
We provide support by e-mail in English and Russian, and by the forum and Discord in English.

If you find the assets useful and want to support the development: buymeacoffee

Important: we do not provide support in the reviews section of the asset store.
If you have questions or something does not work correctly, please use another way to contact us.


Which way should i use:
Any way that is more convenient for you.
We are guaranteed to reply you in 24 hours.
In most cases, we will respond much faster.

We manually control the spam folder, so do not worry, if your e-mail is marked as spam, we will see it and in any case will send you a reply.
Sometimes (very rarely) errors occur when sending an e-mail, and we simply cannot reply to your e-mail.
If for some reason you did not receive a response within 24 hours, please try using a different way.


What is included in the support:

  • Fixing found bugs.
    We adhere to the principle of zero-day fixes.
    This means that you will most likely receive the updated version in 24 hours.
    If fixing a bug requires more time, we will let you know the timing of fixing the problem.
  • Consulting on the current features of the asset;
  • Consulting on how to implement the required features;
  • Creating example scripts and training videos;
  • Development of new features by request, including integration with third-party assets.
    Important: the requested feature should be useful for all users of the asset, and not just for you.
    And, of course, the feature will be added if we can implement it.


What is NOT included in the support:

  • Learning the basics of Unity and C#.
    Of course, we will send a link to the documentation page where you can read about it.
    But please do not abuse it.
  • Development of your project in whole or in part.
    Theoretically, you can hire us to implement the required feature.
    But keep in mind that it will be expensive, and it only makes sense if need to develop a some specific feature.
    We have huge experience and full knowledge of the features of our assets, and we can implement the required feature MUCH faster than your programmers.
    If you want to request a price, contact us by e-mail.