsCursorOnUIElement (Vector2 position) |
| Whether the screen position is on UI element.
virtual void | SetTexture (Texture2D texture) |
| Specifies the texture, which will draw the map. In texture must be enabled "Read / Write Enabled".
void | UpdateLastPosition () |
| Force updates the latest coordinates of cursor.
bool | ZoomOnPoint (float zoomOffset, Vector2 screenPosition) |
| Changes the zoom keeping a specified point on same place.
Action< OnlineMapsTile, Material > | OnChangeMaterialTexture |
| The event, which occurs when the changed texture tile maps.
Action< OnlineMapsTile, Material > | OnDrawTile |
| The event that occurs after draw the tile.
Action< OnlineMapsTile, Material > | OnUpdateMapSubMeshLate |
| The event that occurs after draw the tile. The difference with OnDrawTile is that it is always called for the original tile, whether or not it was loaded.
OnlineMapsColliderType | colliderType = OnlineMapsColliderType.fullMesh |
| Type of collider: box - for performance, mesh - for elevation.
bool | compressTextures = true |
| Compress texture to reduce memory usage.
Plane? | dragPlane |
| Plane by using which the map is dragged. Exists only during drag.
GameObject | drawingsGameObject |
| Container for drawing elements.
OnlineMapsTilesetDrawingMode | drawingMode = OnlineMapsTilesetDrawingMode.meshes |
| Drawing API mode (meshes or overlay).
Shader | drawingShader |
| Shader of drawing elements.
bool | overlayFromParentTiles = true |
| Whether the overlay from the parent tiles should be shown.
Material | tileMaterial |
| Material that will be used for tile.
Shader | tilesetShader |
| Shader of map.
Action | OnMeshUpdated |
| Event that occurs after the map mesh has been updated.
Action | OnUpdateMeshAfter |
| The event is called after updating the map mesh.
Action | OnUpdateMeshBefore |
| The event is called before updating the map mesh.
OnlineMapsTilesetCheckMarker2DVisibility | checkMarker2DVisibility = OnlineMapsTilesetCheckMarker2DVisibility.pivot |
| Type of checking 2D markers on visibility.
int | elevationResolution = 32 |
| Resolution of the elevation map.
Material | markerMaterial |
| Material that will be used for marker.
Shader | markerShader |
| Shader of markers.
Vector2 | sizeInScene = new Vector2(1024, 1024) |
| Size of the map in the scene.
Action | OnUpdate3DMarkers |
| Called when drawing 3d markers.
Camera | activeCamera |
| The camera you are using to display the map.
OnlineMapsElevationManagerBase | elevationManager |
| Reference to the elevation manager.
OnlineMapsMarker2DMode | marker2DMode = OnlineMapsMarker2DMode.flat |
| Mode of 2D markers. Bake in texture or Billboard.
float | marker2DSize = 100 |
| Size of billboard markers.
OnlineMapsMarker3DManager | marker3DManager |
| Reference to marker 3D manager.
Action | OnDrawMarkers |
| Event that occurs when need to draw markers.
Func< Vector2 > | OnGetInputPosition |
| Event intercepts getting current cursor position.
Func< Vector2[]> | OnGetMultitouchInputPositions |
| The event intercepts getting of the current multitouch points.
Func< int > | OnGetTouchCount |
| Event intercepts getting number of touches.
Action | OnMapClick |
| Event that occurs when you click on the map.
Action | OnMapDoubleClick |
| Event that occurs when you double-click on the map.
Action | OnMapDrag |
| Event that occurs when you drag the map.
Action | OnMapLongPress |
| Event that occurs when you long press the map.
Action | OnMapPress |
| Event that occurs when you press on the map.
Action | OnMapRelease |
| Event that occurs when you release the map.
Action | OnMapZoom |
| Event that occurs when you zoom the map.
Action | OnSmoothZoomBegin |
| Event, which occurs when the smooth zoom is started.
Action | OnSmoothZoomFinish |
| Event, which occurs when the smooth zoom is finish.
Action | OnSmoothZoomInit |
| Event, which occurs when the smooth zoom is starts init.
Action | OnSmoothZoomProcess |
| Event, which occurs when the smooth zoom is process.
Action | OnUpdateAfter |
| Event that occurs at end Update.
Action | OnUpdateBefore |
| Event that occurs at start Update.
Predicate< GameObject > | OnValidateCursorOnUIElement |
| Event validating that cursor is on UI element.
True - cursor on UI element, false - otherwise.
Func< OnlineMapsZoomEvent, float, bool > | OnValidateZoom |
| Event validating that current zoom event is allowed.
True - zoom is allowed, false - forbidden.
Texture2D | activeTexture |
| Texture, which will draw the map.
To change the texture use OnlineMapsControlBase.SetTexture.
bool | allowZoom = true |
| Specifies whether the user can change zoom of the map.
bool | allowUserControl = true |
| Specifies whether the user can manipulate the map.
bool | checkScreenSizeForWheelZoom = true |
| Check that the input position is on the screen.
OnlineMapsDrawingElementManager | drawingElementManager |
| Reference to drawing element manager.
bool | isMapDrag |
| Specifies whether to move map.
bool | invertTouchZoom = false |
| Inverts the map touch zoom for mobile devices.
OnlineMapsMarkerManager | markerManager |
| Reference to marker manager.
bool | smoothZoom = true |
| Specifies whether to use a smooth touch zoom.
bool | zoomInOnDoubleClick = true |
| Allows you to zoom the map when double-clicked.
OnlineMapsZoomMode | zoomMode = |
| Mode of zoom.
float | zoomSensitivity = 1 |
| Sensitivity of the touch zoom.
float | zoomSpeed = 1 |
| Zoom speed with any interaction (wheel, double click, touch)
static new OnlineMapsTileSetControl | instance [get] |
| Singleton instance of OnlineMapsTileSetControl control.
OnlineMapsVector2i | bufferPosition [get, set] |
| Position of the buffer.
Vector3 | center [get] |
| The center point of the map (without elevations) in local space.
bool | hasElevation [get] |
| Returns true when the elevation manager is available and enabled.
static new OnlineMapsControlBaseDynamicMesh | instance [get] |
| Singleton instance of OnlineMapsControlBaseDynamicMesh.
Camera | currentCamera [get] |
| Reference to current camera.
static new OnlineMapsControlBase3D | instance [get] |
| Singleton instance of OnlineMapsControlBase3D control.
Collider | cl [get] |
| Reference to the collider.
MeshFilter | meshFilter [get] |
| MeshFilter of the map.
OnlineMapsMarker3DDrawer | marker3DDrawer [get, set] |
| Get/set marker 3D drawer.
Renderer | rendererInstance [get] |
| Reference to the renderer.
static OnlineMapsControlBase | instance [get] |
| Singleton instance of map control.
virtual bool | allowMarkerScreenRect [get] |
| Indicates whether it is possible to get the screen coordinates store. True - for 2D map, false - for the 3D map.
virtual bool | allowTouchZoom [get] |
| Indicates whether it is possible to use the touch zoom.
OnlineMapsMarkerBase | dragMarker [get, set] |
| Marker that dragged at the moment.
OnlineMapsMarker2DDrawer | markerDrawer [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the marker drawer.
OnlineMaps | map [get] |
| Reference to map instance.
virtual bool | mipmapForTiles [get, set] |
| Mipmap for tiles.
virtual Rect | screenRect [get] |
| Screen area occupied by the map.
bool | resultIsTexture [get] |
| Whether the current control draws to a texture.
virtual OnlineMapsTarget | resultType [get] |
| The result type of the current control.
virtual bool | useRasterTiles [get] |
| Whether the current control uses raster tiles.
virtual Rect | uvRect [get] |
| UV rectangle used by the texture of the map. NGUI: uiTexture.uvRect. Other: new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);.
Class control the map for the Tileset. Tileset - a dynamic mesh, created at runtime.