Mesh to Terrain

Mesh Converter For Unity

Mesh to Terrain is a tool for easily and quickly converting a 3D terrain model created in 3ds Max, Terragen or any other editor to Unity Terrains.
Mesh to Terrain can convert textures to SplatPrototypes (Terrain Layers), generate terrain from several models and split the model into several terrains.

• Unlimited number of models and terrains to convert;
• Terrains are created in the same place where the meshes;
• Convert the textures of models to textures of terrain;
• Seamless result, when working with multiple terrains;
• Can generate holes;
• Manually adding models or automatic detection of all models in the layer;
• No need to manually add the components of physics;
• Integration (optional): Huge Texture, Relief Terrain Pack;
• Built-in update system.


Best Reviews

Amazingly easy and super fast support!

This plugin is so easy to use and has saved me hours of work in converting some levels that the artist had created (as a mesh) into terrains that I can work with.

I was having a few issues with this initially though, but this was mainly down to my own stupidity (although, in my defence I did find a small bug)! Needless to say, the support I received was amazingly fast (real time in fact). Very impressed with this alone.

In summary, this tool has been invaluable, and the support top notch.

Best of Both Worlds

If you want to use modular assets in your level design but then also take advantage of the benefits offered by many of the terrain tools on the asset store then this is a great utility. You can piece together your environment exactly the way you want, then convert those meshes into Unity Terrain and use your tool of choice for further stamp, procedural, and/or spline (river, road, etc.) operations. Works great.

Project Saver

I was working on a landscaping visualization project with very specific elevations and plant placements.  The only way I could have achieved such precision was by building terrain inside of a 3d modeling package.  Optimization problems arose when I needed to place vegetation in the scene on custom terrains.  

Downloading this tool allowed me to convert my custom terrains into unity terrains allowing me to paint vegetation to my heart's content.  Life saver!

See also

Terrain Quality Manager
Terrain Quality Manager is a tool for changing the resolution of Unity Terrain maps (Heightmap, Detailmap, Alphamap and Basemap) without losing data.
If you want to increase the quality of terrain, or optimize terrain for better performance, with this tool we can do it easily and quickly, with just a couple of clicks.